英語ガイドアドバイザーの Kazu(金田憲昭:かねだかづあき)です。
『英語を話せるようになりたいけど、長年のブランクがある・これまで何度も挫折してきた・何からやったらいいか分からない、こんなお悩みをお持ちの方が “海外の方をアテンドするために必要な英語力” を身につけるための “パーソナル学習サポート” をしています』
(わたし自身も Sake Guide -日本酒ガイド- として海外の方をアテンドする活動もしています)
National Government Licensed Guide Interpreter
Today I want to write about "National Government Licensed Guide Interpreter".
Have you ever heard of it?
A National Government Licensed Guide Interpreter is a person who receives compensation and provides interpreted guidance for people from overseas.(全国通訳案内士は、補償を受けて、海外の方に通訳案内を提供する人のことをいいます)
If you become the licensed guide, you accompany foreign guests and provide travel-related service for them in a foreign language.(It doesn't necessarily have to be English.)
In order to work as the certified guide, you need to pass an annual national exam, which usually takes place in August.
To pass the test, you are required to have advanced foreign language skills, a wealth of tourism-related knowledge such as history, tradition, geography and culture throughout Japan.
Up until several years ago, you couldn't work as a freelance tour guide without holding this national qualification, but the government changed the system when the number of tourists visiting Japan started booming, which enabled someone like me who doesn't hold this national qualification to provide his or her original tour.
Thanks to the change, I don't need to get this license, but for over the past few months, I've been thinking of challenging myself to earn the certification.
There are three reasons why.
One, because the exam covers a wide range of topics about Japan, it will be such a great opportunity for me to broaden my knowledge and gain deeper insights about my home country.
I'm pretty confident about guiding my guests to sake-related spots, but I think it would be challenging if I was asked to explain about some other historical places.
Two, through this opportunity, I think I will be able to improve my English skills even further.
From my personal experience as a sake guide, I know that you need to learn lots of specialized terms in English when it comes to explaining about something traditional, historical and cultural.
Three, if I succeed in earning the qualification, I think I will be able to expand my sake-related business and have more stable income from it.
For now, I get bookings for my tours mainly through a website, but if I pass the test, I can get registered as a freelance guide, and the tourism agency offers me a job.
In that case, I'll need to provide the service according to their plans, so it might be difficult to do my own sake tour, but through the experience, I think I'll be able to get recognized from my future potential customers, which I believe will lead me to getting more bookings for my sake tours.
Considering the fact that I've already had a lot on my plate, I'm a bit concerned if I can really spare myself enough time to study for the test, but after going over all the benefits above, I'm like, "why not?"
(今でもすでにやることが一杯あるということを考えると、勉強時間を割けるか少し懸念がありあますが、上述のベネフィットを見直すと "やらない理由ある?" という感じになりました)
Wish me luck on my new endeavor!
That's all for today.
Thank you so much for visiting the page!
Hope you liked it:-)
〇 この記事を書いてるのはこんな人

大学卒業後、営業職を1年目で挫折。その後29歳まで飲食店勤務とストリートバスケに奮闘。30歳目前で "英語を使って仕事をしよう"と決意し再勉強。2年でTOEIC900オーバー達成。
英語講師6年 / 日本語教師5年 / 日本酒の酒蔵で英語ガイド7年 / 海外の方へ日本酒発信活動・インバウンド観光客対象のオリジナル日本酒ツアー3年
- 実績 -
〇 英語学習に長い間悩んできた方へ向けたセミナー
〇 日本酒 in English