



参考1)5月の米雇用統計 就業者数 前月より増加 市場予想大きく上回る



参考2)日銀、国債買い入れ減額議論へ 13日から決定会合



参考3)原油価格が安値圏 OPECプラス「増産」方針 WTI下落見通しか









参考4)ゼレンスキー氏への信頼低下 侵攻後初めて6割切る ウクライナ


参考5)【詳細】ロシア ウクライナに軍事侵攻(6月7日の動き)
















えーと。西側諸国=日本。他国=北朝鮮。長射程の兵器=ミサイル。じゃないのこれwww やる気満々です。危ないなあ。本当に、やると思いますよ。プーチン大統領は。スイッチ入ったら。プーチン大統領しか、北朝鮮を止められる人は、この世界に存在しませんからね。



参考9)プーチン氏「必要ない」 ウクライナでの核使用を否定 通常戦力での勝利に自信





参考11)トランプ氏再選なら「ウクライナに一銭も出さない」とハンガリー首相 米支援停止で戦争終結と 






参考12)鳥インフルエンザ「H5N2型」ヒトへの感染 初めて確認 WHO発表






参考14)鳥インフルのヒトへの感染「大きな懸念」 WHO、高い致死率に言及



















【 2018年8月23日発売!ブロックチェーン、仮想通貨をテーマにした松田元新著がKKロングセラーさんから出版されました】
「いい人がお金に困らない 仮想通貨 新時代のルール 」

そして今、ICO(Initial Coin Offering:イニシャル・コイン・オファリング/新規仮想通貨公開)という仕組みが稼働を始め、ビジネスの世界も大きな変革が始まっています。

Episode 662:President Putin, who takes responsibility for his words, hints at the use of nuclear weapons, and the international situation becomes tense all at once

The rise in the USD/JPY exchange rate, the all-time highs of cryptocurrencies, and the softness in the stock market are all in line with expectations. Recent market articles have been perfectly in sync with market movements. If these insights are helpful to you, I am delighted, and I will continue to focus on providing highly accurate analysis. In any case, it's all about the USD/JPY; it's a dollar-buying scenario. First to 180 yen, then 200 yen, and finally 360 yen. This is the established path. Also, Bitcoin. Be cautious with stocks. That's all I will say in this inflationary and stagflationary market. The reasons have been stated many times before.

Last night, after the release of the employment report, which exceeded expectations, the forex market quickly responded, and USD/JPY has returned to an upward trajectory.

Reference 1) May US Employment Report: Number of Jobs Increases from Previous Month, Far Exceeding Market Expectations

 As I mentioned previously, recent employment statistics and CPI figures have become meaningless as indicators. If they are bad, they are bad, and if they are good, they are good—essentially, they hold no real value as metrics anymore. They are simply being used as tools by major players to drive market movements. After all, prices continue to rise, and fiat currencies are continually losing value against price indices, with the exceptions of Bitcoin and gold. Therefore, these indicators no longer have a fundamental impact on the market but are more like event-driven indicators used to observe short-term speculative movements.

What is truly baffling is the news that the Bank of Japan will raise interest rates at this month's policy meeting. This news caused the USD/JPY to drop momentarily, but why should the USD/JPY fall...? Because of the rise in Japanese government bond yields...? The dollar is bound to rise in this situation. What is the market thinking?

Reference 2) Bank of Japan to discuss reducing government bond purchases at the policy meeting starting on the 13th

Well, we've grown quite weary of the constant pre-leaks by now, but since the Bank of Japan is leaking to the media, it's clear they'll discuss and reduce government bond purchases. When that happens, the buying (by the government) will decrease, bond prices will fall, yields will rise, and the yen will inevitably weaken... It's too tedious to explain further, so I won't.

In predicting the market's future, it's crucial to identify "what indicators are currently the most watched." Personally, I believe this is the indicator to watch:

Reference 3) Crude oil prices are in a low range; OPEC Plus has a "production increase" policy; WTI is expected to decline

Crude oil is scary. Almost as scary as interest rates. Because it's oil, after all. Oil is the raw material for all manufactured goods and a tool of war. The reduction in OPEC's production cuts is entirely centralized. It's at the whims of the kings. They raise and lower it based on their moods.

When oil prices dropped, I initially thought, "Maybe it's because the dollar fell, and it dragged oil down with it," but that's not it. This could be "preparation for an emergency." There's no certainty, but it's a possibility.

The financial market is grappling with inflation. And as we face a severe recession, everyone is starting to realize we're entering a stagflationary market. For now, they're trying to maintain U.S. stocks with a single focus on NVIDIA, so it doesn't become apparent. The stock market is in a high-risk struggle at high prices, making it seem like "if anything happens to NVIDIA, the world will collapse."

Personally, while GPUs can barely handle AI processing now, once quantum computers come into play, their processing speed will be too fast for existing chips to handle. This will likely cause some fluctuations in the AI (chip) market dominated by NVIDIA and Supermicro. However, since NVIDIA will end up sourcing quantum computer chips as well, it will maintain its significant position in the market. I'll write more about this topic separately if I get the chance, but I'm convinced that the next big thing after AI is quantum computing. All the answers lie between 0 and 1, which have been processed in a binary manner on traditional computers. This is similar to the 1/F fluctuation in sociology.

Returning to the main point, the financial market is grappling with inflation and prices. In this context, the critical indicators are yield and CPI. However, observing recent movements, it seems the market is becoming less responsive to yield and CPI, and I get the impression that the market is waiting for a larger “something.” I believe this might be the tense international situation that I'm discussing today for the first time in a while.

To get straight to the point, the risks that currently have a high likelihood of materializing are: (1) nuclear war, (2) pandemic, (3) missile strikes, (4) earthquakes (disasters), and (5) environmental changes. From the start, writing about these keywords is disheartening, but I sense that the risk levels for these issues are significantly increasing. I believe the leading indicator of this is the drop in oil prices. It seems OPEC is reducing prices to allow for oil stockpiling. For what purpose? It’s for the coming World War III, Act Two, of course. Today, I want to focus on the theme of "Will nuclear weapons actually be used?" and analyze the international situation from multiple perspectives. Let's get started.

1.The fate of those who naively believed Ukraine would win decisively

When the Russia-Ukraine war began, I took a neutral stance as much as possible and explained the overall context and rationale behind the war in this article. Despite the overwhelming majority of public opinion and media reports being in a highly emotional state, with sentiments like "Help Ukraine, do something, Russia must die," I closely analyzed the background, including President Putin's position and personality, Russia's Greater Eurasia Project, and China's Belt and Road Initiative strategy in the background. I straightforwardly expressed that "we should not underestimate the strategy of Russia and Putin." I wrote many articles that were so controversial they came with cautionary notes on the platform, reminiscent of the taboo-breaking topics since COVID-19. In the end, events have unfolded almost exactly as I predicted. It was a challenging position to maintain. If you’re interested, please check out my past articles.

Reference 4) Decline in trust for Zelensky drops below 60% for the first time since the invasion began, Ukraine

Reports about the declining support for President Zelensky within Ukraine have been noticeable, but before delving into that, let's first check the current situation. Everyone seems to have forgotten about the invasion of Ukraine, right? The war is still ongoing between these two countries. Remember, this will later be featured in textbooks as the prologue to World War III, so let's keep it in mind as living witnesses of history.

Reference 5) [Details] Russia invades Ukraine (Updates as of June 7)

Looking at the current situation, it’s clear that Russia continues to hold the Ukrainian territories it has seized, contrary to the claims that "Russia will withdraw immediately, lol." The real fools are those who believed such naive views. And where are those so-called expert commentators who were so vocal back then? Are they silent now? Or are they busy making excuses?

The fact is, with the Biden administration in the U.S. and NATO stirring things up and then ultimately withdrawing support at the last moment, how could anyone expect Ukraine to achieve a decisive victory in that situation? It’s just not possible.

Reference 6) Japan and Ukraine sign a bilateral document stating that they will consult within 24 hours if there is a new invasion by Russia

There was a certain country that promptly delivered a wooden rice paddle and 2 trillion yen to Ukraine. When we see such substantial support being given to a country actually at war, it makes you wonder what the anti-war declaration in our constitution even means anymore. This is practically participating in the war. Objectively speaking, we are already involved. President Putin has clearly taken note of this and is furious.

Reference 7) Putin states that it is a mistake to assume Russia won't use nuclear weapons in dialogue with foreign media.

