

英語ガイドアドバイザーの Kazu(金田憲昭:かねだかづあき)です。

『英語を話せるようになりたいけど、長年のブランクがある・これまで何度も挫折してきた・何からやったらいいか分からない、こんなお悩みをお持ちの方が “海外の方をアテンドするために必要な英語力” を身につけるための “パーソナル学習サポート” をしています』
(わたし自身も Sake Guide -日本酒ガイド- として海外の方をアテンドする活動もしています)

A Baseball Team Assistant

This morning, I watched a short documentary about a high school female student who belongs to a baseball team.

At first, I was unsure why the documentary focused on her, but it soon became clear.

What surprised me was that she was the only team member on the team, apart from the coach.

Baseball requires nine players, but she was a team assistant who supported both players and coaches to help them perform their best.

Previously, she played softball but chose to join the baseball team when she entered high school.

Last year, after the third-year members graduated, the team was left with only the coach and her.

In one scene, she participated in a practice game with other high schools.

Watching them, she said, "I’m jealous. It looks like they’re having so much fun."

When the coach asked if she still wanted to stay on the team, she answered, “Yes.”

Despite not being a player, she dreamed of standing on the field with her teammates again.

Determined to make this dream a reality, she had to wait for new freshmen to join the team in the spring.

To stay motivated, the coach and she created a slogan.

“No matter what situation you are in, always accept it and tackle it positively.”

After months of waiting and preparation, her dream finally came true this April when freshmen joined the team.

The coach and she got to play baseball again.

At the end of the show, there was a moment when she expressed her gratitude toward the coach with tears in her eyes.

There was also a pass-the-torch moment when she spoke to one of the freshmen.

“Thank you for joining the team. Thanks to you, our team didn’t disappear. I hope you’ll enjoy playing baseball on this team for the next three years.”

Her story, and the coach's, taught me an important life lesson.

No matter how difficult it seems, if you love it, just believe in yourself and keep pursuing it until you figure it out.



She stayed motivated throughout the marathon despite the cold weather.


He wrote a thank-you note to express his gratitude for the support he received.


She is pursuing a career in medicine because she wants to help others.


She was determined to finish the project on time.


The company’s new slogan is designed to reflect its commitment to sustainability.

That's all for today.
Thank you so much for visiting the page!
Hope you liked it:-)

〇 この記事を書いてるのはこんな人

その後29歳まで飲食店勤務とストリートバスケに奮闘。30歳目前で "英語を使って仕事をしよう"と決意し再勉強。2年でTOEIC900オーバー達成。そこから、

英語講師6年 / 日本語教師5年 / 日本酒の酒蔵で英語ガイド7年 / 海外の方へ日本酒発信活動・インバウンド観光客対象のオリジナル日本酒ツアー3年


英語学習に対して、長年のブランクがある・これまで何度も挫折してきた・何からやったらいいか分からない、こんな悩みを持つ方が “海外の方をアテンドできる英語力” を身につけるための “パーソナル学習サポート” をしている。

- 実績 -


〇日本酒飲み歩きツアー in English








