
NY Young Japanese People Study Session -ニューヨーク若手日本人勉強会に登壇!-

I made a presentation as a guest speaker at "New York Young Japanese People Study Session" two weeks ago!



1. NY若手日本人勉強会とは?



This study session was established in early 2010s, inspired by the one in Boston. The last session was the 42th. In each session, which takes place monthly, two guest speakers talk about what they are doing in NYC, followed by the social networking. Most of the participants are Japanese those who work or study here, and a majority of them are in late 20s or 30s (although there are some people over 40!).

2. どんなプレゼンをしたの?

私のテーマは「Education Landscape in Japan and the U.S. - Insight from an outsider-」ということで、



My topic was "Education Landscape in Japan and the U.S. - Insight from an outsider-." What does education mean to you? How is Japan's education characterized from an international perspective? What kind of policies are in place in the U.S. and NYC? I tried to address these questions through data, history and discussion.

Everyone staring at me^-^;

3. 当日の様子は?



Although there were roughly 50 people in previous sessions, this time some 80 people showed up despite the rain. So I felt a little bit nervous... But, because participants were actively engaged in discussion and spoke up, I think we closed with a sense of learning community.

My Vision

4. 講演をして思ったことは?




It brought home to me through this presentation the importance of sharing our learning with a wider community after going back to Japan. I often end up speaking with those who are interested in education, because of my interest, but this opportunity made me believe that those who do not have a daily contact with education actually have a strong interest or say in it. Additionally, some participants in charge of human resource development shared that one of the main topic in my presentation, "a learning adult", resonated with them. Furthermore, my friends studying in other schools mentioned that they became aware of the importance of "pushing yourself out of comfort zone".


I strongly came to believe that education will not be improved as long as we discuss it in a closed, inner circle. I will try to take every opportunity to share what I have learned here in Japan.


That's all for today, thank you for reading! Next time I'll introduce another snapshot of my grad life!

