
My experiences in NZ #5

Hello, there.
I'd love to continue from where I ended last time.
I wrote that I had safely arrived at my host family's place.

My first day in NZ

Since the house was built in the middle of the slope, the entrance was on the first floor, and some rooms were in the basement, including the room I was assigned.
However, we could go out into the courtyard from both floors.
There was a swimming pool, but unfortunately, I had no opportunities to swim in it.

Back to my first day in NZ.
It was held a party at night.
I didn't doubt it was the welcome party for me, but it was just the host mother and her friends' "usual" party.

My host mother told me during the party, "You must be tired after a long flight, so you should go to bed early."
And she added, "I'll show you around the way to your school tomorrow. Good night."

It was only later that I realized having international students was a way of earning money for them.

That’s all for today, and to be next time.
See you around.

