難病になってしまった父親と息子の野球を通じた友情を描いています③ 英訳

“My dad and I”

The reflection of the sun light from the steel part of the wheelchair narrowed my eyes.

My dad’s skinny and white feet had reddened a bit in the summer heat. He had no strength to support his once an 83 kilogram body.

The muscle of his legs might’ve fit his standardized body weight because of the food in the hospital.

It might’ve been better for me to drive to the batting center.

His occupation was private taxi driver. He had to close his business as he got physically disabled.

I remember the day his driver’s license was expired, when he looked sad watching his license on the hospital bed.

20-year-old I paid mind to him.

But you know having said that...I actually just wanted to remember the days my dad and I had the same goal.

When I was a elementary school student, I loved to play catch and hit balls my dad tossed to me.

Of course, I wanted to be a professional baseball player.

Yes... the friendship of the men who progressed toward the same goal.

The hardship of going to the batting center with my dad in the relentless summer heat no matter what. I just wanted to do the same thing like old days.

My dad’s days are numbered.

We were making our way to the batting center as I thought this could be a good memory of my dad and I after all.

As we were crossing the Heiwa bridge, the surface of the river was shining.

The same goal my dad and I are aiming for.

I felt we were embraced with the light for the first time in a while.
