
物語「GreatesT’rip Jum”V”oyage」15−3. okujyou jum'v'oyage 『破』(捌)ーは

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 シキがカバンから物を出す、ぐちゃぐちゃに書き込まれた自分にしか読めないノート、ターミナルでもらったポケットティッシュ。型落ちのiPadとメガネケースをそれぞれ静かに地面に置いた、一応のやさしさはあるみたいだけど、思っていたより動き早すぎない? というかはじからはじまで一周するのやめろ







「電話ずっと出なかったみたいですけど、実はミノルさんも会いたいらしいんです。え、ずっと会ってない、そうなんですか? 久々の再会、いいですね。私もうれしいですよ、トモダチとして」







「うるさいっての! だからなんだよ余計なことして。勝手すぎる」











「うるさいな! 確かに言ってたし、こっちも聞いてたけれど、この話は別だっての。だいたい、わたしの話なんてドーデモイイんだって。変わるとか、始めるっていつも言うけど、シキはどうなんだよ。わたしと会ってから、何か変わったのかよ!」




































「たぶんそれはミノルの気づかいでしょ? その気持ちはありがとう。だけど、だったら一緒に食べてくれるのが、一番私は嬉しいよ」






































































いやむしろ、なんで名前なんかにこだわるんだろう。ってあれ? 最初、屋上で出会った時に名前を名乗った流れって……










 やり方は分かった。でも、頭の中では 、やってみてと言われても、という言葉が回り続けていた。メモ帳も次々とやぶっては書き損じていく。ぐぐるぐるる、かきびりぐしゃ。













NEXT: 完全版Full Stories ↓ 屋上版だけOn Rooftop Edition only↓↓

The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of your home is to make sure that your home is safe and secure. 

 The right hand suddenly becomes light.
 The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you're doing.
I was too busy looking at her. I run out of the rooftop.
 Shiki takes things out of my bag and quickly puts them on the ground: reference books, trash cans from my lunch, a pencil case, and many other things.
Wait, wait! I was chasing after it, but I still didn't know what Shiki was going to do. I look up to see if she has put them down, and see her on the other side of the rooftop. When did this happen?
 Shiki pulls out his bag, a notebook with messy scribbles that only he can read, pocket tissues from the terminal. He quietly places the iPad and the glasses case on the ground, but doesn't he move faster than I expected? Or rather, stop circling from beginning to end, "You son of a bitch, wait!" Shiki quickly took something out of his bag, put it down, and ran out again, repeating the process. I chase after them, but I can't catch up with them because I pick them up as I go.
I gradually lose track of what I'm doing, giggling.
 Shiki had stopped running when I picked up the student notebook.
 I hear a voice. Talking to himself?
'Yes, I do. I'm going to go out and say it instead. Minoru-san, you're not being honest.
I heard a voice. "He didn't answer the phone for a long time, but actually, Minoru-san wants to see you too. Eh, I haven't seen you for a long time, is that right? It's nice to see you again after a long time. What do you mean?
Then, please contact him by e-mail for more information. No, thank you very much. The first time I tried to get my phone back, he held it out to me.
What do you mean? I answered it for you. I'm sorry to hear that," he said, "I thought I was getting a call.
 The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of your phone is to make sure it's a good one. The red color of the flame, which represents anger, is mixed with other colors and becomes a bland blackish color.
I was surprised to hear the sound I heard earlier, but it wasn't an alarm. I'm not sure if that's why you said alarm until now! So what's the point? It was the usual smile.
I'm not sure if it was an alarm or something else. The most important thing is that you should be able to find the right one for your needs. But I'm more interested in something else.
 Who was on the other end of the phone?
If I'm going to travel, I'd better be able to go anywhere I want. To get the thing, we have to ask. It's something I need to do. Besides, you have a lot of other things you want to talk about, don't you?

