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| **Rationale**                      | The underlying reason or explanation for something.                                                              | "The rationale for the change was explained in the meeting."                                         |
| **Criteria**                       | Standards or principles by which something is judged or decisions are made.                                      | "The criteria for the scholarship include academic excellence and community service."                |
| **Explicit**                       | Stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or interpretation.                                   | "The instructions were explicit and easy to follow."                                                 |
| **Implicit**                       | Implied though not plainly expressed.                                                                            | "There was an implicit agreement between them that no one else knew about."                          |
| **Interpret**                      | Explain the meaning of information or actions.                                                                   | "The data from the experiment was difficult to interpret."                                           |
| **Obesity**                        | The condition of being grossly overweight or excessively fat.                                                    | "Obesity is a major health issue that affects millions globally."                                    |
| **Intake**                         | The amount of food, drink, or other substances taken into the body.                                              | "It's important to monitor your daily water intake."                                                 |
| **Associated with**                | Connected with something as a cause, effect, or result.                                                          | "Poor diet is associated with various health issues."                                                |
| **Disclaimer**                     | A statement that denies something, especially responsibility.                                                     | "The company issued a disclaimer about the potential risks of using their product."                  |
| **Persona**                        | The aspect of someone's character that is presented to or perceived by others.                                   | "His public persona is very different from the private person he is."                                |
| **Aligns**                         | Place or arrange things in a straight line.                                                                      | "Ensure the text aligns perfectly on the page for a cleaner look."                                   |
| **Hallucinate**                    | Experience a seemingly real perception of something not actually present.                                        | "High fevers caused him to hallucinate."                                                             |
| **Don't let this fool**            | A warning not to be deceived by appearances or first impressions.                                                | "Don't let this fool you; the task is more complicated than it looks."                               |
| **Proceed**                        | Begin or continue a course of action.                                                                            | "Once the signal is given, you may proceed with the experiment."                                     |
| **Slightly suspicious of processed food** | Having a wary attitude towards foods that have been industrially processed.                                     | "He's slightly suspicious of processed food and prefers organic products."                           |
| **Byproduct**                      | A secondary product derived from a manufacturing process or chemical reaction.                                   | "Molasses is a byproduct of sugar production."                                                       |
| **Hazardous**                      | Risky; dangerous.                                                                                               | "Handling hazardous chemicals requires special precautions."                                         |
| **Dispose**                        | Get rid of something, typically by throwing it away.                                                            | "Dispose of the waste properly to avoid pollution."                                                  |
| **Properly**                       | Appropriately; in the right way.                                                                                 | "Make sure to dispose of the chemicals properly."                                                    |
| **Molasses**                       | A thick, dark brown syrup obtained from raw sugar during the refining process.                                   | "Molasses is often used in baking and cooking."                                                      |
| **Petroleum refining**             | The industrial process of converting crude oil into useful products such as fuel.                                | "Petroleum refining is key to producing gasoline and diesel."                                        |
| **Intent**                         | Intention or purpose.                                                                                           | "The intent of the new regulation is to protect the environment."                                    |
| **Rubric**                         | A set of instructions or rules.                                                                                 | "The grading rubric for the essay outlines the expectations clearly."                                |
| **Topographers**                   | Specialists in describing the features of a landscape on maps.                                                   | "Topographers play a crucial role in planning land developments."                                    |
| **Cartographers**                  | Mapmakers who design and create maps.                                                                           | "Cartographers use various data sources to create accurate maps."                                    |
| **Digging in**                     | To start eating with enthusiasm.                                                                                 | "As soon as the dinner was served, everyone started digging in."                                     |
| **Comprehension**                  | The ability to understand something.                                                                             | "Reading comprehension is crucial for academic success."                                             |
| **Obscure**                        | Not discovered or known about; uncertain.                                                                        | "His answers were obscure and confusing."                                                            |
| **Encompass**                      | To include comprehensively.                                                                                      | "The study encompasses a broad range of subjects."                                                  |
| **Fragment**                       | A small part broken off or separated from something.                                                             | "A fragment of pottery was found at the archaeological site."                                        |
| **Coherence**                      | The quality of being logical, consistent, and forming a unified whole.                                           | "Coherence in your argument is essential for the essay to be persuasive."                            |
| **Language mechanics**             | The rules and conventions that govern the structure of language, such as grammar and syntax.                     | "Strong language mechanics are essential for clear communication."                                   |
