



Reflection on Spring 2018 semester -最終学期の振り返り-

My reflection on the last semester at Columbia SIPA! さて、今回は怒涛の最終学期を振り返…

SIPA & CU Commencement! -卒業式の日に思うこと-

This time, let me first share my experiene of commencement with you. 今回は2年間の区切…

Welcome to Teachers College -全米最古の教育大学院-

This time let me introduce Teachers College where I take most of the courses this semest…

Welcome to Columbia Law School -コロンビア大学ロースクールへ!-

Introduction of Columbia Law School, with many pics! さて今回はSIPAに続きロースクールの…

Dialogue with Futaba Future HS Students② -ふたば未来学園高校生とコロンビア大学…

The other day we welcomed 12 students from Futaba Future High School! 先日、昨年に続き…

Welcome to Columbia SIPA -コロンビア大学公共政策大学院へようこそ!-

Today I'm gonna introduce my school SIPA (School of International and Public Affairs) wi…

NY Young Japanese People Study Session -ニューヨーク若手日本人勉強会に登壇!-

I made a presentation as a guest speaker at "New York Young Japanese People Study Session" two weeks ago! 今月半ばに、ニューヨークの若手日本人勉強会で講師としてプレゼンをさせていただきましたので、その様子です! (前回の振り返りはこちら) 1. NY若手日本人勉強会とは?この勉強会は数年前に、元々ボストンで行われている日本人勉強会に触発されて立ち上がったものらしく、

Spring 2018 Class Schedule -MAX18単位まで登録-

Now class schedule in my last semester is fixed after one week of deliberation! さて、最…

Reflection on Fall 2017 semester -2年目秋学期の振り返り-

Although my last semester at SIPA has just begun, this time I reflect on my learning exp…

Dialogue with Univ of Tokyo undergrads -東大学部生のNY訪問-

Although four months ago, this is the reflection of the dialogue with Todai (Univ of Tok…

Fall 2017 Class Schedule -教育政策のセミナーと学校改革の授業の2本建て-

Now happy to share my current class schedule this semester! 2017秋学期の授業が決まったの…

Dialogue with Futaba future high school students

Today's blog post is about the dialogue with Futaba future high school students which I …

Spring 2017 Course Schedule

2017春学期の授業が決まりました!1週間の予定はこんな感じです。 I've decided on Spring 20…

Reflection on Fall 2016 semester

This blog is about reflection on Fall 2016 semester. 今回は2016年秋学期についての振り返りをします! (サマースクールの振り返りはこちら) 1. Politics of Policymaking (Prof. Christpher Sabatini)Organization: ★★☆☆☆ Contents: ★★★★☆ Relevance: ★★★★☆ Explanation: ★★☆☆☆ Satisfaction: