

あいの欠落物語 my missing story






油物を食べた次の日やその次の日は多少こってりしていても軽く食べれる。 ヘルシーな食事をした次の日は、またフルーツや野菜を食べようと思いやすい。









今までの「この店に行ったらこれを頼む」という流れを改めて意識して体が求めているものを頼んでみよう。 その改善が体の調子が良くなる食生活に貢献するだろう。



気づいたらサラダ(野菜)を食べないと「気持ち悪い」くらいの気持ちが訪れる。 そうすると「良いことだからサラダを食べる」のではなく、「食べたい(体が欲している)からサラダを食べる」になるのだ。





A diet that eliminates stiff shoulders, headaches, constipation, menstrual pain, PMS, sensitivity to cold, and swelling (How to do it)

You don't have to choose a few things that you think you can do and keep trying, so I want you to try them out. Depending on what you do, you may notice changes in your physical condition, such as your constipation being relieved or your body feeling lighter, within a day.

If you continue using it, your skin will become smoother and your blood circulation will improve, and you won't notice your complexion even without lipstick. Inertial forces act on food preferences.

The day after eating oily foods and the day after that, you can eat light meals even if they are a little heavy. The next day after eating a healthy meal, you're more likely to want to eat more fruits and vegetables. Unless your body is looking for nutrients it's missing, or you're eating too much to the point where your stomach feels heavy, most of the time you'll get used to it and it will become a habit, for better or worse. I want you to take advantage of that inertia.

If you think to yourself, ``I'm feeling good today, so I think I'll try eating a healthy meal,'' it's the perfect turning point, so I encourage you to take it lightly. Another trick is to remove the block of ``Mottainai''. For example, when I go to a McDonald's, I feel like eating a salad, but sometimes I think to myself, ``Since it's a McDonald's, I should probably have fries or nuggets.

'' Also, when I think of a set, I want to drink cola or Fanta.'' Or, ``I don't usually drink juice, so I think I'll only drink it when I go out to eat.I feel like tea or black tea would be a waste.'' There were times when I would choose menu items mentally.

If you come to the store because your body is craving something or because you want to eat it, you should just eat a lot, but instead of that, you think about it with your head and make choices based on the spirit of waste, whether it's the opportunity or the value of the food. is.

However, if you do this, you will regret it later because of your physical problems (acne, malaise, etc.), or you will never be able to break free from that habit. Let's rethink the flow of ``I'll order this when I go to this restaurant'' and ask for what my body is craving.

This improvement will contribute to a diet that improves your physical condition. It's okay if you can't continue these right away. If you can do it once on a day when you think, ``I'm going to make a little change today,'' wait for the day when you feel that way to do it again. Don't force yourself to continue. If you keep doing this, the time between days when you think, ``Today I'll have a salad,'' will gradually become shorter. Before you know it, if you don't eat a salad, you'll start to feel like you're sick. In this way, instead of "I eat a salad because it's a good thing to do," it becomes "I eat a salad because I want to eat (my body wants it).

" Since I work in stocks, I liken it to a stock price graph, but it is rarely a straight line when it goes up or down. Similar to weight changes during dieting, there are fluctuations even when you're on the upswing. The most important thing is not to get depressed all at once.

Please keep in mind the ``don't overdo it'' thing I wrote in the previous article. One thing to keep in mind is that excessive intake of any of them can cause allergies, so be careful and try incorporating at least one.


