
Fall 2017 Class Schedule② -プロジェクト中心、深夜1~2時起きの生活に-

Update on my class schedule this semester (I can't believe it's past halfway)!

(学期前半の予定はコチラ↓ Previous post on my schedule in the 1st half of this semester)

1. 学期後半のスケジュール


11:30-12:30 Public Education Policy Seminar and Practicum: Project Team Meeting


9:00-13:00 Public Education Policy Seminar and Practicum: Seminar

17:00-19:00 School Change: Group Project Meeting

19:20-21:00 School Change: Class


11:00-13:00 Public Education Policy Seminar and Practicum: Project Team Meeting

14:00-15:00 Public Education Policy Seminar and Practicum: Project Client Meeting


9:00-12:00 Public Education Policy Seminar and Practicum: Skills Training

2. 学期前半との違いは?




Now it's been more project-focused as opposed to class-focused. I don't have that many readings these days, but busy with drafting agenda and other documents for the client. I'm sorry not to elaborate on each course so far but will do in the coming posts!!

3. 最終学期に向けて


Teachers Collegeの教授からsuperviseの了解をもらったので、今は様々な教授や校長経験者の方にアポを取って材料を集めているところです。

Also, I'm now planning to conduct an Independent Study on school principal's leadership next semester. I've already got a permission from a TC faculty to supervise, so now make appointments with a variety of faculty and former principals (will detail it too in the near future)!



As a result this semester is the busiest... I make it a rule to go back home around 6:30pm, then have dinner with family, take a bath with my daughter and go to bed at 8pm. This means that I wake up at 1-2am and start to work on projects etc. every day. But I realized that I can concentrate better during that time than late at night, so will keep trying!


