
2021年 中目黒オフィス10大ニュース

(English followed by Japanese.)




そうしたら出るわ出るわ。30ちかくのノミネーションがあり、これはまずいということで「ひとり3票あげるから投票してー」とGoogle Formで投票してもらい、その中から上位の得票があったTop10を10大ニュースとして選びました。結果は私以外まだ誰も知らないので、中目黒オフィスのメンバーもこの記事で初めて知ることになります。では、10位から発表していきます!

10位 Nissan Ambition 2030発表

11月29日に発表されたばかりの長期ビジョン「Nissan Ambition 2030」が10位に選ばれました。2030年は遠いようでそんなに遠くない未来かもしれません。10年後の未来の自分は今の自分にどんなアドバイスをするかなぁ、なんてことを考るのですが、きっと今の自分と同じように「迷わず行けよ、いけばわかるさ」とアントニオ猪木先生の言葉を繰り返すんだと思います。
「Nissan Ambition 2030」については、是非こちらをご覧ください。

9位 GoとGraphQLの導入


あるプロジェクトのサーバーサイド開発において、我々が使いなれたJavaやRESTful APIで開発を行うよりも、技術の幅を増やす良い機会と捉えて今まで使ったことのなかったGo言語およびGraphQLの導入にチャレンジしました。特にGraphQLはクライアント側とバックエンド側が一緒にスキーマを議論して設計し、そのスキーマに基づいて実装するというやり方を経験できたので、我々の今後の開発において単に使える技術を増やしただけではない良い経験になったと思います。

8位 ナカメブログ始動


7位 エヴァンゲリオンついに完結

らしい結果というか、ナカメブログ始動よりもエヴァ完結が上位に来る、その結果に私自身も納得感しかございません。宇多田ヒカルさんの"One Last Kiss"ばかりを運転中に聞いていた1年でした。さようなら、すべてのエヴァンゲリオン!

6位 NissanConnectサービスの成熟と発展

日産自動車は長い歴史を持つ完成車メーカーですが、プロダクトマネジメントチームの根本さんの記事にあったようにNissanConnectというConnected Carサービスを提供しはじめてから数年、やっと内外にNissanConnectサービスが認知され始め、対応するモデルも増え、使ってくれるお客さまも増えてきました。そんな成熟と発展を手触り感を持って感じられるようになった、というニュースが6位に選ばれました。



5位 ARIYA Limited発表と全国展示会

6月のARIYA Limitedの発表会を皮切りに、全国各地での展示会や試乗会、YouTubeライブ配信など、中目黒オフィスメンバーが直接お客様にNissanConnectサービスをご紹介する機会を多く持たせていただきました。ARIYAには中目黒オフィスだけではなく全ての日産自動車開発者の思いが詰まっています。是非、本社ギャラリーなどでご覧ください。

4位 ノート 日本カーオブザイヤー受賞

ARIYAに続いて宣伝みたいになって恐縮ですが、今月飛び込んできたとても嬉しいニュースが4位に選ばれました。ノートはRJCカーオブザイヤーと合わせてダブル受賞、ノート オーラはRJCカーオブザイヤー、日本車伝統カーオブザイヤー、日本カーブザイヤーと三冠独占という結果に、自信を持ってノート、ノート オーラを送り出した開発者にとっても、日産自動車にとっても、とても明るいニュースとなりました。

3位 Flutterの導入


2位 新しい仲間たち



1位 NissanConnectアプリ 毎月リリース






Hello, this is Kenjiro from Nissan Motor.

Time flies, and we are almost at the end of 2021. Since this will be the last post on the Nissan Nakame Blog in 2021, I would like to share with you the Nakameguro office's 10 biggest news of the year.


In writing this article, I thought "I'd like to look back on this year for the last Nakame blog in 2021", so I made this request on Slack.

There were about 30 nominations, and I decided that this was not a good idea, so I asked people to vote via Google Form, saying "I'll give you 3 votes each, so you can vote for the best 3", and I chose the top 10 with the most votes as the 10 biggest news. No one but me knows the results yet, so this is the first time the Nakameguro office members have heard about it. So here we go, starting with the 10th!

10th Nissan Ambition 2030 announced

Nissan Ambition 2030, the long-term vision that was just announced on November 29th, has been selected for the 10th place. 2030 may seem far away, but it is not that far in the future. I wonder what advice my future self will give to my current self, but I'm sure he will repeat the words of Antonio Inoki, "Don't hesitate to go, you'll understand."
For more information about "Nissan Ambition 2030", please visit here.

