
































We make our history












| English Expression                                     | Explanation                                                                                                  | Example Sentence                                                                       |
| Gutting                                                | Very disappointing or devastating.                                                                           | "Losing the final match was gutting for the team."                                     |
| Every cloud has a silver lining                        | A proverb meaning that every difficult or sad situation has a comforting or more hopeful aspect.              | "Even though you lost the job, every cloud has a silver lining; something better will come along." |
| You’ve been promoted to senior manager                 | Informing someone that they have been moved to a higher position in their company.                            |                                                                                        |
| Delay taking action if possible                        | Advice suggesting that it might be better to postpone action.                                                | "If it's not urgent, delay taking action if possible to gather more information."       |
| Get angry from time to time                            | Expressing that it is normal to experience anger occasionally.                                                | "Everyone gets angry from time to time; it's a natural emotion."                       |
| Try to see the problem from the point of view of the team | Encouraging someone to consider other perspectives, especially those of their team.                           | "To resolve this, try to see the problem from the point of view of the team."           |
| Be truthful about how you see the situation            | Advising someone to be honest and clear about their perspective on a situation.                               | "It's important to be truthful about how you see the situation, so we can address it effectively." |
| Encourage open and frank discussion                    | To promote a conversation where people speak honestly without holding back.                                   | "We encourage open and frank discussion here; please say what you really think."       |
| Try to ignore tensions within the team                 | Suggesting that one should not focus on or give importance to minor conflicts among team members.             | "Try to ignore the small tensions within the team and focus on the project goals."     |
| Bring potential conflict and disagreement into the open | To address issues directly and openly before they develop into bigger problems.                               | "It's better to bring potential conflict and disagreement into the open and deal with them early." |
| Give special attention to team members who are creating problems | Focus on helping or managing team members who are causing issues.                                           | "We need to give special attention to team members who are creating problems to ensure they receive the right support." |
| Persist with “impossible people” You may win them over | Suggesting continued effort to deal with difficult individuals, as it might lead to a positive outcome.       | "Persist with 'impossible people'; you may win them over with patience and understanding." |
| Try to find a ’win-win’ solution                       | Look for solutions that benefit all parties involved.                                                         | "In negotiations, always try to find a 'win-win' solution that satisfies both sides."  |
| Best practices                                         | Methods or techniques that are accepted as superior to any alternatives because they produce results that are superior to those achieved by other means. | "We adhere to industry best practices to maintain high quality standards."            |
| Metrics                                                | Measurements or standards used to assess or track the efficiency or success of an operation or activity.     | "We use several metrics to gauge our project's progress."                             |
| Restrictive                                            | Limiting the freedom of someone or the scope of something.                                                    | "The restrictive regulations prevented us from expanding our services."               |
| Against the odds                                       | Despite low probability; in unlikely circumstances.                                                           | "She succeeded against the odds and won the gold medal."                              |
| Please have less dinner today.                         | A polite request asking someone to eat a smaller dinner, perhaps for health or dietary reasons.               |                                                                                        |
| I got goosebumps.                                      | A way to express that something made you very emotional or scared, causing a physical reaction.               | "I got goosebumps watching that thrilling movie scene."                               |
| I almost cried.                                        | Expressing that something was so emotional that it nearly brought you to tears.                               | "The movie was so touching that I almost cried at the end."                           |
| Invincible                                             | Incapable of being overcome or defeated.                                                                      | "The team felt invincible after winning all their matches this season."               |
| I watched football all day yesterday.                  | Statement that the speaker spent the entire previous day watching football.                                   |                                                                                        |
| Tomorrow is the day when all things end.               | A dramatic way of saying that significant changes or conclusions are expected tomorrow.                       |                                                                                        |
| Tomorrow is a day of endings and beginnings.           | Suggesting that while some things will end, new things will also start.                                       | "Tomorrow is a day of endings and beginnings, as I graduate and start a new job."     |

























