小さな語りシリーズ2024/05/16  Small Story Serie






Morning light gently filters through the window. In these quiet early hours, the house seems to breathe softly. The lingering scent of last night's coffee brings a nostalgic touch. In this home, the most comforting spot is the small Japanese-style room with its futon, which is starting to lose its warmth as dawn breaks.

Getting out of the futon is always a struggle. Leaving its warm, soft embrace feels like a small farewell. The world of the novel I was wrapped in last night also pulls me back to reality, including both sorrow and joy, mirroring life itself.

A new day begins again. As I fold the futon, I recall last night's dream. Curiously, the dreams I have in the futon seem connected to reality. The emotions and thoughts felt in dreams reflect in the small moments of daily life.

Before leaving the room, I look back at the futon once more. Its simple appearance somehow calms my heart. No matter how busy the outside world is, the presence of this futon provides a sense of security, knowing I can always return. It offers me the greatest comfort.




