
北海道文教大学2017年・英文法語法問題演習【江南ネクサス英語塾】【大学入試過去問 英語力爆上げ 成績UP 大学受験】

(1) I ( ) so hard this week, so I think I deserve a day off tomorrow.
1 should be working 2 could have worked 3 have been working
4 had been working

(2) I could not help ( ) out loud when I saw the photo you uploaded on Facebook.
1 laugh 2 to laugh 3 laughter 4 laughing

(3) Don't worry. By the time you ( ) there, the sky will clear up!
1 arrive 2 to arrive 3 arriving 4 will arrive

(4) Getting information from various sources is of vital importance today so ( ) not to have biased views.
1 for 2 as 3 that 4 much

(5) I love this song! It ( ) me of the town I grew up in.
1 recalls 2 reminds 3 remembers 4 refreshes

(6) I ( ) a lot to you for helping me with this paper!
1 appreciate 2 thank 3 owe 4 acknowledge

(7) It took me ( ) hour to figure out what he meant in the e-mail he sent us.
1 double 2 half 3 half a 4 half an

(8) ( ) you need is a good night sleep and you will feel fine again tomorrow.
1 That 2 One 3 What 4 Thing

(9) I am so sorry for having kept you ( ) for so long.
1 wait 2 to wait 3 waiting 4 waited

(10) All ( ) glitters is not gold.
1 that 2 which 3 who 4 the things

(1) I ( 3 have been working ) so hard this week, so I think I deserve a day off tomorrow. 解説: 「今週は一生懸命働いてきた」の意味で、現在完了進行形の「have been working」が適切です。

(2) I could not help ( 4 laughing ) out loud when I saw the photo you uploaded on Facebook. 解説: 「笑わずにはいられなかった」の意味で、動名詞の「laughing」が適切です。

(3) Don’t worry. By the time you ( 1 arrive ) there, the sky will clear up! 解説: 「あなたがそこに到着する頃には」の意味で、基本形の「arrive」が適切です。時や条件を表す副詞節の中では、未来のことでも現在形で表現します。

(4) Getting information from various sources is of vital importance today so ( 2 as ) not to have biased views. 解説: 「偏った視点を持たないように」の意味で、「as」が適切です。so as not to doで「…しないように」という意味を表します。

(5) I love this song! It ( 2 reminds ) me of the town I grew up in. 解説: 「私が育った町を思い出させてくれる」の意味で、「reminds」が適切です。

(6) I ( 3 owe ) a lot to you for helping me with this paper! 解説: 「あなたにはこの論文を手伝ってもらったおかげで大いに借りがある」の意味で、「owe」が適切です。

(7) It took me ( 4 half an ) hour to figure out what he meant in the e-mail he sent us. 解説: 「彼が私たちに送ったメールで何を意味していたのかを理解するのに半時間かかった」の意味で、「half an」が適切です。

(8) ( 3 What ) you need is a good night sleep and you will feel fine again tomorrow. 解説: 「あなたが必要としているのは」の意味で、「What」が適切です。

(9) I am so sorry for having kept you ( 3 waiting ) for so long. 解説: 「あなたをこんなに長く待たせてしまって申し訳ない」の意味で、動名詞の「waiting」が適切です。

(10) All ( 1 that ) glitters is not gold. 解説: 「すべて輝くものが金とは限らない」の意味で、「that」が適切です。このフレーズはプローブ(ことわざ)で、「見かけに騙されないように」という意味があります。