Unfortunately, this article is not specialized in international politics, so I turned to YouTube and other sources to learn expert opinions on how serious President Putin is about considering nuclear use. As a result, it appears that President Putin is a leader who takes responsibility for his words. Having survived the storm of Communist purges, he skillfully avoids getting caught up in his words, saying things in a way that can't be easily pinned down. It's said that his characteristic style involves saying, "I will definitely do what I said, but I won't explicitly say that I will definitely do it."

It has been three years since President Putin last spoke with foreign media in person, since 2021. In response to inquiries from a mix of media outlets including Reuters and Xinhua (how nostalgic!), it seems his words can be summarized as follows:

"We have a nuclear doctrine. If Russia's sovereignty and territorial integrity are threatened, we consider it possible to use all means available. This should not be taken lightly or superficially."

It's a subtle wording indeed. Quite nuanced. The definition of "threatening sovereignty and territorial integrity" is very ambiguous when used in the subjunctive, and it's also unclear whether the nuclear doctrine encompasses all means available. Unfortunately, since President Putin often speaks in Russian during interviews rather than English, and we can't verify the original text, there's a possibility of some interpretation in translation, making it challenging to analyze accurately. However, based on media reports, it doesn't seem like he explicitly said, "Be prepared, we will use nuclear weapons."

Furthermore, from glancing through other articles, it seems there was a premise from the Biden administration regarding the supply of weapons to Ukraine, stating that they should be used only within Ukrainian territory. However, President Biden has reiterated that "it doesn't mean they shouldn't be used within Russia." This situation indicates a high likelihood of weapons supplied by Western countries being used within Russian territory. In such a scenario, it's plausible to interpret President Putin's statement about the potential threat to Russian sovereignty and territorial integrity as more likely to occur.

By the way, President Putin has made a clear statement regarding peace negotiations with our country (which is quite unusual for him), and there was an article like this:

Reference 8) Northern Territories Issue: President Putin Says, "Not in a Situation to Continue Negotiations"... Citing Japan's Support for Ukraine

Oh boy, it's tough. When Prime Minister Kishida decided to provide not just "rice scoops" but financial aid and support to Ukraine, I was already predicting, "This is definitely going to happen, and if Trump wins, the Kishida administration is screwed." It's turned into the worst Japan-Russia relationship ever. It's really regrettable why we couldn't maintain a neutral position toward both Ukraine and Russia. That response...

So, this article contains something incredibly important. Read this, like, twenty thousand times.

He warned of the possibility of providing long-range weapons to other countries to attack Western countries.

Um, Western countries equals Japan. Other countries equals North Korea. Long-range weapons equals missiles. Isn't that crazy? (laughs) He's really eager. It's dangerous. Seriously, I think he'll do it. President Putin. Once he flips the switch, there's no one else in this world who can stop North Korea except President Putin.

2.The Likelihood of President Putin Initiating a Nuclear War

Regarding why President Putin is so fixated on invading Ukraine, we've previously discussed explanations ranging from Marxist Capitalism (but involving Jewish people) to deep-seated resentment against Jewish countries leading from Marx's Capital to Bolshevism, and a lingering desire for revenge against the social experiments of the former Soviet Union. Interested readers can refer to those past articles. Now, let's explore how to actually address this issue.

Reference 9) President Putin States, "Not Necessary": Denies the Use of Nuclear Weapons in Ukraine, Expresses Confidence in Conventional Forces for Victory

In essence, President Putin is saying the following:

・We will win the war in Ukraine conventionally, so there is no need to use nuclear weapons
・If the Western countries directing Ukraine underestimate us and pose a threat to Russian territory, we will employ all means, including nuclear weapons
・Western countries should immediately cease providing weapons and financial aid
・Once we achieve victory, we will pursue a peace agreement to end this conflict

As long as Western countries continue to support Ukraine, Russia won't back down. Ukraine understands that it will lose to Russia, so there is a degree of willingness to pursue a peace agreement. It's a tough situation. For Western countries, since they instigated the war by goading Ukraine along with NATO forces, they can't just step back now. If they do, there'll be a narrative like, "They allowed Russia's aggression, is democracy losing?" So, they can't back down now. There's no mediating country. Everyone is fueling the fire. So, it comes down to whether a mediating country will emerge, and ultimately, it's like, "Well, we'll just have to wait for President Trump's comeback." If Trump wins the presidency again, things will probably turn out this way.

