
My experiences in NZ #4

Hello, there.
I'd love to continue from where I ended last time.

Finally, I met my host family.

I landed at Auckland Airport on Saturday, March 7th, 1998, and met up with a taxi driver my language school hired for me.
He welcomed me with a big smile and brought my luggage to a taxi.

Everything I could see was new and exciting.
I was surprised when a taxi stopped at a red light; some young people ran to a cab with brushes and buckets.
I had no idea, and he explained to me what happened.
According to him, they tried to earn money by washing car glasses during red lights, but he refused them.
Holy cow!

After about a thirty-minute drive, I finally got to my host family's place.
They welcomed me.
Mom from the UK had three daughters and three doggies; the daughters' ages were nineteen, seventeen, and fifteen.

Due to divorce, a dad lived apart from them, but he visited his daughters once a week by bringing dinner, and then mom left home.
He called and asked them what kind of food they liked and for how many people in advance.

Regarding doggies, mom owned the old and biggest-sized dog with long hair that I didn't recognize his bleeding, the second daughter owned the middle-sized dog female rottweiler, and the first daughter owned the smallest-sized puppy boy miniature boxer.
Since I had a dog at home and loved doggies, they smelled me desperately and got friendly to me shortly.

That’s all for today, and to be next time.
See you around.