| **Proficient**                     | Competent or skilled in doing or using something.                                                                | "She is proficient in three languages."                                                             |
| **Ambiguous pronoun**              | A pronoun whose reference is unclear or confusing.                                                               | "Avoid using an ambiguous pronoun as it can confuse the reader."                                     |
| **Pitfalls**                       | Hidden or unsuspected dangers or difficulties.                                                                   | "There are several common pitfalls to avoid when starting a business."                               |
| **Conciseness**                    | The quality of being able to express something clearly and effectively without using unnecessary words.          | "Conciseness is key when writing an executive summary."                                              |
| **Verbosity**                      | The quality of using more words than needed; wordiness.                                                          | "His verbosity often made his speeches difficult to follow."                                         |
| **Repetition**                     | The action of repeating something that has already been said or written.                                         | "Repetition can be an effective literary device, but it should be used sparingly."                   |
| **Reiteration**                    | The act of repeating something, usually for emphasis or clarity.                                                 | "His reiteration of the main points helped clarify the complex topic."                               |
| **Fluff**                          | Unnecessary detail or filler.                                                                                    | "Cut the fluff from your essay to make your argument stronger."                                      |
| **Sign off**                       | To give approval or consent to something, often formally.                                                        | "The manager needs to sign off on the project before we can proceed."                                |
| **Tangential and unrelated content** | Content that strays from the main topic without adding value to the discussion.                                | "Avoid including tangential and unrelated content in your academic papers."                          |
| **Filter lead from water**          | To remove lead contaminants from water using a filtration process.                                               | "It's important to filter lead from water to make it safe for drinking."                             |
| **Fatal**                           | Resulting in death; deadly.                                                                                      | "A fatal error in judgement led to the accident."                                                   |
| **Delight**                         | Great pleasure.                                                                                                  | "The concert was a delight to attend."                                                              |
| **When in doubt**                   | Used to suggest that someone should do something cautiously when unsure.                                         | "When in doubt, it's best to ask for clarification."                                                |
| **Ample**                           | More than enough; plentiful.                                                                                     | "There is ample evidence to support the theory."                                                    |
| **Expansive**                       | Extensive, wide-ranging.                                                                                         | "Her knowledge of literature is expansive."                                                         |
| **Offspring**                       | Children or young of a person, animal, or plant.                                                                 | "The bear was seen protecting her offspring."                                                       |
| **Justification**                   | The action of showing something to be right or reasonable.                                                       | "He provided strong justification for his decisions at the meeting."                                |
| **Rule of thumb**                   | A broadly accurate guide or principle, based on practice rather than theory.                                     | "As a rule of thumb, you should spend no more than 30% of your income on housing."                   |
| **Distress**                        | Extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain.                                                                                | "The news of the accident caused her great distress."                                               |
| **Road rage incident**              | An event of aggressive driving or behavior stemming from a driver's anger on the road.                           | "He was involved in a road rage incident that escalated quickly."                                   |
| **Cut you off**                     | To suddenly pull in front of another car, often dangerously.                                                     | "I was almost at the intersection when another driver cut me off."                                  |
| **Endorse**                         | To declare one's public approval or support of something.                                                        | "The celebrity endorsed the new health product."                                                    |
| **Pirated**                         | Illegally copied from someone without permission.                                                               | "Pirated movies are illegal and harm the film industry."                                            |
| **Vulgar**                          | Lacking sophistication or good taste; unrefined.                                                                 | "The book was criticized for its vulgar language."                                                  |
| **Adhere**                          | Stick fast to (a surface or substance).                                                                          | "You must adhere to the guidelines strictly."                                                       |
| **Precedent**                       | An earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances. | "The court's decision set a precedent that influenced future cases."                               |
| **Egregious**                       | Outstandingly bad; shocking.                                                                                     | "His disregard for safety was egregious."                                                           |
| **Render**                          | Provide or give (a service, help, etc.).                                                                         | "The assistance provided by the volunteers rendered valuable help during the crisis."               |
| **Discrete**                        | Individually separate and distinct.                                                                              | "The project was divided into discrete phases."                                                    |
| **Contributor**                     | A person or thing that contributes something, especially money, ideas, or expertise.                            | "She was a major contributor to the success of the project."                                        |
| **Reinforce**                       | Strengthen or support, especially with additional personnel or material.                                         | "We need to reinforce the team with new resources to meet the deadline."                           |