Reference 10) Mr. Trump: "Ukraine's Survival is Important for the US", Suggests a Change in Attitude

Reference 11) Hungarian Prime Minister: "If Trump is re-elected, we won't give a penny to Ukraine." - Ending the War by Halting US Support 

It's like saying 'I don't trust cryptocurrencies' and then becoming the 'cryptocurrency president,' or saying 'America won't give a cent to Ukraine' and then saying 'Ukraine is important.' This guy keeps changing his tune all the time, doesn't he? (laughs) Anyone who thinks that is below a level 3 Trump presidency proficiency. Please read the articles carefully.

Former President Trump never once said, "We'll give money to Ukraine." He only said, "Europe should contribute the same amount that America has already contributed to Ukraine." He's only referring to the money that has been provided in the past (in other words, the money the Biden administration has poured in). Even if he respects President Putin and maintains a friendly relationship with Russia, as a leader of a nation, let alone the President of the United States, he cannot simply disregard Ukraine. So, regarding the still undisclosed "secret technique to stop the Ukraine war in seconds," it's likely that (1) immediately cutting off support funds to Ukraine, (2) exposing those European countries making a fuss but not contributing any money (the betrayers), and bringing President Zelensky of Ukraine on board (convincing him of what he's really aiming for, being stirred up by those people), and (3) negotiating individually with President Putin, explaining that America has cut off support, so now it's time for a peace agreement, might be the plan.

Love him or hate him, during President Trump's time in office, there wasn't a single war. So, in this upcoming presidential election, if former President Trump wins, it's unclear whether the conflict will end within 24 hours, but there's a fairly high probability that the Ukraine war will come to a conclusion. If that happens, it's natural to think that without resorting to nuclear weapons and while preserving President Putin's dignity, we can avoid the Third World War, the nuclear warfare edition. However, what's not widely known except among some conspiracy theorists is that there's a suspicious shadow looming over the potential future President Trump.

3.The Black Swan of the U.S. Presidential Election

"It's like, isn't it normal analysis to think Trump would easily win as the top Republican candidate?" But here comes a new pandemic. Moreover, it's a pretty serious one. This is the avian influenza strain that has been warned about both in this article and elsewhere for its mortality rate, said to reach up to 50%.

Reference 12) Avian Influenza "H5N2 Type" Confirmed to Infect Humans for the First Time, WHO Announces

In the financial markets, the goddess of victory only has bangs, so once I've written the reasons, I won't incessantly repeat them (those who lack understanding don't deserve to win). However, pandemic risks are a matter directly related to the survival of humanity, including the readers of this article, so I'll write about them as many times as necessary.

Avian influenza is primarily maintained within birds, as their body temperature is generally around 40 degrees Celsius. Swine influenza, on the other hand, is maintained within pigs, whose body temperature is around 38 degrees Celsius. Human body temperature is around 36 degrees Celsius (on average), so it's been believed that the 4-degree difference has prevented avian influenza from extensively infecting humans (so far). However, remarkably, this time, the H5N2 strain of avian influenza has infected humans for the first time, with fatal cases occurring in Mexico... Yes, Mexico. You understand the significance, strategically and geographically, right? This seems like preparations are underway. Preparations for what happened during the presidential election, the groundwork for electoral fraud. And what's more, the route of infection is unknown. What's going on?

Reference 13) Contagion

For those who haven't seen this movie yet, it's a must-watch. It depicts a highly lethal influenza spreading rapidly across the world (with its epicenter in Hong Kong).

While the lethality of the virus itself is terrifying, given the experience with COVID-19, what's the current mood? Anyone who gets vaccinated is an idiot. You'll die if you get vaccinated. Your lifespan shortens if you get vaccinated. Vaccines and you are both idiots. Actually, everyone's an idiot. Isn't that the prevailing atmosphere? The groundwork has been laid perfectly, right? Now, if an influenza with an extremely high mortality rate like H5N1 or N2 were to spread worldwide in seconds, what would happen? Would you get vaccinated? Everyone. Probably, you'd think, "It's just like another cold, like COVID, lol." Right? You probably would, normally. But in reality, it's different. If you get infected, you have a 52% chance of dying.