She’s about to say, "Good luck with the historic father-daughter reunion,"

but Shiki was the first to speak to me. I'll get a head start on everything.
"Yes, sir. I didn't look at this last one. The actuality is, it's a very important thing. I took it back.
'Good for you, really. To change something, you have to start something first, whatever the trigger is. Besides, it's okay if it's ruined after that. You just have to try to find something else. I said that before. - Shut up! You said it, and I heard it, but that's not what I'm talking about. And what I have to say is that it doesn't matter what I have to say. You always say things like "change" or "start," but what about you, Shiki? I'm sure you've heard this story before.
 The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you're talking about.  
 Shiki looked at the sky and thought.
 Just 10 seconds. I think I've found the answer. The expression is like a glowing light bulb symbol.
 Siki postures as if reformed and fixes the hem of her skirt sweater with the graceful quickness that stops time in the example. Then he looks at me and says, "I don't think anything has changed.  
If I were a comedian, I would have given him a red dot, but instead, he continued.
People don't change that easily. The time I have walked until then is not in vain and I cannot lose it. There are a lot of things that you are born with that are hard to get rid of, even if you want to. For example, that my parents are in a world too far away, that Minoru's mother is Haruko-san instead of his mother, and that his father is Tokura-san, whom I don't get to see very often. The most important thing is that the seals are very friendly to each other.

If you keep saying serious things, you'll end up being a jerk.

If he says such a stinky thing at a strange time, it will be the end of him as a weird girl . No, Shiki is a strange girl, and I still don't know all the details.
 And yet, there is something that compels me to listen. The only thing I can do is to be silent again.
 The wind stopped.
But," Shiki looked at me more intensely, "I didn't do anything wrong.
It's not that I did anything, but I have a feeling that I can start something now that I've met Minoru. I'm embarrassed, aren't I?
 It was hot, and I could feel sweat seeping between my fingers. I tried to write something in my mental notepad, but the page was torn off and rolled up without taking shape. But," she said, meeting Shiki's eyes more intensely, "I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing. What's that? Scratch and squish.
 No, I've been turned around in various ways, but I don't feel like I can stand this place, and I want to connect the gap with something. Wasn't there something?
That's right.

You know, Shiki," I said, "I was wondering if you could help me. I took out something wrapped in a kinchaku plastic bag from the back of my bag.

It was the six cat-shaped cookies that Haruko and I had bought at a nice, natural store.
She held it out in front of Shiki with her right hand.
Shiki rolled her eyes without saying a word, put her face close to the bag of cookies, and then said, "I didn't know there was such a nice thing in there. Oh, my gosh!"
She looked like a puppy who had found a ball.
I couldn't help but blurt out, "No, you were looking through people's bags just now, weren't you?
I didn't notice it because I wanted to answer the phone.
She took the cookie in her hand and then wrapped both hands around it softly.
I was so excited that I couldn't help but smile at her and say, "What?
Let's eat together!"
I'm fine, I can eat anytime I want. I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not, but I'm sure it's a good idea. Thank you for your kindness," she said. He answered so straight that it made me feel embarrassed only when it was important. I'm here. I don't say that, but I don't want to.
I'm not sure how much I can do to help you. The first time you do it, it's probably because it's hard to open. The string of the bag is rather hard to open. I don't know how old he is, but I think Shiki is probably his senior.
Shiki was standing beside me, peeking at me as I opened the bag. No, it's not that big of a deal.
Shiki, don't get so excited. It's distracting.
Here you go," she said. Minoru, take one too. Yes, you are gentle, but you are still pushy. Well, that's exactly what I'm going to do.
I'll take one for you, too. Thanks. I didn't know there were cookies like this. And it smells good. Yes, they are gentle, but as usual they are very pushy. The store is also very nice. There are a lot of women working at the store, and they are kind and ...... friendly.
I knew you liked them.
Do you want to eat it with me?"

The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of your money is to make sure that your money is well-spent.

The first time I saw her, I thought she was going to be a good friend.
The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that the first time you see a person with a smile. The cookies were gone from Shiki's hands, and I said, "Thank you for the food," as if to myself, but also to the world, and carefully covered the remaining four cats in my hands. And in the bag. "No, you don't have to be so reserved. The actual "I'm not sure what you're talking about.

Because it's a precious gift. It reminds me of something. Hundreds of years ago, the greatest king in Japan or someone gave his retainers sweet sweets. The other retainers ate it right then and there, but one of them just cut off a little piece and put it in the package. When I asked what the most important person in Japan was going to do with it, the retainer told me that it was a gift and that he would go home and share it with his family and helpers.

