
”Kinkatou” Kanazawa's unique Hinamatsuri culture

It's all made of sugar!

1.What's ”Kinkatou”(traditional sugar confectionary)

It is a traditional technique to pour boiled sugar into a wooden mold carved by a skilled confectionery wooden mold craftsman and gradually cool it to make the inside hollow. When you open the wooden pattern, various gold flower sugars in the shape of sea bream, fruits, vegetables, etc. appear from the inside, and each one is carefully painted.

How to make ”Kinkatou”(traditional sugar confectionary)

2.Lack of successors

”Kinkatou” cannot be made by machine, and everything is handmade by craftsmen.
There are many influences from the environment such as temperature and humidity to make ”Kinkatou”, and it is difficult to grow a successor because it depends on experience and intuition to make it well, and now there are only a few ”Kinkatou”craftsmen nationwide.

3.Features of Kanazawa's ”Kinkatou”

Kanazawa's ”Kinkatou” is characterized by its large shape and bright colors.
As a spring tradition that has been passed down since the Kaga feudal era, we continue to convey the hearts of people who wish for happiness. After the Doll's Festival, put it in simmered food or coffee and use it.
In Kanazawa, it is customary to celebrate with the lunar calendar, so some shops will be sold until April 3rd.

”Kinkatou” that is rarely seen in modern times
Gives gorgeousness to the Hinamatsuri in Kanazawa
It ’s the culture of Kanazawa that I want to cherish.
See you again!


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