| **Verbosity**                       | The quality of using more words than needed; wordiness.                                                         | "His speech was criticized for its unnecessary verbosity."                                          |

















| English Expression                                             | Explanation                                                                                               | Example Sentence                                                                     |
| If you get lost, you should ask your teacher                   | Suggests that one should seek guidance from their teacher if they are confused or unsure of something.    | "If you get lost in the lesson, you should ask your teacher for clarification."      |
| If you get lost, you might want to ask your doctor             | Advises that consulting a doctor could be helpful if one feels confused or unwell.                        | "If you get lost in understanding your symptoms, you might want to ask your doctor." |
| It was his first time today, so I walked him to school.        | Explains that someone was escorted to school because it was their first time attending.                   |                                                                                      |
| Prepare                                                        | To make ready or get ready for an event or a specific purpose.                                            | "Prepare for the exam by reviewing all your notes and textbooks."                    |
| Implement                                                      | To put a decision, plan, agreement, etc., into effect.                                                    | "The new policy was implemented to improve safety in the workplace."                 |
| As a result, our project completion rate improved by 20%       | Indicates that an action had a positive outcome, improving project completion rates.                      |                                                                                      |
| Yes. But I'm familiared with this atmosphere now, I need some stimulation. | Likely a typographical error in "familiared", intended to mean "familiar". Suggests a need for a new challenge or change. | "Yes, but I'm familiar with this atmosphere now; I need some new challenges."        |
| Almost every day. But I need to create more opportunities to speak English outside the classroom. | Expresses a desire to practice English more frequently and in varied settings.                            |                                                                                      |
| Massive grammar                                                | Likely referring to extensive or comprehensive study or application of grammar.                           | "We covered massive grammar rules in today's lesson."                                |
| Have you worked on your English in any other way?              | Asks if someone has used different methods or resources to improve their English skills.                  | "Have you worked on your English in any other way, like through apps or traveling?"  |











| English Expression                                                 | Explanation                                                                                                         | Example Sentence                                                                       |
| **I Felt off**                                                     | Informal expression indicating feeling unwell or out of sorts.                                                      | "I didn't go to the party because I felt off all day."                                 |
| **So the completed sentence is: "He needn't have bothered coming at all if he was going to be so late."** | This sentence uses modal verbs to express that someone's effort was unnecessary due to their tardiness.              |                                                                                        |
| **That's easier said than done.**                                  | A phrase used to indicate that while something may be easy to talk about, it is much harder to actually do.         | "Starting your own business is easier said than done."                                 |
| **Inevitable**                                                     | Certain to happen; unavoidable.                                                                                     | "Given the circumstances, the delay was inevitable."                                    |
| **Evacuated**                                                      | Removed from a place of danger to a safer location.                                                                  | "The residents were evacuated from the coastal area due to the hurricane."             |
| **Reduction**                                                      | The action of making something smaller or less in amount, degree, or size.                                           | "The company announced a reduction in workforce to cut costs."                         |
| **Embarrassing**                                                   | Causing one to feel self-conscious, ashamed, or awkward.                                                             | "It was embarrassing when I tripped and fell in front of everyone."                    |
| **Helicopter**                                                     | A type of aircraft that derives both lift and propulsion from one or more sets of horizontally revolving rotors.    | "The helicopter landed smoothly despite the windy conditions."                         |
| **It costs me nothing to be.**                                     | Suggesting that being a certain way (kind, polite, patient, etc.) does not require any financial or significant effort. | "It costs me nothing to be kind to others."                                            |








| English Expression                                    | Explanation                                                                                                      | Example Sentence                                                                      |
| **Work assiduously**                                  | To work very hard and diligently.                                                                                | "She worked assiduously to complete her thesis on time."                              |
| **Speaking of which, what happened to that?**         | A phrase used to return to a previous topic or to ask for an update on a situation previously discussed.        | "Speaking of which, what happened to that proposal you submitted last week?"          |
| **Critique**                                          | A detailed analysis and assessment of something, especially a literary, philosophical, or political theory.      | "The professor offered a thorough critique of the student's essay."                   |
| **Slapped**                                           | Struck with an open hand, typically used figuratively to describe a sharp reprimand or insult.                   | "His dismissive comment slapped me in the face with its rudeness."                    |
| **For a while**                                       | A phrase indicating a period of time.                                                                            | "I haven't seen her for a while; I wonder how she's doing."                           |
| **Companion**                                         | A person or animal with whom one spends a lot of time or with whom one travels.                                  | "His dog has been his faithful companion for the last ten years."                     |
| **He’s always been there for me**                     | Expression of gratitude or recognition for consistent support.                                                   | "Through all my troubles, he’s always been there for me."                             |
