
Japan Quest For Your Fun introduction(Japan Quest For Your Funの内容紹介)

1.About my note(私のnote記事について)

This is Mr. Coba. On my note, I’d like to introduce Japanese things (sightseeing spots, shops and restaurants, foods) in Aichi I live and other areas.
(Mr. Cobaと申します。私のnote記事では愛知県や他のエリアにある日本の観光スポット、お店やレストラン、食べ物などを英語で紹介します。)

2.About Mr. Coba(私、Mr. Cobaについて)

◇birth place (出身地): Aichi(愛知県)
◇favorite things (好きなこと): Eating foods, Hanging around Nagoya(食べ歩き、名古屋の街ブラ)
◇my English skill(私の英語スキル)
・my score on TOEIC L&R test(TOEICスコア): 720 pt.
・I learned English in the English school for about 6 years, I’ve kept on studying by myself.

I’ve just started writing articles in English, so I apologize if there any errors in them.

3.What’s the target of my note?(私の記事はこんな人におすすめ)

・an international person be interested in Aichi and Japan
・a person wants to introduce Japanese things in English

4.What’s the topics of my note in detail?(具体的に何の記事を上げていくか?)

・interesting Japanese culture(おもしろい日本の文化)
・delicious foods in Aichi and other areas in Japan(愛知県や日本各地のおいしい食べ物)
・Famous spots in Aichi and other areas in Japan(愛知県や日本各地の有名スポット)
・views about the foods and the places I went first time(初めて私が試した食べ物や場所の感想) etc...

5.Need to pay the part of my note(記事の一部が有料であることに関して)

About my note, you can read the chapter in English for free, but you need to pay if you want to read the one in Japanese, explanation of meanings of phrases and grammars used in my note.
The cost is 100yen to 1000 yen per an article.

That’s all. Thank you for reading my note!

