
Compelling myself to engage in the practice of writing.

I recognize the necessity to begin a disciplined approach to writing. Inspired by Ma Qianzu’s contributions to the Xixihe forum, it’s evident that his proficiency in crafting extensive, logical narratives was honed through consistent effort and practice. Observing the evolution of his 'Bedtime News' series, now spanning nearly 700 episodes, one can trace his progression from initial hesitations to his current fluency, undoubtedly a testament to rigorous practice.

Turning to Twitter, the case of 'Dabing Jingduo', self-styled as an 'independent commentator,' offers a different perspective. Traditionally, I've held reservations about critics, perceiving them as mere commentators on others' work, often lacking in constructive solutions. However, recent observations suggest a range of competencies among such commentators. While some, like Jingduo, demonstrate the ability to construct well-reasoned, extended discourses, others resort to mere argumentation. Jingduo attributes his logical acumen to his legal background, but it's apparent that sustained practice plays a pivotal role as well."

The necessity of a disciplined writing regimen, irrespective of article length, becomes apparent to me, particularly with my keen interest in the multifaceted realm of politics. My perspective on politics extends beyond the grandiosity of major events; I see it as an omnipresent element in our daily lives, warranting our attention and understanding. The essence of politics, however, eludes a definitive description, often mired in subjective viewpoints akin to a casual conversation with a Beijing taxi driver. As a logical exercise, I aim to articulate my reasons for this writing endeavor.

  1. My engagement with politics, more precisely, the observation of societal dynamics, is driven by a desire to actualize my political ideals. I contend that politics transcends the realm of high-level personnel changes, propaganda, or intricate conspiracies. At its core, politics is about crafting the daily experiences of ordinary people, thereby shaping and advancing society. This belief anchors my perspective: the true essence of politics is mirrored in the lives and viewpoints of the populace. In analyzing social issues, it is crucial to acknowledge the economic underpinnings of politics and its profound influence on the collective psyche. A thorough understanding of the general public's attitudes towards societal developments, their perceptions of policies, and aspirations for the future, I argue, constitutes the essence of effective political strategy.

  2. From a pragmatic standpoint, my engagement with writing has waned over time. Since my early years, I have faced challenges in honing my writing abilities, a situation further compounded by my relocation to Japan and subsequent lack of practice. This realization brings to light the necessity of reinvigorating my writing regimen. My objective extends beyond the mere use of sophisticated vocabulary; it lies in achieving logical coherence in my discourse. Additionally, a commitment to regular writing inherently demands an ongoing pursuit of knowledge and learning.

  3. The pursuit of an appropriate platform for self-presentation serves two fundamental purposes. Firstly, it aims to establish a personal online communication network. This endeavor, though challenging, is predicated on the belief that consistent content creation can foster engaging discussions and connections. Secondly, such a platform becomes instrumental in enhancing my profile for future career opportunities. Recent experiences in applying for internships have highlighted a gap in my portfolio; academic achievements alone appear insufficient in conveying my potential to diverse sectors such as general trading and finance. While my background may resonate more with the pharmaceutical industry, broadening my professional appeal remains a priority. 

  4. The decision not to pursue a medical license in Japan merits explanation. Following three years of residency training, I have come to a profound realization about the profession. The role of a physician demands a level of professionalism and commitment that, upon introspection, I sometimes question in myself. This introspection has been pivotal in guiding my career trajectory away from clinical practice.

  5. While Japan currently experiences a doctor shortage, as indicated by its average falling below OECD standards, there is an observable upward trend in the number of medical professionals. Projections suggest that by the period of 2029-2032, Japan may achieve equilibrium in its doctor-to-population ratio. This trend, however, is not uniformly distributed across the country. For instance, Tokyo recorded 342.2 doctors per 100,000 people in 2020, hinting at a faster attainment of this balance in major urban centers. Such a demographic shift could have significant implications for job seekers in the medical field within these metropolitan areas. I intend to explore this topic more comprehensively in a forthcoming article.

In conclusion, these reasons collectively motivate my writing endeavor, marking a step towards a future rich in insightful and impactful discourse

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