
Is it correct? - Feb. 3, 2024.

Lately, I haven't been able to manage everything I wanted to do: preparing for my presentation and oral exam, studying English and Chinese, going to the gym, cooking, and reading books. A respected senior emphasized the importance of prioritizing tasks because time is limited and we only have one body. I need to strategize to achieve all my goals. Anyway, with my presentation and oral exam approaching next Thursday, completing them is my first priority.

This morning, an ABC news article reported that Target was selling misidentified products featuring Civil Rights icons such as Carter G. Woodson, W.E.B. Du Bois, and Booker T. Washington. A customer noticed this error, shared it on TikTok, and subsequently, the company stopped selling the products. The article doesn’t specify the errors, but this incident highlights the importance of verifying information. With the advent of advanced technologies like Chat GPT, errors can still occur. The cautionary note under the Chat GPT textbox, "Chat GPT can make mistakes. Consider checking important information," reminds us that even seemingly objective information isn't infallible. It’s crucial that we independently investigate information to ensure its accuracy.
