
Me & Him 2

From WRDGN。A special dedication to me.

My best friend and I, like to play games all the time.Like who knows more about cars,
like who is more informed about the world and who is stronger for the other.

My best friend and I stay on phone and talk for hours, about nothing but everything.
When I see his calls, I know this is time for me to be both a baby girl and strong woman because there is no judgment or whatsoever.
The best / worst he could is laugh at me. Not in a condescending kind of way, but “I'm worried about you but I don't know what to say”
“did that really happen to you? Damn girl!”
“I told you !!! But I'm here for you ”
“ I will always be here for you ”
“ You can be yourself around me ”
“ Damn !!! That shit is stupid. ”Kind of way

My best friend and I are kindred spirits,
He doesn't like when I call him my best friend though,
He says we mean more to each other to reduce it to mere friendship.
I laugh. I laugh again with glassy eyes.
Cause nigga And whatever the outcomes have been, we were there for each other.

My best friend and I communicate in codes,
“I'm gonna be home all day” means I'm here for you when you need me.
“I can't talk right now maybe later or tomorrow” means things are harder today when I can put them into words I will call you
“I'm gonna block you” means I love your dark humor
“You give me headaches” means there nowhere else I would rather be
“Hun” means now I'm about to convince you That You Can Walk On Water. Deep Breaths, You Are A Dragon.
"Wtf Have You Been" Means I Felt Alone
"6Am Calls" Means I'M Gonna Make Your Day, Whatever Whack Dream I Have Just Had, It'S Gonna Be Narrated with subtitles and acknowledgements
“Let's sign a contract” means I'm scared you will leave me
