
コアラ日記#48  〜映画鑑賞〜

May 18 Thursday

The day before yesterday, I saw three Western movies.
The movies they watched have in common that they have the same starring role.
That person is Jason Statham, an actor from England.
I've always liked this actor and have been influenced in many ways.
This is not the first time I've seen a Western movie, but it's actually the second time.
Somehow I wanted to look back.
He's a famous actor, so he's appeared in many movies, and what he can say in common is that he's a cool character.
Of the three, the most recommended is "Battle Front".
In a nutshell, this movie is a strong dad who protects his daughter.
I decided to look back at this movie once I got married and had a daughter.
If you are a father who has children watching this note, please take a look.
I get adrenaline. (Lol)

