
終焉時代を象徴する破局的な出来事:ニューハンプシャー州で開催された「Miss America Pageant Organization」コンテストで、生物学的に男性のBrían Nguyenが「Miss Greater Derry 2023」の栄冠に輝く

End Times Milestone For Miss America Pageant Organization As Biological Man Brían Nguyen Is Crowned ‘Miss Greater Derry 2023’ In New Hampshire

終焉時代を象徴する破局的な出来事:ニューハンプシャー州で開催された「Miss America Pageant Organization」コンテストで、生物学的に男性のBrían Nguyenが「Miss Greater Derry 2023」の栄冠に輝く

First Biological Male Brían Nguyen Wins ‘Miss Greater Derry,’ A Beauty Pageant Held By The Miss America Organization

Miss America Organization主催の美人コンテスト「Miss Greater Derry」でBrían Nguyenさんが生物学的男性として初めて優勝

Since NTEB started back in 2009, we have warned you over and over again that the LGBTQIA+ Movement was a radical, militaristic movement planning to erase gender lines, and recruit children through Public School indoctrination programs. In the early days, people would write to us, mockingly deriding our assessment of this situation, calling us ‘conspiracy theory nuts’. However starting in 2020, those emails have since ceased, and now people write to us weeping over what America has become.
 2009年にNTEB(NOW THE END BEGIN)Sが発足して以来、私たちは何度も何度も、LGBTQIA+運動は過激で軍国主義的な運動であり、性別の境界線をなくし、公立学校の教化プログラムを通じて子供たちを勧誘しようと計画していると警告してきました。

“Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.” Genesis 5:2 (KJB)

For the record, there are only two genders, three if you count situations where birth defects will produce a person caught in the middle, but obviously that is not another gender. It is a sobering thought to realize that that rainbow flag they march under is actually a battle flag of a people prepared for war, isn’t it? When we started in 2009, approximately 2.3% of Americans identified as LGBTQ, in 2022 that has risen to almost 8%! What could account for a near 300% increase? Recruitment of school children at every level, starting at 3-years old and all the way up to high school. We warned you this was coming, we pleaded with you to stand up and stand against this rising tide of darkness, but sadly you did not. The ‘Red Wave’ never arrived last Tuesday, but the Rainbow Wave is washing over America, drowning this nation and dragging it to the bottom of the sea. What do the Churches have to say about it?  All I hear is *crickets*, lukewarm, Laodicean crickets cowering behind the 4 walls of the church.
 先週の火曜日に「赤い波」は起きませんでしたが、「虹の波」がアメリカに押し寄せ、この国を溺れさせ、海の底に引きずり込んでいるのです。教会はそれについて何と言っているのでしょうか? 私が聞くのは、*コオロギ*、つまり教会の4つの壁の後ろでうずくまっている生温いラオデキアのコオロギだけです。

   “So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” Revelation 3:16 (KJB)

Why is there no outrage as biological male is awarded local Miss America crown, why are the churches silent?


FROM EVIE MAGAZINE: Brían Nguyen became the first transgender to win a title under the Miss America Organization. He was named Miss Greater Derry 2023, landing him a crown and scholarship, as announced this past Sunday. The Miss Greater Derry Scholarship Program provides scholarships to “young women” between the ages of 17 and 24.
 EVIE MAGAZINEより:Brían Nguyenさんは、Miss America Organization主催のコンテストでタイトルを獲得した最初のトランスジェンダーとなりました。彼は「Miss Greater Derry 2023」に選ばれ、この日曜日に発表されたように、王冠と奨学金を手にすることができました。Miss Greater Derry奨学金プログラムでは、17歳から24歳までの「若い女性」に奨学金が支給されます。

 “My name is Brían Nguyen, I am 19 years old, and I am currently a freshman at Nashua Community College majoring in Business Management,” writes Nguyen on Instagram. The teen also mentions their initiative titled, “#QueensAreEverywhere.” “This is a media movement that helps the next generation develop self-confidence, realize their potential, and become the leaders of their destiny,” Nguyen explains.
 「私の名前はBrían Nguyen、19歳で、現在、Nashua Community Collegeの1年生で経営学を専攻しています」とNguyenさんはInstagramに書いています。この10 代の若者は、"#QueensAreEverywhere "と題した彼らのイニシアチブについても言及しています。「これは、次世代が自信を持ち、自分の可能性に気づき、運命のリーダーとなるためのメディアムーブメントです」とNguyenさんは説明しています。

Reactions from social media users are mixed, and some women believe that Nguyen’s win was a reflection of “internalized misogyny.” “Y’all know how the Left likes to talk about internalized misogyny?” asks @dess_ri , “This is what it ACTUALLY looks like.”
 ソーシャルメディアユーザーからの反応は様々で、Nguyenさんの勝利は「内面化された女性差別」の反映だと考える女性もいます。「左派が女性差別の内面化について話すのが好きなのは皆さんご存知ですか?」 @dess_ri に尋ねてください、「これが実際の外観です」。

 “Yes Miss America will no longer be about women. Men want to make us irrelevant,” comments @cturiano1969.

 Just this week, the U.S. Court announced that Miss United States of America LLC cannot be forced to include transgenders as contestants since it would obstruct the organization’s ability to express the “ideal vision of American womanhood.” According to the ruling, they should be allowed to enforce their “natural born female rule” because the First Amendment enables them to do so.
 ちょうど今週、米国裁判所は、「アメリカ女性の理想像 」を表現する団体の力を阻害するため、Miss United States of America LLCがトランスジェンダーを出場者に含めることを強制することはできないと発表しました。判決によると、憲法修正第1条によって「生まれながらの女性ルール」を強制することが可能であるため、この判決は許されるはずであるとしている。

The conclusion came after a lawsuit was filed by a transwoman named Anita Green. “I believe United States of America Miss is on the wrong side of history for choosing to actively discriminate against transgender people, but the road to creating meaningful change has always been a long and bumpy one,” Green said. “Transgender women are women. My message has always been consistent and my message is this: every person has beauty.” READ MORE

 この結論は、Anita Greenさんというトランスウーマンから提訴された後に出たものです。「トランスジェンダーを積極的に差別することを選択したUnited States of America Missは、歴史的に間違った側にいると思います。しかし、意味のある変化を生み出す道は、常に長く険しいものです」とGreenさんは述べています。「トランスジェンダーの女性は女性です。私のメッセージは常に一貫しており、どんな人にも美しさがある、これです。」 もっと読む

