
美麗な法華菩薩は文字絵の仏画   The beautiful Hokke Bodhisattva is a Buddhist painting of drawing a line with letters


A hanging scroll of "Kuan Yin Bodhisattva (Hokke Kannon)" is hung as the principal image the rooms of Shokoku-ji Temple. A beautiful Hokke Bodhisattva is drawn. At the entrance, a framed manuscript of the Bodhisattva's up was posted. If you look closely, all the borders of the Buddhist painting are written in letters. It is written in small letters that can only be seen as lines even when viewed from a close distance. When you move away, you can see only one line.



Such Buddhist paintings are called drawing a line with letters paintings, and are one of the techniques that Nobukiyo Kato, a painter of the Edo period, was good at. This hanging scroll was drawn by Nobukiyo Kato. It is said that Daiten Zen master, who had a close friendship with Ito Jakuchu and others, liked this character painting.


By the way, the students of the Kobe classroom of Buddhist painting mandala art were challenged with this drawing a line with letters painting before. She is finishing a wonderful works, so I'll show it here.


レポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二 場所 / 京都相国寺 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe
