
Reflections on March

Hey there. How's it going? Gentle Gian is here.

2024 had started and has already finished 1/4 of this year. Time flies!
Today, I will reflect on March.

This is a habits tracker for February
And this is its for March

I was under the weather in March due to a migraine and hay fever, so even though I skipped many tasks, I completed the exercise, ELSA Speak, and Duolingo the same way I did last month. I made it!

Re: foot stepper,
As I mentioned in the note when I reflected on February, I do footsteppers for about ten minutes. While doing it, I also sing Bruno Mars. I am getting used to singing them and am better than before.

Re: Alex's materials and Duo3.0
I've been trying "shadowing" them. In the beginning, I did it by looking at the text, but now I can do it without looking at it. I got used to doing it and improved my listening and pronunciation skills. Also, ELSA Speak and singing Bruno Mars are effective.

I'm on 75/351 pages now; It means about 1/5. It's like until the cows come home, but I'll finish reading it within this year.

Re: Duolingo
I have an exciting plan for it and will declare it shortly. Can't wait.

I took twenty-two online English lessons in March.

That's all for today. See you around.
