小さな語りシリーズ2024/04/20  Small Story Series

2024/04/20「晴れ時々曇り」"Partly sunny, partly cloudy"





At the edge of the town, there's a quaint pier. The reflection of light on the water shimmers, and the gentle sound of waves lapping against the stone steps plays a soothing rhythm. This spot is a hidden retreat for locals, a special place that makes one forget the passage of time.

On this day, just as predicted, the sky was partly sunny, partly cloudy, with the sun peeking through gaps in the clouds one moment and large clouds covering it the next. This changing scenery, however, provided a sense of calm. Mixed with the sound of the waves, occasionally, a distant foghorn could be heard, reminding that this place was still connected to the bustle of life.

Sitting on the shore, simply staring out over the water, makes even personal worries seem smaller—it’s strange. The flow of the water is ever-changing, and by watching it constantly, one learns to let go and flow with the currents.

Just then, the wind picks up, spreading ripples across the water. It seems like the clearing will expand, but soon the cloudy sky takes over again. Yet, there's pleasure in this repetition. Just like the weather, life is partly sunny, partly cloudy, with each moment precious and irreplaceable. The pier quietly teaches this lesson.
