
Enter The Dragon

Hey again! こんにちは!

After another long absence I have decided to continue writing my experiences. I recently moved to a house! It was time consuming and I fell off track with my blog, but I'm back again.


Last time I wrote about my first week of being in my new school. For my second week, some real hardships and surprises would be thrust upon me. I, having never thought in my life, had some difficulties adjusting to the teaching job. At times the kids were unruly, and didn't care about learning English. I was even put under so much pressure to make babies, whom we held lessons for , to come out speaking the daily language pattern after every lesson, which I now realize is both absurd and not something even the parents who are paying for were expecting. The younger ones often thought it was simply play time for them. While the older ones were forced to go their, often against their own will. 

前回は、新しい校舎での最初の週について書きました。 2週間目には、本当につらい経験や、驚きが僕を待っていました。先生になるなんて、今までちっとも思っていなかったので、先生の仕事に慣れるのに苦労しました。生徒たちは、言うことを聞かなかったり、そもそも英語を学ぶ事に興味がなかったりでした。私は、生徒の赤ちゃんが、レッスン後には日常会話のパターンを話せるようになっていなければいけないというプレッシャーを感じていましたが、それは、お金を払っている親御さんも想定していなかったことだと今では思います。とにかく、小さい子供は、授業だと理解していなくて、ただの遊びの時間だと思っていたし、中高生は、大抵自分の意思に反して連れてこられていました。

Being new on the job, I felt the pressure of controlling them. I felt I needed to get them to focus or I would be failing in my duties... In hindsight I was both right and wrong, but more on that as this develops.


Another thing I had problems with were the sheer amount of lessons I had to do. There was actually no appropriate time for me to properly plan , or memorize the lesson materials and it felt like I was constantly struggling to put something together. 


It got so bad that I ended up making lessons on one of my weekends , so as to not be unprepared for the lesson. Naturally, as time would go on , these problems would lessen, and I would master my craft , however becoming good at something takes time and patience. And my Japanese manager had no patience.


"Enter the Dragon". Indeed, my manager would prove to have a fiery temper. She often would yell at me when something went wrong. 


I would often be told by the manager that I was stupid, that I had a hole in my head where brain is. As well as many other demeaning things.


Me, being new to this job and we'll intentioned, I was overcome with shock and felt powerless to stand up for myself. I even started to question my own capabilities. Indeed there were times I thought about running away and going back to my country... But I realized that I have come this far. "I can't give up"! I told myself. And so I endured the really unhappy working situation.

この仕事を始めたばかりの私は、ショックに圧倒され、自分で立ち上がることができないほど無力に感じられました。自分の能力に疑問を感じました。確かに、逃げて祖国に帰ろうかと思ったこともありました......。でも、ここまできたんだと思い、"あきらめるわけにはいかない "と と自分に言い聞かせてました。そうして、本当に不幸な労働状況に耐えました。

I would eventually begin to nickname my manager "the Dragon", due to her emotional outbursts and anger. But even this would lessen overtime, as the Dragon would find a new person to prey on, and would begin focus less on me, as I began to achieve success in my classes. Also, I would find out that she was the reason why my Japanese co-workers were quitting. And the most important thing I learned was the meaning of "black company". 