| **I’ve always looked up to her**                      | Expression indicating great respect and admiration for someone.                                                   | "I’ve always looked up to her for her integrity and dedication."                      |
| **I’ve got a real soft spot for my dad**              | Expression showing tender affection towards someone.                                                             | "No matter what, I’ve got a real soft spot for my dad."                               |
| **We are a close-knit group of teachers**             | Description of a group with strong ties and mutual support.                                                      | "We are a close-knit group of teachers who always support each other."                |
| **We go back a long way**                             | Used to say that you have known someone for a long time.                                                         | "We go back a long way, since our college days."                                      |
| **We are on the same wavelength**                     | When two or more people understand each other very well or are thinking about something in a similar way.        | "It's great working with you; we are always on the same wavelength."                  |
| **Upbringing**                                        | The treatment and instruction received by a child from its parents throughout its childhood.                     | "His upbringing was strict but fair, which shaped his strong character."              |
| **Sympathetic**                                       | Feeling, showing, or expressing sympathy.                                                                        | "She was very sympathetic when I told her about my loss."                             |
| **Nature**                                            | The inherent qualities or characteristics of a person or thing.                                                   | "His generous nature makes him very popular among his friends."                       |
| **Bond**                                              | A strong connection or link between people or things.                                                            | "The bond between the siblings grew stronger as they faced challenges together."      |
| **Witty**                                             | Showing or characterized by quick and inventive verbal humor.                                                    | "Her witty remarks at the dinner party were the highlight of the evening."            |
| **Wise**                                              | Having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment.                                                      | "The wise old man shared his insights with the village."                              |
| **Devoted**                                           | Very loving or loyal.                                                                                            | "She is a devoted mother who would do anything for her children."                     |
| **Capable**                                           | Having the ability, fitness, or quality necessary to do or achieve a specified thing.                            | "She is capable of handling such problems on her own."                                |
| **Caring**                                            | Displaying kindness and concern for others.                                                                      | "His caring nature is evident in the way he treats everyone with respect."            |
| **Thoughtful**                                        | Considerate of the needs of other people.                                                                        | "She was thoughtful to bring me soup when I was sick."                                |
| **Mutual friend**                                     | A friend who is shared by two or more people.                                                                    | "We met through a mutual friend at a party."                                          |






















| English Expression              | Explanation                                                                                                  | Example Sentence                                                                             |
| **Exoplanet**                   | A planet that orbits a star outside the solar system.                                                        | "Scientists have discovered a new exoplanet in the habitable zone of a distant star."         |
| **Molecule**                    | The smallest particle of a chemical substance that can exist independently while retaining its chemical properties. | "A water molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom."                        |
| **Cyanide**                     | A chemical compound that is highly toxic and can exist in various forms.                                     | "Cyanide is used in industrial processes but is known for its lethal effects."                |
| **Prominent**                   | Standing out or noticeable; important.                                                                       | "He is a prominent figure in the field of science."                                           |
| **Scour**                       | To clean or brighten a surface by rubbing it hard, often with an abrasive or detergent.                      | "She scoured the pot to remove the burnt stains."                                             |
| **Orbit**                       | The gravitationally curved path of an object around a point in space, such as that of a planet around a star. | "The moon completes an orbit around Earth approximately every 27 days."                       |
| **Cutting-edge machinery**      | Equipment or devices that employ the latest technology or design.                                            | "The factory was equipped with cutting-edge machinery to increase production efficiency."     |
| **Speculate**                   | To form theories or conjectures about something without firm evidence.                                       | "Economists speculate that the rise in oil prices might lead to inflation."                   |
| **Properties**                  | Characteristics or attributes of an object or substance.                                                     | "The properties of titanium make it ideal for use in aerospace applications."                 |
| **Realm**                       | A kingdom or a field or domain of activity or interest.                                                      | "His research has extended into the realm of quantum computing."                              |
| **Sophisticated**               | Having a refined knowledge of the world; complex or intricate.                                               | "The debate technique he used was very sophisticated."                                       |
| **Infrared**                    | Electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths longer than visible light but shorter than radio waves.           | "Infrared cameras are used to capture images in the dark."                                    |
| **Soared**                      | To fly or rise high in the air.                                                                              | "The eagle soared above the mountains."                                                       |
| **On the way**                  | En route; along the path to a destination.                                                                   | "He called to say he was on the way to the office."                                           |
| **Fire is the foundation of everyday life** | A statement highlighting the essential role fire has played in human development and daily life.             | "From cooking to providing warmth, fire is the foundation of everyday life."                  |
