小さな語りシリーズ2024/05/23  Small Story Serie

2024/05/23「ドライフラワー」"Dried flowers"








In the gentle sunlight of early summer, the small shop in the middle of the city exuded a quiet and serene atmosphere. There was no particular reason for me to visit; I simply enjoyed looking at the various items in the store. Colorful ribbons, handmade candles, and antique clocks lined the shelves. Among them, the dried flower corner always captivated me the most.

One day, as I wandered through the store, I noticed new dried flowers displayed in the back. Among them was a bouquet of small purple flowers that I had never seen before. They had a nostalgic feel that warmed my heart.

"These flowers are lovely," I remarked, and the shop owner approached me with a smile. "I grew and dried these flowers myself. They hold special memories for me."

Intrigued, I listened to the owner's story. She had discovered these flowers during a trip and was captivated by their beauty. She picked them with a friend and turned them into dried flowers, preserving the memory of that moment.

"These flowers hold memories of my friend and our time together, so I cherish them dearly," the owner said softly. As I listened, I felt my own precious memories resurfacing. I realized that the small joys and times spent with loved ones, though seemingly forgotten in daily life, remained vividly in my heart, much like dried flowers that never lose their beauty.

Since that day, I looked forward to seeing the dried flower corner every time I visited the shop. I began to talk more with the owner, and each of her words resonated deeply within me. The dried flowers came to symbolize the warm bond between us.

I decided to cherish the time spent in this shop. In this corner of the city where early summer sunlight streamed in, the dried flowers would quietly continue to hold their beauty.




