
My experiences in NZ #3

Hello, there.
I’d love to continue from where I ended last time.

Did I safely arrive in NZ?

As I mentioned yesterday, I departed on March 4th, 6th, 1998.
It was about an eight-hour flight to Changi airport.
On the plane, an Indian family had seated next to me; parents and a little girl.

According to the father, he worked for an Indian restaurant as a chef near the central station then, and they were just on the way to a temporary return.

The girl was adorable and friendly; moreover, she was talkative.
She talked to me the entire flight, so her parents could sleep deeply; I was jealous of them.
I was like her sitter, and she drew my picture.

Finally, we safely landed at Changi airport, and I said goodbye to them, and then I picked up my luggage from the turn table.
Next, I searched for a public phone because I didn’t have a cell phone then and called my family to tell them I safely arrived in Singapore.

Subsequently, I checked the boarding gate to Auckland and went there to spend about seven hours nearby.
Since I didn’t have a smartphone or game gadget, I just sat and tried not to fall asleep.

The time has come, and I have finally onboard!
It took nine and a half hours, and I could sleep several hours.
During the flight, I talked to a clue, and he invited me for dinner after arriving and exchanged phone numbers.

And finally, I arrived at Auckland airport.
A taxi driver in his 50s waited for me there.
No worries, grandma.

That’s all for today, and to be next time.
See you around.



