小さな語りシリーズ2024/05/15  Small Story Series







After the rain, the air felt fresher, clearer. Walking down a quiet path on the outskirts of town, the silence was soothing. As spring neared its end, the trees deepened their green, among them, a wisteria trellis stood out strikingly. Its heavy blooms swayed in the wind.

Every time she saw these flowers, she felt her heart lighten. Known for their beauty, the wisteria held more significance for her. They signaled the arrival of spring, a place where people gathered and talked beneath them. It was not just a pathway but a place where special moments were woven.

In this place where time seemed to flow slowly, she could sense the subtle changes within herself. The beauty of the scenery and the purity of the air that she had not noticed before now resonated deeply within her.

As the wisteria flowers swayed with the breeze, she thought of herself as a leaf carried by the wind, sometimes drifting, sometimes resisting. Her thoughts seemed to ride the wind along with the wisteria, drifting far away.

Stopping to take a deep breath, she felt as if her soul was cleansed. She knew that each visit here nudged something forward, ever so slightly.




