




















| English Expression                                                                                          | Explanation                                                                                                       | Example Sentence                                                                                     |
| **I'm very happy to have had this opportunity.**                                                            | Expression of gratitude for an experience or chance received.                                                     | "I'm very happy to have had this opportunity to work with such a talented team."                     |
| **I have entered the date.**                                                                                | Indicates that the speaker has recorded or scheduled a specific date in a calendar or system.                     | "I have entered the date for the meeting into our scheduling app."                                    |
| **I would appreciate it if you could let me know once the date and time have been decided.**                | A polite request for information about the scheduling of an event.                                                | "I would appreciate it if you could let me know once the date and time for the interview have been decided." |
| **Dear Jan, Thank you very much for considering my application. I am delighted to have this opportunity...** | A formal expression of thanks and appreciation, often used in professional or academic correspondence.            | (Provided as part of the phrase itself, thus no separate example needed.)                             |
| **Hey thanks you for all and nice to meet you. I wish you luck for yours projects...**                      | Informal expression of gratitude and well-wishing, typically used in casual conversation or informal writing.     | (Provided as part of the phrase itself, thus no separate example needed.)                             |
| **Definitely soon enough broski thank you for a wonderful experience**                                      | Informal and friendly expression of gratitude, often used among close friends or peers.                           | "Definitely soon enough broski, thank you for a wonderful experience at the concert last night."      |
| **I like football after all**                                                                               | Indicates a reaffirmation or realization of one's interest, often used after some deliberation or doubt.          | "Despite trying other sports, I like football after all."                                             |
| **New Japanese yen notes set to be introduced this summer won't be compatible with many machines...**       | Provides information about a future event and its potential implications.                                         | (Provided as part of the phrase itself, thus no separate example needed.)                             |
| **Narrow down the work you want to do**                                                                     | Advice to focus or specify one's professional or personal interests to a more defined scope.                      | "It's helpful to narrow down the work you want to do early in your career to specialize effectively." |
| **Preliminary Screening Call**                                                                              | A term often used in recruitment processes referring to an initial call to discuss a candidate's suitability.      | "I've scheduled a preliminary screening call with the candidates to assess their qualifications."     |








