

厄介な時代になったものだ。1995年にマイクロソフト社のWindows 95がパーソナルコンピュータのオペレーティングシステム(OS)として爆発的に普及し,社会における人間行動の基本様式を変えてしまった。


 こうして,アナログ的にではあるが,マニュアルに落とし込まれた定型業務の数々は,約20年~25年という長い時間を掛けてデジタル化に移行され,定型業務のRPA(Robotic Process Automation,ロボティック・プロセス・オートメーション)化が導入されるようになった。RPA化とは,たとえば,Excelのマクロ機能を活用して,人間が行う処理操作手順を登録しておけば,その通りに正確に業務が遂行できるような機能であり,人間に代わって業務を執り行うようになってきた。



Automation of Routine Tasks with RPA and AI Integration for Routine and Non-Routine Tasks:June 15th (Saturday)

We have indeed entered a troublesome era. In 1995, Microsoft's Windows 95 saw explosive adoption as an operating system for personal computers, fundamentally changing the basic patterns of human behavior in society.

Initially, after PCs became widespread, their primary functions included basic arithmetic, chart creation, video production, and document creation. These functions replaced the traditional analog manual tasks performed by humans, greatly increasing efficiency and rapidly boosting labor productivity.

Over approximately 20 to 25 years, numerous routine tasks that had been manually documented were digitized in an analog manner, leading to the introduction of RPA (Robotic Process Automation). RPA involves, for example, using Excel's macro functions to register the processing procedures carried out by humans, ensuring that tasks are performed accurately as per those procedures. Thus, tasks began to be performed by machines instead of humans.

However, many traditional RPA systems could not handle non-routine tasks, which required different judgments for each process or had varying procedures every time. Last year marked a turning point (it is expected that this will be recognized as such historically), with rapid advancements in cognitive technologies equipped with generative AI and machine learning capabilities. These technologies began to replace human labor in both routine and non-routine tasks, and in some cases, even surpassed human performance.

As generative AI comes to dominate society, the complexity and diversity characteristic of humans will gradually disappear, making it increasingly difficult to navigate this new era.
