
お金を貯めたかったら付き合う人と環境を選ぶべき(Save Money by Choosing Friends and Environment)


Have you finally decided to start saving money? To save money efficiently, the quickest way is to utilize the wisdom of those who already have knowledge about finances! What’s that? "I don’t know who among the people around me is knowledgeable about money"? Didn’t you hear before that your friend from the opposite desk is knowledgeable about QR code payments, and your other friend from the neighboring department said he gets prosciutto every time through shareholder benefits? This time, I'll introduce you to "Creating an Environment to Acquire Financial Knowledge that enriches Your Life."

shareholder benefits=株主優待
Acquire Financial Knowledge=金融知識を身につける


Saving Time through Financially Savvy Insights(お金に詳しい人から学ぶことで時間を節約する)

Learning from money-savvy individuals saves time. Hello, I'm Ubukata, a millionaire. To advance quickly, tap into experts in specific fields. They can share tips like avoiding ATM fees and getting restaurant discounts through shareholder perks—they love sharing money-saving advice!

tap into=~を利用する
specific fields=特定の分野
shareholder perks=株主優待


The Essential Thinking of Money-Saving Individuals for Sustaining Savings(持続的な節約に不可欠な、お金を貯める人の考え方)

When thinking about saving money, the first idea that comes to mind is often cutting expenses, but many people get discouraged at this initial stage. For instance, earning just 1 point on a 100-yen purchase with a loyalty card or saving only around 20 yen using a coupon can seem underwhelming. The hassle of presenting coupons at the register each time or losing them can make the process of accumulating points feel burdensome, leading some to revert to their previous spending habits.

Interestingly, staying motivated becomes easier when you collaborate with people who excel at saving money or have regular discussions with them. They often have a unique perspective, viewing earning 1 point on a 100-yen purchase as equivalent to a 1% interest rate, which helps keep them focused on their financial goals.

One thing to be mindful of is that people who frequently use their credit cards for shopping may not necessarily be financially secure. High income doesn't always equate to high savings, and some may even have negative assets. So, just because someone leads a luxurious lifestyle doesn't mean they are knowledgeable about money. Keep this in mind.



Quick Tips to Enhance Your Financial Literacy(いますぐ金融リテラシーを高める方法とは?)

Once you've mastered basic saving techniques, your focus often shifts to increasing your wealth. For instance, there are seminars tailored for women where you might enjoy free cake and tea, or pay a nominal fee per session.

These events gather people interested in financial matters, providing opportunities for attendees to exchange valuable tips and information. However, it's crucial to exercise caution. Some seminars may promote investments under the guise of "asset building" or discuss purchasing multi-million yen properties. Overestimating your investment abilities can be risky, so it's advisable to approach such commitments with careful consideration.



Fostering Knowledge-Sharing Networks for Leverage(知識にレバレッジがかけられる仲間作り)

By the way, one of the reasons I was able to retire early in my 40s was through building connections and exchanging information with peers and communities formed at money seminars. Whether it's saving or investing, you gain valuable insights rapidly. Who you associate with and the environments you immerse yourself in can significantly impact how your assets grow from here on out.


Here's a summary for you(まとめ)

  • If you want to save money, learning from someone knowledgeable about finances is the quickest way.

  • Money-savvy individuals enjoy discussing financial topics, so don't hesitate to ask them questions about money.

  • Utilizing connections made at investment seminars and similar events can accelerate the growth of your assets.

Before you ask your friend about QR code payments, make sure to do a quick review! Even the most helpful people find explaining things from scratch challenging, so it's best to be prepared!

  • お金を貯めたい場合は、お金に詳しい人から学ぶのが最も効果的。

  • お金に詳しい人は、お金の話題が好きなので、質問しても喜んで答えてくれる。

  • 投資セミナーなどで築く良い人間関係を活用すると、資産の増加が加速する。



  1. Are there people around you who are financially savvy? In what ways do you feel that they are financially savvy?

  2. How do you keep yourself motivated when saving money?

  3. When shopping with a credit card, have you ever ended up spending too much? If you have, please tell us about it. If not, please tell us what you pay attention to when using a credit card.

  4. What are you doing to improve your financial literacy?

  5. What do you think about communities that talk about money?






「あなたの人生を豊かに変えるお金の知識をつける環境作り」について、英語でテキストを作ってみました。これを機に、お金とともに英語についても学んでみてはいかがでしょうか? 海外の人と話すことで、日本の友達とはまた違ったものの考え方や見方ができるようになるかもしれませんよ。



