
立命館大学2017年(後期)・英文法語法問題演習【江南ネクサス英語塾】【大学受験 過去問 成績UP 英語力爆上げ】


(A) I ( ) for this project since 1998.
(1) am working (2) have worked (3) will have worked
(4) work

(B) The problem should ( ) immediately.
(1) be solved (2) be solving (3) solve (4) to solve

(C) They went to the party ( ) they had a test the next day.
(1) despite (2) even (3) even though
(4) in spite of

(D) Her voice was very quiet, so ( ) hear what she said.
(1) I had difficulty (2) I was difficult to (3) it was difficult to
(4) she was difficult to

(E) Our company wants to hire ( ) great ability.
(1) woman of (2) woman's (3) women of (4) women's

(F) I was the last ( ) one in the marathon.
(1) and (2) but (3) on (4) to

(G) Hardly ( ) gone to bed when our baby started to cry.
(1) had I (2) have I (3) I had (4) I have

(H) She demanded that he ( ) to her for his behavior.
(1) apologize (2) apologized (3) apologizes (4) would apologize


(A) I ( ) for this project since 1998. 正解: (2) have worked 解説: 「since 1998」は過去から現在までの期間を表すので、現在完了形「have worked」が適切です。

(B) The problem should ( ) immediately. 正解: (1) be solved 解説: 「should」の後には動詞の原形が来ます。また、受動形を作るためには「be + 過去分詞」が必要なので、「be solved」が正解です。

(C)  They went to the party ( ) they had a test the next day. 正解: (3) even though 解説: 「even though」は「〜にもかかわらず」という意味で、文脈からすると「試験があるにもかかわらずパーティーに行った」という意味が適切です。

(D) Her voice was very quiet, so ( ) hear what she said. 正解: (1) I had difficulty 解説: 「so」の後には結果を表す文が来ます。「I had difficulty hearing what she said」は「彼女の言っていることを聞くのが難しかった」という意味になります。

(E) Our company wants to hire ( ) great ability. 正解: (3) women of 解説: 「of great ability」は「大きな能力を持つ」という意味で、「women of great ability」は「大きな能力を持つ女性たち」という意味になります。

(F) I was the last ( ) one in the marathon. 正解: (2) but 解説: 「but」は前置詞として「〜以外」という意味があります。「ひとつを除いて一番最後だった」となり、「I was the last but one in the marathon」は「マラソンで最後から一つ前だった」という意味になります。これは「最後から二番目」を意味する表現です。

(G) Hardly ( ) gone to bed when our baby started to cry. 正解: (1) had I 解説: 「Hardly had I done when…」は「〜したとたんに…」という意味で、「Hardly had I gone to bed when our baby started to cry」は「ベッドに入ったとたんに赤ちゃんが泣き始めた」という意味になります。

(H) She demanded that he ( ) to her for his behavior. 正解: (1) apologize 解説: 「demand that」の後には仮定法が来ますが、現在の仮定法では「should + 動詞原形」または「動詞原形」が来ます。「apologize」は「謝る」という意味で、「She demanded that he apologize to her for his behavior」は「彼女は彼に自分の行動について謝るよう要求した」という意味になります。



