
YM’s episode –expand online learning to Southeast Asia 東南アジアにオンライン学習を広げたい!-

Today I'm happy to announce the first working-abroad episode – of YM-san, who is working at the human capital venture especially for information service industry.



1. 海外勤務のキッカケ ~オンライン教育を海外にも!~


(H)Firstly, how long and where did you stay?
(Y)I worked in Jakarta, Indonesia from Sep 2014 to Dec 2015, and Manila, Philippines from Jan to Sep in 2016. I spent half of the time in these countries and the rest in either Japan or neighboring countries.

(雨上がりの虹@マニラ Rainbow right after rain in Manila, Philippines)

(Y) 大手情報サービス会社に勤めていたのですが、日本で展開しているオンライン教育サービスを海外でも展開したいというプロジェクトがありました。

(H)What brought you there?
(Y)I worked at a human capital venture, and the company wanted to expand online education service to global. I conducted some research since the beginning of 2014, and helped colleagues working in Indonesia, and he asked me to join the global project.

2. 準備期間 ~ビジネス英語は日常会話よりむしろ楽!?~



(H)How did you strengthen your English ability?
(Y)I’m very fond of having a conversation in English partly because I traveled some countries during my undergrad days. From April 2014 on, I received a private English lesson, including shadowing BBC news and writing essay, for two hours every Saturday for six months. Personally I believe that we don’t have to prepare for English that much. Business English is actually easier than daily English conversation as we can anticipate what points would be touched upon during the conversation.


(H)I also have more difficulty catching up with daily conversations than academic discourse. We cannot anticipate what topic comes next!
(Y)Exactly! And after starting to stay in Indonesia, I learned some academic expressions by using Newsweek podcast.

3. 東南アジアでのミッション ~マーケット調査、カリキュラムへの準拠など~


(H)Please elaborate on what kind of job you were engaged in specifically.
(Y)Our mission was to disseminate online education service successful in Japan to Indonesia and Philippines. Starting with establishing an office (because we had no similar service before), we created a connection with partners and teachers, investigated domestic market about cram schools, and devised contents and marketing strategies.


(H)Did you use schools as a channel?
(Y)No, we provided this service directly to each household. Placing advertisements on Facebook or Instagram which started to prevail in these countries were also critical. During my stay, The company I worked at acquired a London-based edtech startup venture, so I also proceeded these missions under cooperation with them.



(H)Is there any difference between Japan and these countries that you kept in mind when providing this service?
(Y)Indonesia has similar school system, composed of 6-3-3 years and also matriculation test, so there was not so many hurdles. Aside from that, traffic congestion was terrible, with some students heading to cram schools after school but only to find lessons were over.


(H)Oh my gosh! That’s disastrous…
(Y)Now I don’t care at all about traffic congestions in Japan. In addition, trains might be ceased in the presence of sudden shower.

(Y) 元々、10th Gradeの次がもう大学進学になっていて学年分けが日本と異なることや、大学受験マーケット自体もそこまで成熟しておらず、学校の日々の授業のサポートツールとして参入することが重要で、学校カリキュラムにいかに準拠させるかを工夫しました。

(H)How about Philippines?
(Y)It was quite difference since students are supposed to go to college after 10th grade, and the market was not mature. Therefore, we had to adjust our product to schools as a support for daily life (e.g. by tailoring the contents to textbooks used in schools).

(H)Please share your daily schedule in Indonesia1

 8:00 起床・朝食 Waking up and having breakfast
 8:30 出社 Starting to work
10:00 ミーティング(1日のタスクの確認) Meeting (check daily tasks)
11:00 個人作業 (Individual work)
12:00 昼食(ショッピングモールか、大戸屋のデリバリー) Lunch (at shopping mall or delivery from Otoya)
13:00 1時間くらいかけてタクシーで移動 In a taxi
14:00 クライアントとのミーティング(例えば出版社の方とテキストの直近の進捗の確認、スケジュール感の調整など) Meeting with clients (e.g. textbook companies about follow-up of the content of textbook, coordination of schedules)
16:00 ミーティング終了 → タクシーで移動(帰りは渋滞がひどく、行きの2倍かかる) Done with meeting and going back to office by taxi (basically takes twice as much time as in the early afternoon)
18:00 ミーティング、個人ワーク Meeting and individual work
20:00 退社 Leaving office
21:00 夕食 Having dinner
22:00 ジムへ Going to gym
23:00 帰宅 Going back home

4. 感じたギャップ ~「空気を読む」は通用しない!~



(H)What surprised you during your stay in these countries?
(Y)As for daily life, the insufficient infrastructure annoyed me a lot. Some Japanese might think Indonesia is more developed than many Asian countries, but I feel that the maintenance of the transportation network is problematic as I said about the traffic before. Also, I often had a stomachache after drinking ice coffee in Starbucks!


