小さな語りシリーズ2024/06/08  Small Story Serie

2024/06/08「母の誕生日」"Mother's Birthday"









In the living room, bathed in the quiet afternoon light, she was preparing to celebrate her mother's birthday. The table was set with a homemade cake and tea, and a cool breeze gently swayed the curtains from the window. This peaceful time, away from the hustle and bustle of daily life, was special to her.

It was usual for the family to gather to celebrate her mother's birthday, but this year was a little different. She took out an old box she had treasured for years and carefully spread out the mementos stored inside. Among them were photographs taken with her mother when she was young, letters, and many small treasures.

"Do you remember this?" she asked, holding up an old picture book and showing it to her mother. The pages of the picture book brought back stories her mother used to read to her, along with the faded illustrations.

"Of course, I remember. I used to read it to you every night back then," her mother replied with a gentle smile. That smile warmly enveloped her heart.

As the whole family gathered and started singing the birthday song, she gazed at the candles on the cake, feeling a flood of memories come back to her. Special moments with her mother and the days they spent together vividly came to life in her mind.

"Happy birthday, Mom," she said, with heartfelt gratitude. Tears glistened in her mother's eyes, but they were tears of joy and emotion.

Their conversation continued without pause, filling the living room with laughter and nostalgic stories, creating a warm and loving atmosphere. She felt deeply that this moment was the happiest and most special for her.

When the birthday party ended and she was cleaning up, she glanced at the chair where her mother had been sitting and felt the importance of the memories it held for her. She quietly hoped in her heart that the days she would spend with her mother from now on would be even more wonderful.