| **Rude**                        | Lacking manners or refinement.                                                                               | "It was rude of him to leave without saying goodbye."                                         |
| **Vulgar**                      | Lacking sophistication or good taste; indecent.                                                              | "The book was criticized for its vulgar language."                                            |
| **Topnotch**                    | Of the highest quality; excellent.                                                                           | "The chef at that restaurant is topnotch."                                                    |
| **Bipolar**                     | Having or relating to two poles or extremities, often used in the context of mood disorders.                  | "Bipolar disorder causes extreme mood swings between depression and mania."                   |
| **Solidarity**                  | Unity or agreement of feeling or action among individuals with a common interest.                            | "The workers acted in solidarity during the strike."                                          |
| **Embrace**                     | To accept something enthusiastically.                                                                        | "He decided to embrace the new challenges at his job."                                        |
| **Gist**                        | The main or essential part of a matter.                                                                      | "I missed the meeting; could you give me the gist of what was discussed?"                     |
| **Autonomy**                    | The right or condition of self-government, especially in a particular sphere.                                | "The university operates with a high degree of academic autonomy."                            |
| **Beating**                     | A defeat or a thorough loss.                                                                                 | "The team took a beating in the championship game."                                           |
| **Start ahead!**                | An encouragement to begin something with a lead or advantage.                                                | "Start ahead! It's always good to have a head start in any competition."                      |
| **Reply**                       | To respond to something, typically in words.                                                                 | "He didn't reply to the email until the next day."                                            |
| **Most jobs are in London.**    | A statement that the majority of employment opportunities are located in London.                             |                                                                                               |
| **First and last BBQ**          | Describes an event as being both the initial and final occurrence of its kind.                               | "We're having our first and last BBQ of the summer this Saturday."                            |












| English Expression          | Explanation                                                                                               | Example Sentence                                                                         |
| **Depicted**                | Shown or represented, often in art or literature.                                                         | "The novel depicted the struggles of the early settlers in vivid detail."                |
| **Caricatured**             | Made a comically or grotesquely exaggerated representation of someone or something.                       | "The political cartoonist caricatured the mayor with a huge nose and tiny ears."         |
| **Rendered**                | Provided or given in a particular form.                                                                   | "His apology was rendered insincerely, diminishing its effect."                          |
| **Obsolete**                | Out of date, no longer in use or no longer useful.                                                        | "Floppy disks have become obsolete in the digital age."                                  |
| **Serves**                  | Performs duties or services for another person or an organization.                                        | "She serves as the chair of the board."                                                  |
| **Afflicting**              | Causing pain or suffering to; affecting or troubling.                                                     | "He was afflicted by a mysterious illness that baffled doctors."                         |
| **Connectivity**            | The state of being connected or interconnected.                                                           | "The device offers enhanced connectivity to multiple networks."                          |
| **Obliterating**            | Completely destroying or wiping out.                                                                      | "The building was obliterated by the explosion."                                         |
| **Dramatic spike**          | A sudden and large increase or rise.                                                                      | "There was a dramatic spike in demand for online services during the lockdown."          |
| **Prevalent**               | Widespread in a particular area or at a particular time.                                                  | "Smoking is less prevalent now than it was in the past."                                 |
| **Paradoxical**             | Seemingly absurd or self-contradictory.                                                                   | "It is paradoxical that standing is more tiring than walking."                           |
| **Complement**              | Something that completes or goes well with something.                                                     | "The fine wine is a perfect complement to the gourmet meal."                             |
| **Distractor**              | Something that distracts the mind and reduces attention to other things.                                  | "Loud noises can act as distractors during studying."                                    |
| **Depriving**               | Preventing from having or holding something.                                                              | "Depriving children of physical activity may affect their health adversely."             |
| **Quaint notion**           | An idea that is attractively unusual or old-fashioned.                                                    | "The quaint notion of writing letters by hand is still cherished by some."               |
| **Clinically**              | In a manner relating to the observation and treatment of actual patients rather than theoretical or laboratory studies. | "Her condition was clinically assessed by the specialists at the hospital."             |

































| English Expression     | Explanation                                                                           | Example Sentence                                                                     |
| **Alleviate**          | To make something, such as pain or hardship, less severe or more bearable.             | "Taking aspirin can help alleviate the pain."                                        |
| **Plurals**            | The form of a word used to denote more than one.                                      | "She learned how to spell the plurals of complex words."                             |
| **Articles**           | A part of English grammar used to indicate specific or unspecific nouns (e.g., 'a', 'an', 'the'). | "Using articles correctly can be tricky for non-native speakers."                    |
| **Vary intonation**    | To change the tone or pitch of the voice to convey different meanings or emotions.    | "You should vary intonation to keep your audience engaged during the presentation."  |





















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