
Black sheep

Hello there! It was boiling and thundering in the early evening in our place today.
I'd love to share something "unique episode" with you.

I'd read an article regarding "black sheep." It said the sweater the late Princess Diana wore, black Sheep printed, was auctioned for 132 million yen. It was amazing!

Talking about "black sheep," As I was a hotel college student, our teacher from a European country often said to a sleeping student during class, "You are a black sheep." According to her, the majority of sheep are white, but sometimes a black one exists, and they stand out. She exampled like that.

As I read the article and saw the sweater photo, I looked up the meaning of "black sheep" and was shocked because it said this word was used as a kind of irony. For instance, "She is the black sheep of the family." It means she is a disgrace to the family.

I can only imagine, but did she always think of herself like that? If so, it is too sorrowful.

That's all for today, and have a wonderful weekend, everybody.
See you around!



