
Dogs and Genetic Mutations - Jan. 31, 2024.

I skipped writing my diary for the past two days because I was busy preparing for my thesis presentation next Thursday. Starting this April, I will have less time to do everything due to starting work, so I want to manage my time effectively and continue writing diaries.

By the way, today I read an article titled "These dog breeds have a higher likelihood of getting cancer, according to new research." The article reveals that researchers have identified dog breeds more prone to cancer, challenging the belief that larger dogs are at higher risk of the disease. Unlike in humans, where a larger body size tends to be associated with a higher cancer risk, this theory does not hold for dogs.

Genetic mutations are a key aspect of this article. A researcher mentioned, “Dogs are an extremely good model for understanding the genetic changes that may lead to a higher susceptibility to specific cancers.” Dogs have often been referred to as humans' best partners, and this statement may soon become even more accurate, as studying dogs' genetic mutations could potentially help reduce cancer risks.
