
MD & PhD student in Department of Cardi…


MD & PhD student in Department of Cardiovascular Medicine UTokyo




Attention must be directed towards Northeast Asia

Trump has won in Iowa giving him a boost. It will be difficult to clear who will be the next president of the US. Put the election to other side, we need to thi…

Virtue may, in some instances, be a byproduct of wealth.

Poverty breeds cunning schemes, wealth nurtures a good conscience, and virtue is merely a derivative of wealth. This saying reflects a cynical view that suggest…

What are the implications of economist Zhang Wuchang's proposal for China to expedite the increase of its inflation rate…

Economist Zhang Wuchang highlights the challenges in achieving specific economic objectives, using China's inflation target as a case in point. He argues that w…

Compelling myself to engage in the practice of writing.

I recognize the necessity to begin a disciplined approach to writing. Inspired by Ma Qianzu’s contributions to the Xixihe forum, it’s evident that his profici…




Attention must be directed towards Northeast Asia

Attention must be directed towards Northeast Asia

Trump has won in Iowa giving him a boost. It will be difficult to clear who will be the next president of the US. Put the election to other side, we need to think about the North Korea, or the Democra

Virtue may, in some instances, be a byproduct of wealth.

Virtue may, in some instances, be a byproduct of wealth.

Poverty breeds cunning schemes, wealth nurtures a good conscience, and virtue is merely a derivative of wealth. This saying reflects a cynical view that suggests people's moral values and behaviors ar

What are the implications of economist Zhang Wuchang's proposal for China to expedite the increase of its inflation rate to approximately 6%?

What are the implications of economist Zhang Wuchang's proposal for China to expedite the increase of its inflation rate to approximately 6%?

Economist Zhang Wuchang highlights the challenges in achieving specific economic objectives, using China's inflation target as a case in point. He argues that while elevating inflation to 6% might ost

Compelling myself to engage in the practice of writing.

Compelling myself to engage in the practice of writing.

I recognize the necessity to begin a disciplined approach to writing. Inspired by Ma Qianzu’s contributions to the Xixihe forum, it’s evident that his proficiency in crafting extensive, logical narrat