| English Expression                                                  | Explanation                                                                                                   | Example Sentence                                                                         |
| I was going to be late.                                             | Expressing that one anticipated being late.                                                                  | "I was going to be late, so I called ahead to inform them."                               |
| I hate losing.                                                      | Expressing a strong dislike for not winning in competitions or challenges.                                    | "I hate losing at chess; it's so frustrating!"                                            |
| Aren't you blue today?                                              | Asking if someone is feeling sad or depressed today, using "blue" as a synonym for sadness.                   |                                                                                           |
| Get off                                                             | Used to tell someone to disembark from a vehicle or to stop doing something.                                  | "Get off the bus at the next stop."                                                       |
| I want to support people who challenge themselves. I don't like people who laugh at people who try. Only those people can't do anything. | Expressing a desire to support those who take on challenges and a dislike for those who mock others' efforts.   |                                                                                           |
| Keep fit                                                            | To maintain good physical health through exercise and diet.                                                   | "I run every morning to keep fit."                                                        |
| Anecdote                                                            | A short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person.                                         | "He told an amusing anecdote about his first day at work."                                |
| Not really                                                          | Used to express disagreement or that something is not completely true.                                        | "Do you enjoy watching horror movies?" "Not really."                                      |
| Desperate                                                           | Feeling or showing a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal with.              | "He was desperate to find a job."                                                         |
| Concentration on the game                                           | Focusing one's mental energy on understanding or excelling at a game.                                         | "His concentration on the game was evident from his performance."                         |
| Focus on the game                                                   | Directing attention or effort towards the game.                                                               | "You need to focus on the game if you want to win."                                       |
| Historic present                                                    | The use of the present tense when narrating past events to make them seem more vivid and immediate.           | "In the story, he says 'I walk into the room,' using the historic present for effect."    |
| Suspect                                                             | To believe or feel that someone may be guilty of something, often without conclusive evidence.                | "The police suspect him of committing the crime."                                         |
| Extract                                                             | To remove or take out, especially by effort or force.                                                         | "The dentist had to extract a tooth that was causing pain."                               |
| Represent                                                           | To be a symbol or embodiment of; to stand for or act on behalf of someone.                                     | "She represents her district in the state senate."                                       |
| Should I call out when I go?                                        | Asking if one should announce their departure or make it known.                                               |                                                                                           |








| English Expression                          | Explanation                                                                                           | Example Sentence                                                                     |
| This game reminded me of a strong desire to go abroad. | Incorrectly phrased, should be "reminded." Expressing that something evoked a desire to travel.       | "Playing the international trivia game reminded me of my strong desire to go abroad."|
| Flew home                                   | To return to one's home country or place of residence by plane.                                        | "After the semester ended, she flew home to spend time with her family."             |
| Walking out                                 | Leaving a place suddenly or as a form of protest.                                                      | "He was so upset during the meeting that he ended up walking out."                   |
| Came out as being gay                       | Publicly declared oneself as gay.                                                                      | "He finally felt comfortable and came out as being gay to his friends."              |
| Principle                                   | A fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior.   | "One of his core principles is honesty."                                             |
| Cheer on                                    | To support someone by shouting words of encouragement.                                                 | "The crowd cheered on the runners as they neared the finish line."                   |
| Take on                                     | To begin to perform or deal with; to accept as a challenge.                                            | "She decided to take on the responsibility of leading the project."                  |
| Stamina                                     | The ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort.                                            | "Long-distance runners need a lot of stamina to compete effectively."                |
| Opponents                                   | People who compete against others in a contest, game, or debate.                                       | "The team faced their toughest opponents yet in the championship game."              |
| Amateur                                     | Engaging or engaged in without payment; non-professional.                                              | "He is an amateur photographer, but his work is quite impressive."                   |
| Competition                                 | The activity or condition of striving to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others. | "The competition at this year's tournament is especially fierce."                   |
| For sure                                    | Certainly or definitely.                                                                              | "I will be there at eight, for sure."                                               |
| Get into fitness                            | To start participating in fitness activities.                                                          | "He decided to get into fitness to improve his health."                             |
| Which would you choose ...                  | A phrase used to introduce a choice between options in a hypothetical situation.                      |                                                                                      |
| To have a dog's head?                       | Hypothetical scenario asking if someone would choose to have the head of a dog.                       |                                                                                      |
| To uncontrollably sniff the bum of everyone you meet? | Hypothetical scenario asking if someone would choose to have a compulsive behavior considered socially inappropriate. |                                                                                      |





I'll never forget the time when I watched the football match Spain vs Japan in the 2022 World Cup. This match was one of the most important matches for Japan because it determined their progress to the final tournament.

One week before the match, Japan won against Germany and lost against Costa Rica. For moving forward, victory was necessary.

I watched this important match with my colleagues in our company office. Can you imagine how I felt when we saw Japan score? We shouted and danced in a circle. It was a really good moment, and I'll never forget it. I was satisfied and felt as if all the Japanese were one.

So, in the end, Japan couldn't win the World Cup trophy. But that is not the point; the most important thing is that it gave every Japanese a dream.