| English Expression                                            | Explanation                                                                                                        | Example Sentence                                                                                           |
| **The current level is right for me.**                        | Indicates that the present situation or difficulty level is suitable for the speaker.                              | "I like this class; the current level is right for me."                                                    |
| **Aristotle**                                                 | An ancient Greek philosopher and scientist, one of the greatest intellectual figures of Western history.            | "Aristotle's contributions to philosophy and science are still studied today."                             |
| **Joseph Campbell**                                           | An American professor and writer known for his work in comparative mythology and religion.                         | "Joseph Campbell's book, 'The Hero with a Thousand Faces,' influenced many modern writers and filmmakers."  |
| **'The Hero with a Thousand Faces'**                          | A work of comparative mythology by Joseph Campbell, published in 1949.                                              | "In 'The Hero with a Thousand Faces,' Campbell discusses the journey of the archetypal hero shared by world mythologies." |
| **To summarise the long story,**                              | A phrase used to introduce a concise version of a previously lengthy explanation or narrative.                     | "To summarise the long story, we eventually solved the problem after many trials."                          |
| **Consumer to business**                                      | A business model where consumers create value and businesses consume it.                                            | "The app's platform operates on a consumer to business model, allowing users to offer their services."     |
| **Do you know what a greenback is?**                          | A question asking if the listener knows the informal term for U.S. paper currency, especially the dollar bill.      | "Do you know what a greenback is? It's another name for the American dollar."                              |
| **Did you know.**                                             | Used to introduce a piece of information that may be surprising or previously unknown to the listener.             | "Did you know that the honeybee can flap its wings 200 times per second?"                                  |
| **Tenure**                                                    | The holding of an office or the guaranteed permanence of employment, especially as a teacher or professor.          | "After many years of hard work, she finally achieved tenure at the university."                            |
| **Questionnaire survey**                                      | A research instrument consisting of a series of questions for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. | "We collected data using a questionnaire survey that we distributed to 200 participants."                  |
| **I don't know if it will be five or ten years from now**     | Indicates uncertainty about the timing of a future event.                                                          | "I don't know if it will be five or ten years from now, but I plan to move to a new city eventually."       |
| **Five or ten years later.**                                  | A time frame indicating something will happen a significant number of years in the future.                         | "Five or ten years later, he became the CEO of the company."                                               |
| **General**                                                   | Common or widespread; not specialized or specific.                                                                | "In general, the weather in this region is quite mild throughout the year."                               |
| **Ordered to commit suicide**                                 | Compelled by someone in authority to take one's own life.                                                          | "In ancient times, some leaders were ordered to commit suicide as a form of capital punishment."           |
| **Planetarium**                                               | A building or room in which images of stars, planets, and constellations are projected on the inner surface of a dome for public education and entertainment. | "We visited the planetarium to learn about the constellations."                                            |
| **Mystery solving activity**                                  | An activity or event focused on solving puzzles or uncovering hidden facts within a narrative context.             | "The team-building event featured a mystery solving activity that everyone enjoyed."                       |
| **Why does the sky turn red?**                                | A question inquiring about the scientific reasons behind the reddening of the sky, often at sunset or sunrise.      | "Why does the sky turn red at sunset? It's due to the scattering of light by the atmosphere."               |
| **Immerse myself in an English environment**                  | To fully engage or involve oneself in an environment where English is the primary language.                        | "I decided to immerse myself in an English environment by studying abroad in London."                      |
| **Get used to diversity**                                     | Becoming accustomed to a variety of cultural, racial, or other differences within a group or society.              | "Moving to a multicultural city has helped me get used to diversity."                                      |
| **Japan's population is rapidly decreasing**                  | A statement regarding the swift reduction in the number of people living in Japan.                                | "Japan's population is rapidly decreasing due to low birth rates and high aging population."               |
| **Implemented**                                               | Put into effect; executed a plan or method.                                                                       | "The new policy was implemented last Monday."                                                              |
| **1 theme in 2 months**                                       | Indicates that one particular subject or topic will be focused on or explored every two months.                    | "Our team decides on 1 theme in 2 months to focus our project efforts effectively."                        |
| **I look forward to working in a diverse team**               | Expressing enthusiasm about collaborating with a team that has a mix of backgrounds and experiences.              | "I look forward to working in a diverse team because it enhances creativity and learning."                 |
| **Continuous learning environment**                           | A setting where learning is an ongoing process.                                                                   | "Our company fosters a continuous learning environment to keep up with industry changes."                  |
| **Venture company**                                           | A business enterprise that is typically high-risk, innovative, and potentially highly profitable.                 | "He left his corporate job to start a venture company in the tech field."                                  |
| **Startup companies**                                         | Newly established businesses, often in the technology sector, focused on unique and innovative services or products. | "Startup companies often face challenges in securing initial funding."                                     |
| **Definitely**                                                | Without doubt; certainly.                                                                                        | "I will definitely be there at your wedding."                                                              |
| **Got media coverage**                                        | Received attention from news outlets or publications.                                                            | "The event got media coverage from major newspapers and TV stations."                                      |
| **I'm a long way away at the moment, but I'll try to head over! But I might not make it in time, so don't worry, have fun!** | Indicates the speaker is currently far from a certain location but will attempt to arrive, albeit potentially late. |                                                                                                           |
| **I am eager to take on this challenge by leveraging my experience. Thank you for your consideration.**             | Expresses a strong desire and readiness to face a new challenge, emphasizing the use of accumulated experience.   |                                                                                                           |
| **Taking shelter from the rain with the birds**               | A poetic way of saying the speaker is sharing a moment of refuge with the birds during rainfall.                   | "I found myself taking shelter from the rain with the birds under the large oak tree."                     |



