9th Introducing Go and GraphQL

The news that the Backend & Web team introduced the programming languages Go and GraphQL to their server-side development as a new challenge for this year, which I introduced in my previous article, was chosen as the 9th place. I can't talk about the specifics for adult reasons, but I asked Morishita-san to comment on behalf of the team.

In the server-side development of a project, we took it as a good opportunity to increase the range of our technologies and tried to introduce Go language and GraphQL, which we had never used before, rather than developing with Java and RESTful API, which we were familiar with. Especially with GraphQL, we were able to experience how the client side and backend side discuss and design the schema together, and then implement it based on that schema. I think this was a good experience for us, and not just an increase in the number of technologies we can use in our future development.

8th Start of Nakame Blog

As I mentioned in my article about why I started the Nissan Nakame blog, I am finding many discoveries and signs of possibilities by actually starting it. I'm honestly happy that my colleagues in the Nakameguro office are taking a positive view of what I'm trying to communicate, and I think my 8th place ranking reflects that.

7th Evangelion Finally Concludes

I can't help but feel satisfied with the result that the completion of Evangelion is ranked higher than the start of the Nakame blog. It's been a year of listening to Hikaru Utada's "One Last Kiss" while driving. Goodbye, all Evangelions!

6th Maturity of NissanConnect service

Nissan is a complete car manufacturer with a long history, but as Mr. Nemoto of the Product Management Team mentioned in his article, it has been a few years since they started offering the NissanConnect connected car service. The number of compatible models has increased, and the number of customers who use the service has also increased. The news that we can now feel the maturity and development of the service with a sense of touch was selected for the 6th place.

5th ARIYA announcement and exhibition in Japan

Starting with the ARIYA Limited launch in June, the Nakameguro office members had many opportunities to introduce NissanConnect service directly to customers, including exhibitions, test drives, and live YouTube broadcasts throughout Japan. ARIYA is filled with the thoughts of all Nissan developers, not just those in the Nakameguro office. We hope you will visit our headquarters gallery to see it.

4th Nissan Note Wins Japan Car of the Year Award

I'm afraid this is going to sound like an advertisement following ARIYA, but a very happy news that came in this month has been selected for the 4th place. The Note won the double award together with the RJC Car of the Year, and the Note Aura won the triple crown of RJC Car of the Year, Traditional Japanese Car of the Year, and Japanese Car of the Year. It was a very good news for Nissan and the developers of the Note and Note Aura.

3rd Introducing Flutter

The introduction of Flutter in the mobile application team was selected as the third place. Using cross-platform frameworks such as ReactNative and Flutter in the automotive industry may not be something new, but I'll tell you about how we decided that this year was the right time and decided to take on the challenge here when the time comes. For now, feel the atmosphere with Kanda-san's FlutterKaigi2021 deck.

2nd New members

New friends joined us again this year. Ishii-san in the Backend & Web team, Takagaki-san and Yamada-san in the Product Management team, Shiro-san in the UI/UX team, and Tanaka-san in the Project Management team. They have all become indispensable members of the Nakameguro office. With each new member bringing their own unique personality, strengths, and experiences, the Nakameguro office has become a stronger, more fun, and more interesting team. I am also really happy that this news made it to the second place.

And now for the first of the 10 biggest news stories from the Nakameguro office...

1st NissanConnect App Released Monthly

Due to the nature of the application being connected to the vehicle, we have only been able to update the NissanConnect application once every few months. However, as customers' lifestyles change drastically due to a variety of circumstances, we realized that we could not provide sufficient lifetime value with that frequency, so we took on the challenge of monthly updates in 2021. We started this in April and delivered a total of 51 functions to our customers, which have been well received. I think the fact that our efforts were chosen as number one reflects our Nakameguro office's commitment to always putting our customers first.


As I look back on 2021 through the lens of the 10 biggest news stories from the Nakameguro office, it was a year of many challenges. The challenges were not only fun and challenging, but the lessons we learned from them have been invaluable assets. The challenges that we took on together, not only at the Nakameguro office, but also with our various Nissan colleagues, and the challenges that we took on together as Nissan Motor, have become our assets for the future in the form of bonds.

    There is the present and then there is the future.
    For the future, there is the present.

With these thoughts in mind, I would like to conclude this year.
All of us at the Nakameguro office wish you all the best for the coming year. Have a great new year!