She suddenly brought up a strange subject, and not for the first time.
I thought to myself, "No, I'm not a great person, and I didn't give it to him in such a big way. I don't mean to sound strange, but I was just trying to make the most out of the situation.
But Shiki looked up at the empty one for about five seconds, thought about it, and then said, "Well, one more at a time. The first thing to do is to take out a cat-shaped cookie from the bag and offer it to him.
I almost said, "It's okay, it's weird. I think my usual self would have said that.
I don't think I said anything strange, but I felt like I didn't.
Thank you. The actual "I'm not a fan of the way you look at it, but I'm not a fan of the way you look at it either,cheap beats by dre.
I'm not sure if it's just my imagination, but I'm sure it's just my imagination. It was probably just my imagination.
I'm so glad you're here!"
The most important thing to remember is that the smile is not a fake smile, it's an innocent smile that a beautiful actress in a movie would show in an off shot.
I was surprised that she could make such an expression.
Before I could reply, the beautiful girl in front of me, whose details are still unknown, spun around and stretched out her hands to the empty one.
When I did another half-turn, Shiki was her usual 95, no matter what came her way.

Shiki said,”I thought I had put my heart into my thank you's, but my thank you's just piled up. I feel like saying thank you twice as much.”

I'm not sure if I'm expressing it well enough, but I'm sure I'm doing a good job of it.
I'm not sure if I've conveyed my feelings to her enough at one time. But if you can't come up with any nice words, you'll just have to double your thanks in return, won't you?
I don't know what I'm talking about.
The stream of "kaki-biri-gusha" that had been going on in my head stopped abruptly.
What? The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of your money is to be honest with yourself.
How would I know? I'm not sure how to check it out. The most important thing to remember is that you can't just ask anyone.
 The only thing is, if you can ask that person, even a little bit.
 The most important thing to remember is that you can't just take a chance on a new product or service.
The most important thing to remember is that you can't just go to the store and ask for the best deal.
So, please." Even if I am asked for a favor, what should I do? I just have to shut up.
There is a good reason. The author who wrote the story about the centipede earlier said, "I've been on a journey," he said.
I can't look it up right now," he said, "because I don't know the author.
There is a story that the author "wrote". The main character gives names to the various characters, and the story is formed, and the characters, animals, and monsters start to move, and the story goes on. I'm sure he's been calling himself that ever since he came here. What is the point of retrofitting something that was already decided at the time?
Or rather, why do we care about the name? What's that? The first time we met on the rooftop, the flow of saying your name is ...... "Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that I asked Shiki to say his name?"
She only smiled.
I have nothing to do with you now, I am just a person named Shiki. In the story we're talking about, the character who loses his name, or more precisely, the forgotten character, has lost the meaning of his existence and continues to wander around. I didn't say that tsk, but I was wondering about something different instead.
She was trying to entrust me, whom she had just met on the rooftop, with something that was supposed to be very important to her. I don't know.
I don't know, but one thing was certain.
Now I'm trying to face the unknown crisis of a beautiful girl on a rooftop.
I really want to do that. I don't say it in words, but....
I'd like to hear it by the next time we meet. It doesn't have to be the right answer. I don't care if I have to ask someone, look it up on the Internet, think about it by myself, or whatever. I'm not sure how to do it, but I know how to do it. But in my head, the words, "Even if you ask me to try," kept spinning. I was also writing on a notepad, which I was destroying one after another. I don't need a single right answer.
 For example, I only know the sound of shiki, but is it actually katakana, kanji, hiragana, or even romaji? I knew how to do it.
The bell rang, signaling the end of lunch break.
 Was it a class that had begun, a change of some kind, the continuation of a new story, or just the repetition of daily life? And is this something that has begun for Shiki, or for me?
 I don't have time to think about it!
Oh no, I have to go. I mean, I always wonder why they don't tell us!
I was so excited, but then I thought, "Minoru is so cute when she's upset.
 I started to run. The most important thing to remember is that you should never be afraid to ask for help. Is this a warning, a heartbeat, or both? I don't know if the wind is blowing or not, but I can't tell.
 I don't know, but mixed in with the sound I hear Shiki's clear and distinct voice.
Give my regards to your father, or should I say, Tokura-san.

(I look forward to your report on the results. The more I learn about her, the more I'm glad I didn't tell Shiki.)

(Writter:No.4 ヤヤツカ Photo:No.5 ハルナツ Auful translation:Deep L & No.0)