| English Expression                                                                                                      | Explanation                                                                                                                                                       | Example Sentence                                                                                                                  |
| **Invigorate and energize the market**                                                                                  | To give new energy or strength to the market, often through innovative products or strategies.                                                                     | "The introduction of the new smartphone model helped invigorate and energize the market."                                          |
| **Take a video**                                                                                                        | To record a video using a camera or smartphone.                                                                                                                    | "Can you take a video of the concert for me?"                                                                                     |
| **Elevated student satisfaction significantly**                                                                         | Improved the level of student satisfaction greatly.                                                                                                               | "The new curriculum has elevated student satisfaction significantly."                                                             |
| **Set purpose**                                                                                                         | To establish or define a specific aim or intention for something.                                                                                                  | "The project was initiated with a set purpose to improve community health."                                                       |
| **Questionnaire**                                                                                                       | A set of printed or digital questions designed to gather information from respondents.                                                                             | "We distributed a questionnaire to gather feedback on the new policy."                                                            |
| **Questionnaire survey**                                                                                                | A research method involving the use of questionnaires to collect data from a group of people.                                                                     | "The team conducted a questionnaire survey to understand customer preferences."                                                   |
| **Fun homework**                                                                                                        | Assignments given to students that are designed to be enjoyable and engaging.                                                                                     | "The teacher assigned fun homework that included puzzles and games to teach mathematics."                                          |
| **Experiment**                                                                                                          | A scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact.                                                           | "The biology students conducted an experiment to observe the effects of sunlight on plant growth."                                |
| **It is important to stir emotions**                                                                                    | It is crucial to evoke or provoke emotional responses.                                                                                                             | "Effective advertising often relies on the ability to stir emotions."                                                             |
| **It is important to stimulate emotions**                                                                               | It is crucial to evoke or provoke emotional responses, similar to 'stir emotions'.                                                                                 | "Music has the power to stimulate emotions, often bringing people to tears or giving them chills."                                 |
| **Questions you want to think about**                                                                                   | Suggests topics or problems one should consider or reflect upon.                                                                                                   | "In today's lecture, I will present some questions you want to think about regarding ethical practices in business."              |
| **Inductive learning**                                                                                                  | A method of learning where general principles are derived from specific observations.                                                                              | "The course uses inductive learning to help students develop a deeper understanding of statistical concepts."                     |
| **Structuring**                                                                                                         | The act of organizing or arranging according to a systematic plan or framework.                                                                                    | "Structuring the course content logically is crucial for effective teaching."                                                     |
| **By creating a community on Discord, you can post your research results there.**                                       | Suggests using Discord, a digital communication platform, to form a group where research findings can be shared.                                                  |                                                                                                                                  |
| **Output**                                                                                                              | The amount of something produced by a person, machine, or industry.                                                                                               | "The factory's output has doubled this year thanks to improved processes."                                                        |
| **Having feedback on it**                                                                                               | Receiving reactions or responses about a particular action or activity, usually aimed at future improvement.                                                     | "Having feedback on your work can help you improve and refine your skills."                                                       |
| **Peer learning methodologies**                                                                                         | Educational approaches where students learn from and with each other without the immediate supervision of a teacher.                                              | "The school has implemented peer learning methodologies to enhance collaborative skills among students."                          |
| **Developing behavioral skills**                                                                                        | The process of improving abilities that govern human actions in various environments.                                                                              | "The training program focused on developing behavioral skills essential for customer service roles."                               |
| **This technology-enabled approach allowed me to create personalized learning experiences, incorporating interactive elements like quizzes and games...** | Describes the use of technology to tailor educational experiences to individual learners, making the learning process interactive and engaging.                    | "This technology-enabled approach allowed me to create personalized learning experiences, which greatly enhanced engagement and learning outcomes." |














| Component of Flow Theory                                                        | Explanation                                                                                                                                                  | Example Sentence                                                                                                 |
| **Clear goals and progress**                                                    | The activity needs defined objectives and visible progression to provide structure and direction, essential for achieving flow.                              | "In the game design, clear goals and progress are established so players feel a continuous sense of achievement." |
| **Clear and immediate feedback**                                                | The activity must provide responses to the participant's actions and decisions quickly enough to allow the person to adapt and adjust to maintain engagement. | "The software tutorial provides clear and immediate feedback, helping users know when they've completed steps correctly." |
| **Good balance between perceived challenges and perceived skills**              | The activity should neither overwhelm nor under-challenge the participant, requiring a balance that matches one's skills with the challenges faced.           | "Rock climbing offers a good balance between perceived challenges and my skills, keeping me in a flow state throughout the activity."  |






地下鉄を乗り継ぎ、市内中心地に向かう。イギリスの駅員さんは親切で、道順を丁寧に教えてくれるし、質問が終わると"Have a nice day"と声をかけてくれる。



















| English Expression                                            | Explanation                                                                                       | Example Sentence                                                                                 |
| **Is today the first day of the film's release?**             | A question asking if the current day marks the debut or premiere of a film.                       | "Is today the first day of the film's release? I've been looking forward to seeing it."          |
| **One of my personal best films**                             | A statement expressing that a particular film is among the speaker's favorites.                   | "That movie is one of my personal best films; I could watch it over and over again."             |
| **"If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything."**| A motivational quote suggesting that with determination, any goal can be achieved.                 | "Whenever I start doubting myself, I remember the saying, 'If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.'" |
| **"Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads."**          | A famous line from the movie "Back to the Future," implying that the future will transcend current limitations or expectations. | "When talking about the future of technology, I like to quote: 'Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.'"  |


















Your explanation of what we does was very detailed - the research you'd put into the company really came through
Your enthusiasm towards education and ai was evident - some great ideas around making learning more engaging

Areas for improvement:
I felt that you could have come across more confidently overall and would like for you to have sold yourself more when talking me through your skillset and competencies you felt aligned to those expected of the job role.





















読んでくださり、ありがとうございます!記事がいいなと思ったら、よろしければサポートお願いします! いただいたサポートはクリエイターとしての活動費に使わせていただきます!