Reference 14) WHO Expresses "Great Concern" over Human Infection with Avian Influenza, Referring to High Mortality Rate

The risks of earthquakes and missiles are clear and visible risks, including in the aforementioned articles, but the seriously dangerous, potentially fatal virus without a doubt is avian influenza. It's a serious issue when even the WHO is concerned about it. Regardless of whether the WHO is a puppet of China or not, I've been concerned about the groundwork being laid like this for a while now. The fact that the first deaths from the N2 strain occurred in Mexico, and right before the presidential election, is extremely worrisome. Huh? Does this timeline seem familiar from four years ago?

Reference 15) Two Years Since the "First Symptoms" in Wuhan: Discrepancies Between US and China Regarding the Origin

Just four years ago, in December, the world witnessed the first case of COVID-19, and suddenly the world came to a halt. The presidential election saw a significant increase in mail-in voting, leading to the unexpected defeat of President Trump due to mysterious charts. From there, as you all know, humanity marched towards an apocalypse with inflation, high prices, the invasion of Ukraine, and conflicts in the Middle East, all leading towards jihad.

Of course, there's a possibility that the cases in Mexico this time will end up being nothing serious. However, the military-industrial complex, I mean, the Democratic Party led by the Biden administration, must defeat President Trump by any means necessary to maintain power, as evidenced by their approach to the presidential election.

As seen in the current Ukraine crisis, wars are generally not accepted by public opinion except for a few who profit from them. But a pandemic, on the other hand, is a seriously lethal weapon that can stop the world immediately, without having to point fingers at anyone. It's inconceivable that adults would ignore such a convenient tool.

I'm not going as far as to entertain conspiracy theories about bird flu being a biological weapon from China or Russia, but the timing is certainly concerning. After all, the only leader capable of stopping a global nuclear war is President Putin, and the only one skilled enough to negotiate directly with him is former President Trump.

4.Anyway, the WHO's pandemic treaty is worrisome

It seems that in Japan, there are vibrant demonstrations opposing the WHO's pandemic treaty, which the Biden administration is poised to sign. This is seriously dangerous.

Reference 16) Why Opposition to the WHO's "Pandemic Treaty" Is Spreading... "The Contents of the Treaty Include Unthinkable Elements"

In essence, the WHO's pandemic treaty sends a strong message to participating countries and establishes a basic framework allowing for enhanced information control and vaccine promotion within nations. Some may be surprised and concerned, thinking, "Signing the WHO's pandemic treaty means mandatory vaccination!!!" To address this, I'll provide the original text posted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for those interested to review.

Reference 17) Negotiations on the so-called "Pandemic Treaty" (New Legal Document on Prevention, Preparedness, and Response (PPR) to Pandemics)


Indeed, reading the original text might give off a vibe of "Let's all work together and tackle the pandemic!" akin to a youthful adventure with a one-way ticket, but there's no return ticket included. In other words, once a country becomes a member, although there's no enforcement power, there seems to be significant pressure that can be exerted on the nations.

In reality, during the COVID-19 pandemic, while countries could theoretically set their own pandemic response measures, we witnessed periods lasting for years where fundamental human rights were not respected, with policies such as one-month quarantines, two-week quarantines, international travel restrictions, and requirements for vaccination for both leaving and entering a country.

If a country signs WHO's pandemic treaty, it's like saying, "Hey, you signed this, right?" Then they're practically bound hand and foot. If participating countries don't adhere to WHO's public health standards as dictated, they might be forced to comply with directives like, "Hey, you've got a presidential election going on, but it's dangerous to go out now, so everyone must vote by mail (or online)," and so on.

It's no secret that WHO is closely aligned with China, and strangely enough, China is classified as a developing country within WHO. With such nonsensical treaties being negotiated, it's no wonder that the confirmation of avian influenza (H5N2) in Mexico, or the potential arrival of dengue fever, or perhaps something even more serious, is causing concern. It might be prudent to consider this as the black swan preparing to land in the bullpen for the upcoming presidential election... This discussion, touching on international affairs after a long hiatus, highlights the imminent risks: the use of nuclear weapons by Russia and the pandemic risk. These factors seem to be brewing as the third indicator that could unsettle the financial markets.

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