
Fall 2017 course 1-1: Public Education Policy Seminar (CPRL) -ニューヨーク市の教育改革の立役者から学ぶ-

Introduction of one of my fall classes!

(春学期の教育政策の授業 Edu Policy course in spring)

1. どんなコース?

まずはCenter for Public Research and Leadership (CPRL) によるPublic Education Policy Seminar and Practicumです。

教授の所属の関係だと思うのですが、履修上はLaw Schoolのコースとして登録されています。

This course is called Public Education Policy Seminar and Practicum, offered by Center for Public Research and Leadership (CPRL). Technically it's a law school course in terms of registration.

2. 教授はどんな人?

教授はProf. James Liebmanで、この授業を取った大きな理由の1つが彼から学べるからと言っても過言ではありません。

もともとはCivil Rights Attroneyとして学区教育委員会を訴訟する仕事をしていたそうなのですが(笑)、Court Decisionでは教育を変える限界があることに気付き、Policyの世界に身を投じたんだとか。

直近では2006~09年まで、NYC DOE (Department of Education)のChief Accountability Officerとして、当時のBloomberg市長、Klein教育長の改革の柱の1つであるAccountability Systemを確立した張本人です。

The professor is James Liebman, and one of the biggest reasons why I took this course is that I can learn from him. Originally he started his career as a civil right attorney, when he sued school districts. However, after realizing how little courts could change education, he dove himself into policy arena.

Recently, he as the Chief Accountability Officer at NYC DOE established the Accountability System, which was one of the major reforms during the Bloomberg-Klein administration.

学校のDemography(人種、経済的豊かさ、英語を第二外国語とする子の割合、特別支援の子の割合)や、入学前のテストスコアを基にPredication Equationを描き、そこからどれだけ実際のスコアが離れているか(Deviation)を測ることによってそれぞれの学校のPerformanceを測り、その他の要素(前年度からの伸び、保護者等への調査等)とあわせてProgress Reportとして学校をAからFまでランク分けして公表するものです。

In a nutshell, this new system first draws a prediction equation based on demography (ethnicity, socio-economic status, % of ELL and special needs) and test scores prior to admission, and then measure the deviation from this predicted value. He incorporated this outcome, as well as other elements such as performance growth and parent survey, into Progress Report which publicly ranked NYC schools into A-F categories.


There are severe consequences attached to it. If a school got C or lower in two consecutive years, the principal might be fired, and if in three consecutive years, the school will be subject to closure. Although controversial, some research suggests that this reform, coupled with others, contributed to a rightward shift of the whole performance curve and an increase in high school graduation from 50% to 65%.

3. クラスは6大学×4スクールから選抜!

さてそんなJimですが、NYC DOEを退いた後、K-12にsystemic changeを起こすために様々な大学から有望な学生を集めて教育政策について考えさせる、ことを目指してこのCPRLを創設しました。

After retiring DOE, Prof. Liebman founded CPRL to attract prospective students from top universities, engage them in discussions on K-12 education, and ultimately make a systemic change in this world.


②Skills Session(より実践的なスキルを身に付ける)
③Consulting Project(Clientに対してConsultingを行う)


This course is composed of three parts, and pretty intensive as seen by the amount of credits (13 as compared to 3 credits of a usual course).
(1) Seminar
(2) Skills Session
(3) Consulting Project

One of the reasons why I like this course a lot is that we can apply what we learned from the seminar and skills session to consulting project. A decent balance between input and output I would say.


計35人程度でうちColumbiaの学生は20人程度しかいません。他にHarvard、NYU、Vanderbilt、Michigan、Princetonと計6つの大学から学生が集まっています。スクールもコロンビアからはBusiness School、Law School、Teachers CollegeそしてSIPAと、様々な学部に通う学生たちが違う切り口から教育問題を捉えているのが面白いです!

And, the classroom is literally interdisciplinary. There are 35 students in total but only 20 are from Columbia. Others come from Harvard, NYU, Vanderbilt, Michigan, Princeton. Even within Columbia, students from Business School, Law School, Teachers College and SIPA come together. It's quite intriguing to see how different people from different backgrounds and with different expertise look at K-12 education issues.

4. Seminarでどんなことを学ぶ?



典型的な構造であるBureaucracyから始まり、他の形態であるCraft/Professionalism、Managerialism等を経て、CPRLの提唱するモデルであるEvolutionary Learningと、それをどのように現実に当てはめるかをCase Study等を通じて考えます。

In the seminar, we've talked pretty much about how we can change the organizational structure of public sectors such as government. Starting with a typical model of Bureaucracy, we analyzed other models like Craft/Professionalism, Managerialism etc. Finally, we got to CPRL's model of Evolutionary Learning and discussed how to apply it to the complex reality in K-12 using a variety of case studies. Will elaborate on it in the coming posts!

That's all for today. Please look forward to next posts on other classes/components!


