21年頃から大好きなPodcastについてつぶやいてますが、本格的な自己発信はこのnoteが初めてです。簡単な紹介は「始めに」をご覧ください。それ以下の「 ますけん X ○○シリーズ」は徐々に書き足
Today, I announced in my community to broadcast my podcast related to he community. Podcast is one of my favorite thing. That's why it feels some difficulty to do it by myself. However I acknowledged that the " Difficulty" would be made fro
Unpugged means that it performed or recorded with acoustic rather than electrically amplified instruments.
Tonight I just checked musician who I and my wife plan to go to concert on this Sunday. When I checked, I found that the live will
When I came back home last night, I found I had two lost items. 1st one was business PC, 2nd was file case which contain important documents for me.
Fortunately, both of items are safe. It seems that I fully use my potential to daily chal
Past 1and 2 days, tempreature was around 20 cent deg. in eary morning. I felt similar feeling when I and my family lived in south east asia around 7 years ago. I supprise I enjoy that feeling in my hometown:o
Because of the thermal(!?) sho
I had a lot of meeting yesterday. Daytime, there were some wkly meetings and I reported in the meeting. When I started to join podcast and TaskCute Asociation(TCA) related meeting, I saw myself in record and supprize my shape and face see
This year, let’s say, my life space has been exrended more than ever. Not only balancing between Family and Work, I have started a several activities such as joining Taskchute Association, visiting my favorites event like musician/podcaste
My family loves “昨日何食べた?” which is Manga and TV drama in Japan. This the life story abot same gender couple.
Last Sunday, I went to fish supermarket to try menu introduced the Manga in latest books(Vol.22). It is Tai-Meshi(Rice with Sea br
I enjoyed lounge in discord last night.
My daughter told me your face is too smile. I replied that you looks same when you chatted with your friends by LINE!
For me, lounge is the premium lounge in airport. when I had overseas business tri
Writing journal in English is so tough for my brain. I found this fact yesterday. It is simmilar experience when I re-start jogging last month. At that time I had a lot of muscle ache justjogging for 15minutes🤣
Then I acknoledge jogging 1-