(Y)Haha, that's kind of funny.
(M) With respect to job, I was supposed to express my opinion directly, so Japanese custom of reading between the lines doesn't work there. For example, imagine you say “please do that by …”. In this case you have to specify whether this “do” means starting, ending or making some intermediary product. Otherwise we will not be on the same page.


(H)You have to be very mindful when choosing words!
(Y)Yes, I had to convey my message clearly and explicitly, but this experience was quite meaningful to me. I also had an impression of undertaking more decision-making responsibility than in Japan.

5. オフィスや生活 ~現地の人に考えてもらう、ラマダンから銃撃戦まで~


 元々日本で展開していた教育サービスのノウハウは日本人しかはじめ持っていないのですが、それをLocal contextに当てはめるにあたっては、自分たちの仕事のやり方を押しつけるのではなく、現地の人たちが自分で考えてもらったほうが良いというスタンスで仕事に臨み、日本人がいなくなっても現地スタッフだけで回せるような組織を作るというのを最終的なゴールにしていました。

(H)How many in your office were Japanese?
(Y) 3 to 4 Japanese people and thirty to forty Indonesians. We Japanese staffs are of course more familiar with the details of the online education service we are providing in Japan, but our concept here is to let indigenous local people think themselves and their own culture rather than imposing ours. Our ultimate goal is to create a sustainable organization in which Indonesian people, without any Japanese, will be able to take charge of these operations.


 また、宗教の影響の根強さを肌で実感しました。12時と夕方にはお祈りの時間があり、オフィス内にあるPraying roomに現地の方は皆行ってお祈りをするんです。あと、ラマダーン(6月中旬~7月中旬)期間になると、昼はご飯を食べないので、皆元気がなく、文字通りその1ヶ月は予想通りに仕事が進みません

(H)Well said! Makes sense because you cannot delegate staff to all countries. How about your struggles or lingering memories while working abroad?
(Y)I missed Japanese cuisine so much, but fortunately there are some Japanese shops as Ippudo and Koko-Ichi. Another things is how religion affected people's daily lives. Basically all Indonesian staff went to the praying room at noon and in the evening. Moreover, during the Ramadan, Indonesian people are lacking energy as they don't eat lunch, which prevented our project from moving forward. When I called my boss in Japan saying that I could not finish the project until when it was supposed to because of the Ramadan, he did not understand me.


(H)I can understand his feeling… Anything else?
(Y)Traffic congestion is beyond description. Suppose I get off a taxi to go to a restroom. After finishing I can still get on the same taxi because it did not move forward.


(H)Sound like the one in Japan isn’t serious at all.
(Y)And the weather is constantly hot throughout the year, so when I went back and forth between Japan and Indonesia I had to prepare two types of outfits. As for safety, the Starbuck that I frequently used was destroyed by a terror attack. I even could see the gunfight as I was in the office when it took place. In Philippines, I didn’t experience any terror attack, but I was robbed of my money by somebody approaching me with a knife.
(H)Quite different from Japan. Had better not resist when encountering.

6. 将来の展望 ~国ごとに最適な教育サービスを~


(H)Please share your future career plans!
(Y)I would like to work in Western countries in the next. I wanna learn different situations in education and tailor the best educational service to each country. In my view, meritocracy is still prevalent more or less in any country and functioning as a screening device, so my goal is to create an environment where every child, regardless of social and financial background, have equal access to quality education and learning.

7. 海外勤務希望者へのメッセージ ~英語があまり話せなくても、準備すれば海外勤務はできる~


(H)Lastly, let us know your message to those who are considering working abroad!
(Y)The single most important thing is, “Trust your own English ability!” Once you go abroad, you can adjust to the life there somehow including language. I know that English education in Japan is criticized by many people, for example “cannot speak”, “Not useful”, etc, but still I believe contributing to my proficiency to some extent.


(H)I heard from many people that Japanese people care too much about pronunciation and feel unnecessary handicaps.

(Y)  I don’t think people who can speak true native English actually are not so there. In that sense, I think that Southeast Asia is recommended for those who want to challenge overseas for the future. For example, in Philippines Tagalog language, Indonesian language Indonesian language is the primary language, they are newly studying and using English as a second language to be used at work. Our mother tongue is Japanese but we are studying English to use at work, which is the same situation as Indonesia and Philippines. The idea for the language of English is close, and even if I speak in a mistaken English a bit, they try to understand without funny faces, which causes my psychological barriers to "speaking" and "expressing my opinion" to lessen. It is easy to spend the days in a low stress for using English.


(H)I don’t have so much difficulty in reading and writing.
(Y)In business situation, you can input beforehand what you talk at the meeting and you can also look up words you do not understand. "Even if you cannot speak much English, you can work overseas if prepared." If you have chance, just cling to it!


Thank you YM-san for sharing your episode! Next time I’ll introduce an episode of working abroad, so stay tuned!!




