
[応募原文付き]Swift Student Challenge Winnerになるまで


Swift Student ChallengeのWinnerとなったためログを残します

日本人の受賞記事が少ないため今後Swift Student Challengeに挑戦する方の一助になれば幸いです。

Swift Student Challengeとは



Tech Kids Schoolのメンターとして働き始め、Swift言語を復習する必要ができた







WWDC23 Swift Student Challenge (Winner作品の再生リスト 2023年)





私が興味のある デザイン✖️言語 を組み合わせたアプリにしたいと考えていました。また、Swift Student Challengeの過去の日本Winnerの大半が日本文化と絡めた作品だったためその流れを踏襲しました。


ここからは主観ですが、どのような作品、エッセイを提出すれば採択されるのか考えてみました。過去にKids Creator's Studio(倍率13倍), 未踏ジュニア(倍率11倍), 学校推薦(倍率4倍)などの採択経験から正確性はある程度保証いたします。


Tell us about the features and technologies you used.
・Beyond the Swift Student Challenge

If you've used your coding skills to support your community or an organization in your area, let us know.
Apps on the App Store (optional)
If you have one or more apps on the App Store created entirely by you as an individual, tell us about them. This won‘t influence the judging process.
Comments (optional)
Is there anything else you‘d like us to know?


Tell us about the features and technologies you used.



Beyond the Swift Student Challenge

If you've used your coding skills to support your community or an organization in your area, let us know.


Apps on the App Store (optional)

If you have one or more apps on the App Store created entirely by you as an individual, tell us about them. This won‘t influence the judging process.


Comments (optional)

Is there anything else you‘d like us to know?

なぜSwift Student Challengeに申し込んのか、採択後何をしたいのか、自分の経験、将来の展望を入れ込みましょう。


以下は私が実際にAppleに採択された時のエッセイ・アイデアの構想方法です。本気でSwift Student Challengeの採択を目指している方に届いてほしいです。応援しています。🔥



Tell us about the features and technologies you used.
This application is a Japanese language simulator created from the viewpoint of phonetics. Japanese characters include Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana. Kanji characters are called ideographs, meaning that a single character represents a meaning, while hiragana and katakana characters are phonograms, meaning that a single character represents a sound. A single hiragana character has no meaning, but when linked together, they function as a language. In Japanese, all sounds, including the "readings'' of kanji, can be represented by hiragana. From a phonetics point of view, hiragana, a single sound in Japanese, is composed of a consonant plus a vowel. In other words, all sounds can be represented by the combination of consonants "K, S, T, N, H, M, Y, R, W'' and vowels "A, I, U, E, O". (Further subdivisions include the sounds of sound repression and voiced sounds.) This is a very logical, simple, and beautiful way of representing sounds in Japanese. The Japanese language expresses sounds only through the relationship between consonants and vowels as if one were playing a musical instrument. The beautiful Hiragino typography is based on calligraphy that has been practiced for over 1,300 years. The design is based on the motif of "water," which symbolizes "Wabi-sabi," and adopts a neumorphic design. The design was devised to express both Japanese culture and modern design at the same time. The design is so elementless that users do not need to read any explanatory text when using the application.
Future Prospects. If connected to the Internet and linked to a search API, it is possible to display appropriate illustrations when hiragana is aligned in the order of meaningful words. By listening to the sounds of the language, visually perceiving the shapes of the letters, and visually recognizing the illustrations of the words, it will be possible to replicate the natural language acquisition inherent in humans.

