
ゆかりの寺として心に留める 湖東の古刹「永源寺」

日常で見られない光景が随所に 【相国寺/京さんぽシリーズⅣ】  Scenes that cannot be seen in everyday life are everywhere

「碧巌録提唱」の看板がある大通院 【京さんぽシリーズⅢ】  Daitsū-in with a sign of "Hekiganrokuteisho"

鳴き龍、八方睨み龍の異名をもつ天井画。時空を超えた仏殿 【京さんぽシリーズⅡ】  A ceiling painting with the nickname of the crying dragon and the Happo glaring dragon. Buddhist temple that transcends time and space

美麗な法華菩薩は文字絵の仏画   The beautiful Hokke Bodhisattva is a Buddhist painting of drawing a line with letters

建仁寺の降誕会四頭茶礼のために咲いた桜の景色   A view of the cherry blossoms that bloomed for the four-headed tea ceremony at Kennin-ji Temple



東福寺本堂に初めて入る。釈迦三尊像と蒼龍図の迫力に圧倒 Entered the main hall of Tofuku-ji Temple for the first time. Overwhelmed by the power of the Shakasanzon statue and the Soryu painting

外光が襖雲龍図を照らす Outside light illuminates the Fusuma Dragon map

「莫妄想」。妄想すること莫(なか)れ Don't be delusion !


天龍寺に宿る「達磨大師」の表情に惹かれて  I was attracted to the expression of "Bodhidharma Daishi" in Tenryuji Temple