私はこの重要な試合を会社のオフィスで同僚たちと見ました。日本がゴールを決めたときの気持ちを想像できますか?私たちは叫び、輪になって踊りました。 それは本当に素晴らしい瞬間で、忘れられないものです。私は満足し、すべての日本人が一つになったかのように感じました。




| English Expression                         | Explanation                                                                                                      | Example Sentence                                                                       |
| You absolutely have to be sick - your life depends on it. | An exaggerated way to express the necessity of something, possibly for comedic effect.                           |                                                                                        |
| Which would you choose ...                 | Introducing options for someone to make a choice.                                                                |                                                                                        |
| To drink recklessly until you throw up?    | Describing one possible (negative) choice involving excessive alcohol consumption.                               |                                                                                        |
| To vomit through gross and persistent overeating? | Describing another possible (negative) choice involving excessive eating.                                        |                                                                                        |
| Spectators                                 | People who watch an event, show, game, or activity.                                                              | "The spectators cheered loudly at the football match."                                 |
| Huddle                                     | To gather closely together, usually for warmth, privacy, or in discussion.                                       | "The team huddled together to discuss their next play."                               |
| A flash in the pan                         | Something that shows potential or success only at the start but fails to deliver anything further.                | "His early success turned out to be just a flash in the pan."                          |
| Devastating                                | Causing severe shock, distress, or grief.                                                                        | "The news of the earthquake was devastating to the community."                        |
| Coming out victorious                      | To emerge as a winner from a competition or challenge.                                                            | "Despite the odds, the underdog team came out victorious."                            |
| Reflexes                                   | Automatic responses to stimuli.                                                                                  | "His quick reflexes saved the child from falling."                                    |
| Honed                                      | Sharpened or improved over time.                                                                                 | "She honed her writing skills over many years."                                       |
| Fibre optics                               | Technology that uses threads of glass or plastic to transmit data as pulses of light.                            | "Fibre optics are crucial for high-speed internet connections."                       |
| Combined tune                              | Likely a typo or misheard phrase, potentially meant to be "combined tone" or "combined effort."                  |                                                                                        |
| Cry foul                                   | To complain about something perceived as unjust or unfair.                                                       | "The losing team cried foul over the referee's decision."                             |
| Tuning in in droves                        | A large number of people collectively starting to watch or listen to a broadcast.                                | "Viewers were tuning in in droves to catch the finale of the popular show."           |
| Paved                                      | Covered with a hard surface, suitable for travel; metaphorically, to make progress or development easier.        | "The new policy paved the way for better healthcare."                                 |
| Reap                                       | To harvest; figuratively, to receive as a consequence of one's own or others' actions.                           | "She is hoping to reap the benefits of her investment soon."                          |
| Cognitive                                  | Relating to mental processes such as awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment.                             | "The puzzle game is designed to improve cognitive functions."                         |
| You got a good deal as a result.           | Indicating that the outcome of a situation was favorable or advantageous.                                        | "You got a good deal as a result of your hard negotiation."                           |





"I appreciate your understanding."
"I appreciate your understanding regarding the changes to our schedule."

"Thank you for your patience."
"Thank you for your patience while we resolve this issue."

"I'm looking forward to collaborating with you."
"I'm looking forward to collaborating with you on this project."

"Could I ask for your assistance with...?"
"Could I ask for your assistance with finalizing this report?"

"Please let me know if there's anything else you need."
"Please let me know if there's anything else you need to proceed."


"You might want to consider..."
-Suggests an action or thought for consideration in a gentle way.
"You might want to consider adding more details to your presentation."

"Could you possibly..."
-Used to make a request sound more polite.
"Could you possibly review these figures for accuracy?"

"Wouldn't it be beneficial if we..."
-Suggests a potential benefit in a cooperative way.
"Wouldn't it be beneficial if we coordinated more closely with the marketing team?"

"I was wondering if you could..."
-A soft and indirect way to ask for help or information.
"I was wondering if you could share your insights on this matter."





| English Expression       | Explanation                                                                                          | Example Sentence                                                                       |
| Enrol                    | To register or sign up for a course, program, or activity.                                           | "She decided to enrol in a computer science course."                                   |
| Tutorial                 | A period of study with a tutor involving one student or a small group, especially at a university.   | "We have a tutorial on quantum mechanics this afternoon."                              |
| Undergraduate            | A student at a college or university who has not yet earned a bachelor's degree.                     | "He is an undergraduate studying biology."                                             |
| Thesis                   | A long piece of writing on a particular subject, especially one that is done for a higher college or university degree. | "She's working on her thesis on renewable energy solutions."                           |
| Postgraduate             | A student who has completed an undergraduate degree and is studying at a more advanced level.        | "He is now a postgraduate researching advanced engineering."                           |
| PhD                      | The highest university degree, or Doctor of Philosophy, usually requiring a research thesis.        | "She earned her PhD in neuroscience."                                                  |
| Prospectus               | A printed booklet advertising a school or university to potential students or explaining the details of an investment, etc. | "The university prospectus contains information about all the courses offered."       |
| Personal statement       | An essay written by a student applying to a university or college about their goals and interests.   | "His personal statement explained his passion for literature."                         |
| Beside                   | At the side of; next to.                                                                             | "The lamp stood beside the bed."                                                       |
| Beside teaching          | In addition to teaching or apart from teaching.                                                      | "Beside teaching, she also manages the department's blog."                             |
| Other than               | Apart from; except for.                                                                              | "I have no other plans for the weekend other than relaxing."                           |
| Other than student union | Besides the student union, implying additional aspects or options within the context.                |                                                                                        |
| Apart from               | Excluding; not including.                                                                            | "Apart from the final chapter, the book is nearly complete."                           |
| Apart from chemistry     | Excluding or not considering chemistry.                                                              | "He studies all sciences, apart from chemistry."                                       |
| Revolve                  | To focus on or center around.                                                                        | "Her life seems to revolve around tennis."                                             |
| Exclusively              | Only; solely.                                                                                        | "This event is exclusively for club members."                                          |
| Socialize                | To participate in social activities; to interact with others.                                        | "He likes to socialize with coworkers on weekends."                                    |
| Superior                 | Higher in rank, status, or quality.                                                                   | "She reported directly to her superior in the company."                                |
| Inefficiency             | Lack of efficiency; wasting resources or effort.                                                     | "The inefficiency of the process resulted in long delays."                             |
| Advisable                | Sensible or prudent as a course of action.                                                           | "It's advisable to check the weather report before hiking."                            |
| Impatient                | Having or showing a tendency to be quickly irritated or provoked.                                    | "He was becoming impatient with the slow progress."                                    |
| Dogmatic                 | Inclined to lay down principles as undeniably true.                                                  | "He has a dogmatic approach to politics that can be off-putting."                       |
| Diplomatic               | Having or showing an ability to deal with people in a sensitive and tactful way.                     | "Her diplomatic handling of the situation prevented further conflict."                 |
| Firm                     | Strongly felt and unlikely to change; demonstrating a resolute determination.                        | "She was firm in her decision to move abroad for work."                                |
| Insincere                | Not expressing genuine feelings.                                                                      | "His apology felt insincere, given his previous behavior."                             |
| Authoritarian            | Favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom.              | "The manager's authoritarian style sometimes stifled creativity."                      |
| Authentic                | Of undisputed origin and not a copy; genuine.                                                        | "The document has been verified as authentic by experts."                              |
| Threatening              | Having a hostile or deliberately frightening quality or manner.                                       | "The threatening clouds suggested a storm was imminent."                               |
| Perhaps                  | Used to express uncertainty or possibility.                                                           | "Perhaps we'll go out for dinner tonight, depending on the weather."                   |
| Delegate                 | To entrust a task or responsibility to another person, typically one who is less senior than oneself. | "She delegated the task of organizing the conference to her assistant."                |




































| English Expression                | Explanation                                                                                       | Example Sentence                                                                         |
| Kidding                           | Informal way of saying that one is joking.                                                        | "I was just kidding when I said I'd move to Mars!"                                       |
| Don't mix it up with other people | Advising someone to avoid confusion or to keep something separate from others.                    | "Keep your belongings separate, don't mix them up with other people's items."            |
| Glide                             | To move smoothly and continuously along, as if without effort or resistance.                      | "The ice skater seemed to glide effortlessly across the rink."                           |
| Cry foul (at)                     | To complain about something perceived as unfair or wrong.                                         | "The player cried foul at the referee's decision."                                       |
| On a par with                     | Equal in importance or quality to something or someone else.                                      | "Her performance was on a par with the leading athletes in the field."                   |
| Stop something in its tracks      | To cause an activity or process to stop immediately.                                               | "The sudden storm stopped the festival in its tracks."                                   |
| Level playing field               | A state of fairness where everyone has the same opportunities.                                     | "The new regulations aim to create a level playing field for all companies in the sector."|
| Leave the starting blocks         | To begin or start something, especially a race or metaphorical race in business or another context.| "The project finally left the starting blocks after months of planning."                 |
| The ball is in your court         | It is up to you to make the next decision or step.                                                 | "I've done what I can, now the ball is in your court."                                    |
| To be skating on thin ice         | To be doing something considered risky or dangerous, which may cause trouble.                      | "You're skating on thin ice by lying to the manager."                                    |
| To jump the gun                   | To start something before it is permissible, appropriate, or advisable.                            | "He jumped the gun by launching the product before final tests were completed."          |
| To throw in the towel             | To give up in defeat.                                                                              | "After several failed attempts, he threw in the towel and decided to try something new."  |
| To give something one's best shot | To try as hard as one can.                                                                         | "I'll give the competition my best shot, even though it's tough."                        |
| This is a film location.          | Informing someone that the place is used for shooting films.                                       |                                                                                           |
















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