
i am a bangladeshi-american artist, filmmak…


i am a bangladeshi-american artist, filmmaker, writer, and budding psychiatrist living in los angeles, california :)



structures for creation

recently I’ve been getting back into my art and music practice. although I still have to prepare for my final licensing exam, I feel a bit more comfortable about this next one, and I’d like to have more structure and discipline in my day so

    • gliding over minor irritations

      the curse of the perfectionist. since arising this morning everything felt off. it seemed all the dust sitting in the crevices of the house caught my eye. waking up not well rested in the heat. my partner had to raise his voice at homeless

      • summer solstice, slow-paced days that feel like eternity

        listening to shower vinyl by danny scott (again, I’m a creature of habit). my hair is air drying in the summer morning wind with the faint scent of green tea and ylang ylang, drinking a creamy cold oat milk latte. at 9 am, the temperature i

        • june fades into new horizons

          drinking an iced sparkling matcha cooler with a touch of honey with my hair clipped into a bun. 3 bobby pins hold my bangs into place, and it is 80 degrees at 5:22 pm. listening to “shower” on vinyl, which I came across on youtube a few wee

        structures for creation


        • life source material


          obscure fascinations / new creative directions

          soundtrack of the day :: music for saxofone & bass guitar - sam gendel, sam wilkes (the barista “jah-rod” that I became friends with at heavy water recommended this album to me and it’s the perfect balance of stimulating and expansive) I t

          obscure fascinations / new creative directions

          sweet june

          sunday morning. woke up to grey skies but I made h-chan and myself creamy hojicha latte with a new organic hojicha powder from hokkaido! we then pulled out the matcha strawberry roll cake that I picked up for him from yamazaki bakery from t

          beauty of a mundane monday + ferocity and doors slightly ajar

          today was a completely ordinary day, but somehow all the mundane details of life felt perfectly comforting. the hard labor of saturday and sunday’s house cleaning reaped its rewards today, the monday with fresh kitchen sink, pristine floors

          beauty of a mundane monday + ferocity and doors slightly ajar

          finding will through grey skies

          hello, I am tired. part of me looks skeptically at the situation and thinks, “you know, I’m not really burnt out, maybe I am just being lazy or weak.” but after days of sleeping and trying to overcome this feeling, I think it is really true

          finding will through grey skies

          and may begins

          hello! although I wrote just a week ago, it somehow seems like such much more time has passed. a very eventful week. I spent a lot of time studying in the sunshine of the community rose garden near my home. it feels like a safehaven to me

          and may begins

          weekend diary:: river tracing, antique/modernism fair, frogtown, summer sun

          good morning! its monday morning, and I’m drinking a matcha latte while sitting at the teak kitchen table. the morning started with taeko ohnuki on vinyl, so cheerful! this past weekend was amazing, so I thought to document it briefly while

          weekend diary:: river tracing, antique/modernism fair, frogtown, summer sun

          overcoming stagnation with patience

          recently, I have been working and working and working to prepare for my upcoming licensing exam. in addition to the long days of studying, I have been trying to keep up with other work projects. two days ago, I had a sinking feeling in my h

          overcoming stagnation with patience

          likes, dislikes, and hidden dimensions of the asian-american cultural experience

          this morning I woke up swallowed by dislikes. everything felt off since the moment I was shaken awake from my unconscious dream state by the penetrating sound of construction at seven thirty in the morning. the color of the sky was off, air

          likes, dislikes, and hidden dimensions of the asian-american cultural experience

          mid april: kirari, sarari (きらり,さらり)

          I am finally back home in los angeles after a two week long whirlwind in five different cities! I am currently laying in the patch of sunlight just before the front door on a stack of cushions, taking in the warmth and sound of the birds.

          mid april: kirari, sarari (きらり,さらり)

          april: she was very tired, and she was very relieved

          someone communicated to me that i can try to articulate my feelings without passing judgements on them. so I will try. feeling no.1 :: I feel exhausted, slightly irritated, and more exhausted. it feels like I know my body needs rest but I

          april: she was very tired, and she was very relieved

          end of march, feeling love everywhere🤍

          hello! oof what an eventful last few weeks it has been. very high highs and low lows. a chaotic incident that was painful at the moment (and with lingering pain for a week or so), but a powerful teacher that strengthened the way that I can

          end of march, feeling love everywhere🤍

          mid march: chestnuts in a petri dish and oolong cha

          hello! it is the middle of march. the sun has been waking up, shining longer, and making me happier since daylight savings time ended. I am currently drinking roasted high mountain oolong tea and snacking on goldenberries and chestnuts in a

          mid march: chestnuts in a petri dish and oolong cha