307 words

Beyond the Swift Student Challenge
At the age of 10, I was accepted into the Programmer Development Foundation run by Kids Creator's Studio Inc. and spent a year developing an iOS app using Swift and learning my first design techniques using Adobe Illustrator. At this foundation, I developed "Progra". This is an app for learning a programming language, which includes sections -"variables", "functions", "if", and "for" so that anyone can easily learn programming concepts. Presenting my work in front of 300 adults when I was in elementary school was a really good experience.
When I was 15 years old, I was selected by "Mitoh Junior," a foundation that provides up to 3.5k dollars in development support to student developers and spent six months co-developing and designing "StudyRec," an app that helps students study more efficiently and has helped more than 2,500 users study. StudyRec is an app that helps students study more efficiently and has helped more than 2,500 users study. (GoogleAnalytics) Although the two sometimes clashed in the process of developing StudyRec, they worked together on the prototype and design plan to create the app. The finished app was then sent to Instagram and to friends at the school for feedback, and revisions were made in preparation for the debriefing session. At the debriefing session, they gave a presentation at the University of Tokyo and received a high evaluation. The team's full-scale development helped the students develop the ability to cooperate in the development process.
In addition, in order to pass the interview at the high school of my first choice for the high school entrance examination, I created an interview preparation program by myself and practiced interviewing with the bot every day.
I especially enjoy creating graphic design, which I continue to do as a hobby. I'm currently creating posters for school events and commissioning printers to create original stationery.


Apps on the App Store (optional)
StudyRec is an app that helps students study and is listed on the App Store's "Today" page. It is currently rated 4.4 stars in the App Store. StudyRec uses a Pomodoro timer (25-minute study, 5-minute break cycle) and an original "time-lapse study method" to create an environment in which users can focus on their studies. In addition, the application records study time by category of study content. The user's recorded study time can be viewed as a nationwide study time ranking. The original idea and prototype of the app were conceived by me. In junior high school, I studied on my own without entering a cram school (a common study program in Japan to prepare for exams) and acquired study skills on my own. My grades were close to average when I entered the school, but by the time I reached the third grade of junior high school, I was always ranked first in my grade in tests. I planned this app because I wanted to provide an efficient study method to many people using the study knowledge I had worked so hard to acquire. The design of the app is based on a cool neumorphic design to remove the negative image of studying and is finished in a simple design with white as the base color and as few elements as possible.

223 words

Comments (optional)
In August 2023 I visited my uncle in California. This was my first experience abroad, and during my 10-day stay, I visited Stanford University, UCLA, Apple Park, Google, Adobe, etc. Adobe contacted Adobe employees in advance and gave me a tour of the company. It was truly inspiring to see some of the best universities and some of the largest companies on the cutting edge of technology. I was especially excited when I heard from an employee about studying abroad at an American university. He told me that I would learn far more and have a much better experience if I went to an American university than if I went to a Japanese university. For the first time in my life, I was moved to hear someone else's story. Until then, I had taken it for granted that I would go to a Japanese university, but from that day on, I changed my mindset and started aiming to study in the United States. I think it is very difficult to take classes and live everyday life using English, which is not my mother tongue. However, I desire to enter Computer Science at UCLA and study engineering technology, programming languages, and data systems there.
My parents divorced in the spring of my junior year, and I went through a very difficult time. I had to lie to people I knew and had financial problems because of having only one parent. Therefore, this stay in the U.S. was also a very valuable experience for me. Because of this experience, I have a strong interest in issues such as the economic disparity of children and other disparities in position. Thanks to the support I received from the foundation, I was able to acquire skills such as design. In the future, I aspire to establish a business that supports children in need and I contribute to the correction of social disparities. This is my goal in life.

323 words



Swift Student Challengeの応募が決まってからは枕元にノートと筆記用具を置いて、床につきながらぼんやり考えていました。
とにかくいつでもメモを取ることができるようにするというのは今回のように明確な目的がなくてもとてもおすすめです。私はスマホのGoogle Documentにあらゆるアイデアを書き留めています。(GoogleにログインできればPC, iPadなどどのデバイスでも同期するのでとても便利です)

あらゆるアイデアは既存知識の組み合わせで成り立っています。Swift Student Challengeの過去受賞作品、自分が作りたいアプリのテーマについてなど深く調べてみると良いインプットになるでしょう。私は海外の方が日本語を解説している記事や、日本文化を調べまくりました。


Swift Student Challengeに挑戦することは採択されるというような目先の目標だけでなく、試行錯誤しながら挑戦する良いきっかけになります。


