小さな語りシリーズ2024/05/22  Small Story Serie

2024/05/22「古本屋」"Used bookstore"









In a quiet corner of the city, the secondhand bookstore always stood with a serene presence. There was no particular reason for me to visit; I simply needed a place to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and spend some quiet time.

As I entered the store, the smell of old paper filled the air, and shelves lined with books came into view. Sunlight streamed into the dimly lit interior, enveloping me in a sense of timelessness. The shopkeeper, always taciturn, greeted me with a silent smile every time I visited.

One day, as I wandered through the shelves as usual, a particular book caught my eye. Its cover was adorned with an old, faded illustration, and I couldn't imagine what lay inside. But for some reason, I couldn't resist picking it up.

When I opened the book, I found beautiful poems inside. As I read on, my heart warmed, and the little things in life began to feel precious. On the last page of the book, there was an old photograph. It showed a younger version of the shopkeeper, smiling next to a woman.

"Do you want to know about that photograph?" Suddenly, the shopkeeper's voice broke the silence. I looked up in surprise, and he began to speak quietly. "That woman was my wife. This secondhand bookstore is a place filled with memories of her."

Hearing his story, my heart swelled with emotion. Hidden within the bookstore's tranquility was such a warm story. The shopkeeper remained silent for a while, smiling gently.

Since that day, whenever I visited the bookstore, I began to talk with the shopkeeper a little more. Each of his words resonated deeply within me, and the bookstore became a precious place for me as well.

I decided to cherish the time I spent there. In this quiet corner of the city, where the early summer breeze blew, the secondhand bookstore would continue to quietly stand.




