
end of march, feeling love everywhere🤍

hello! oof what an eventful last few weeks it has been. very high highs and low lows. a chaotic incident that was painful at the moment (and with lingering pain for a week or so), but a powerful teacher that strengthened the way that I can care for and heal through my relationship with nature, acts of creation, and friendship. I am proud of myself for increasingly being able to move through what feel like all-consuming emotions, without getting stuck. blessings from this month of ramadan.

a trance of beautiful, fleeting memories from this time period that make me feel alive: visiting the angeles forest two days ago, one day with my paintings sitting by the river, feeling a release of water in my body as the water flows next to me, another with christine, traversing up the stream and soaking in sunlight lit pools, laying on the big flat boulder in the middle of the forest, laughing and river moss and freezing dips that reset the senses and knotted branches pressing against the soles of our feet and tarot cards, sunsets in pasadena, meeting new friends and serendipities at a south asian community farm, seeing mong tong perform live and the serendipity of running into + connecting with rentaro and atsu, jamming with avah/z (groooovy desert sounds, opening a new vocal channel, i love playing bass, touching the mystique), eating daal on the windy white wooden staircase overlooking the lush canyon perched atop a mountain with the skyline of downtown hovering on the horizon, a reconnection and apology from a dear friend I had missed and was not able to talk to for over a year, a very windy weekend camping in joshua tree with anna from aotearoa and h-chan, seeing riley and noah and dreaming about visiting the summer celebrations in noah’s apache tribal home in arizona,  finally trying out the lovely wine bar trieste near my home with sarina and her friend, catching up with iman at justine’s next to the la river and watching a screening at now instant, connecting with a new friend at now instant (we somehow were already connected!) and planning to start an avante garde film collective together, dreams of making an ep + performing at zebulon and around la with avah/z, finishing up preparations for the upcoming exhibition in oakland, final fellowship interview, visiting the abandoned psychiatric courtyard to create a new immersive art piece and connecting with Indigenous healers in turtle island and africa, national geographic reaching out to me with exciting new opportunities, feeling excellent progress with studying for my licensing exam…

it really has been such a blessed month. so many new friends and connections, as well as reconnections with old friends, new opportunities coming my way, progress on many fronts, nature time, and decorating the house (rearranged the atelier and finally printed and hung up new photographic prints in the living rooms pace!)…I am so inexplicably grateful and feel like I am finally tapping into the kind of friendships and community I was to be in, creative states I want to be in, home, and professional settings I want to be in. alhamdulillah.

with love, until next time~
