
No Melbourne, No Life (3)

Job interview


I headed to the large Macintosh screen while President A and Ms. K, the in-house translator, watched over me.

“Would you like some coffee?” said President A.
"Eh, yeah. Ah, the usual."

I was a little taken aback by the fact that President A personally made coffee for me.

"With kimchi (Korean pickle)"
She grinned.
I thought yeah, she gets me.

"White. Please."
This time, I answered normally.
I am currently in the middle of a job interview. I can't let my guard down.
I should sell my character to the fullest.
When President A put coffee on my table, I was staring at the word “vertical” in “vertical integration.” At the time, I was studying business administration in graduate school, but I didn't know what “vertical integration” meant.
Nor could it be inferred from the context of the trial document.
Well, my vocabulary was being tested. . . I thought.
It was already evening when I finished translating the two A4-sized trial English texts into Japanese.
For about two hours, I had been sitting silently in front of the screen.
Relieved, I begged for a third cup of coffee.
As I lifted my coffee cup to my mouth, I peered at the screen where Ms. K was checking my trial translation.
Ms. K busily moved her eyes without touching her keyboard at all.
When she turned around, she said, "Can you come from tomorrow on?"
I was on summer vacation and extremely bored, so I really wanted to start working there, even that same day. I was dying for that position.
After this, I was assigned to translate a small document into English. It was a document regarding the management of racehorse stables. The document mentioned an enormous amount of money.
I was supposed to be working from the following day, but ended up working overtime from the day of my job interview.

At this time, I had no way of realizing that Ms. K had already read the document I had written prior to the interview.
“Okay, a key piece in my life jigsaw just fell into place.”
The Gods must have thought so. Or at least my guardian angel.
to be continued...





サポート、ありがとうございます。 頂いたサポートは、日本人の言語能力向上および維持に使用致します。