






エッセイ1 「動物主義の戒律がどのように変わっていくか書きなさい」(機械翻訳)



最初の大きな変化は、ブタたちが戒律に違反する農家に引っ越すことを決めたときに起こった。第6章26ページで、ブタたちは農場で重要な仕事をしているのだから、農家に引っ越すべきだと決めた。クローバーとミュリエルは、戒律の一つが 「いかなる動物もシーツのあるベッドで寝てはならない 」に変更されていることを発見した。ブタたちはすぐに、毎朝1時間余分に寝るべきだと主張し、平等の戒律に違反した。ブタが戒律に違反した後も、戒律は何年もかけて改正され続けた。第8章では、「いかなる動物も他の動物を殺してはならない 」が、「理由なく 」と修正されている。第8章の後半、41ページで、ブタはウィスキーのケースを見つけ、それを飲む。他の動物たちはこの行動をルール違反として非難した。ブタたちは第五戒を 「いかなる動物も酒を過度に飲んではならない 」に変更することにした。豚は太って怠け者になり、やがて二足歩行を始める。彼らはルールを守っているふりをするという口実を完全にやめ、最後の戒律を 「すべての動物は平等であるが、ある動物は他の動物よりも平等である 」と変えた。



Essay 1. 「動物主義の戒律がどのように変わっていくか書きなさい」(原文)

George Orwell's "Animal Farm" is a fascinating allegorical story that demonstrates the corruption of power through the lens of a group of farm animals that revolt against their human leader, Mr. Jones, and create their own democratic, just society. The Seven Commandments, which were first formed by the pigs as a set of rules to govern the new society, are crucial to this story. But as the story goes on, these rules experience little but major changes that represent the pigs' gradual slide into dictatorship and their exploitation of ideologies for personal benefit.

When the animals gain control of the farm, the pigs and others agree on a set of Seven Commandments that they wrote on the wall. The commandments were the principles of Animalism, and protected each individual and strived to maintain equality between them all. As the months and years passed, and labor continued on the farm, these commandments gradually changed because the pigs were hypocritical in living up to the principles to which they held the other animals. There are several examples of these changes occurring throughout the years. 

The first major change occurred when the pigs decided to move into the farmhouse, which violated the commandments. In Chapter 6 on page 26, the pigs decided that because they are doing the important work on the farm, they should move into the farmhouse. Clover and Muriel found that one of the commandments had been changed to “no animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets.” The pigs soon after violated the equality commandment by arguing that they ought to get to sleep an extra hour each morning. Over the years, the commandments kept getting amended after the pigs had violated them. In Chapter 8, we see the “No animal shall kill any other animal,” get amended to include, “without cause.” Later in Chapter 8, on page 41, the pigs find a case of whisky and they drink it. The other animals condemned this behavior as a violation of their rules. The pigs decided to change the Fifth Commandment to “No Animal Shall Drink Alcohol to Excess.” The pigs become fat and lazy, and eventually start walking on two legs. They completely ended the pretext of pretending they are following the rules, and changed the final commandment to “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” 

The motivation of the pigs is to continue updating the commandments so that they can have the advantage. They organized and led the rebellion against Manor Farm, and because of this leadership, from the beginning they thought that they were better than the other animals. The pigs also take advantage of the fact that they are smarter than the other animals and use this to manipulate them. Throughout the months and seasons of this growing betrayal and manipulation, the other animals at first react with confusion, and this eventually turns to anger and feelings of being betrayed. 

To conclude, the changes made to the Seven Commandments in "Animal Farm" demonstrate how the pigs have used ideology to support their own self-interests and establish dominance. These changes act as a cautionary tale about the dangers of unlimited authority and the tainting of revolutionary ideals. Orwell deftly illustrates the harmful effects of dictatorship and the ease with which noble goals may be corrupted for selfish advantage through the lens of the commandments.







ブタが独裁者へと変貌する最も顕著な例は、第10章52ページで、ブタが他の動物たちと平等であるという建前を捨て、壁に戒律を書く場面である: 「すべての動物は平等であるが、ある動物は他の動物よりも、もっと平等である。」





Essay 2. 「リーダーシップと独裁者の違いについて書きなさい」(原文)

The principles of dictatorship and leadership are thoroughly examined in George Orwell's "Animal Farm," demonstrating the complexity of power and influence within an organization. The book explores the concept that people could use their power to win people around to their cause, whether it be for selfless goals or selfish objectives. But Orwell also draws attention to the thin line that separates dictatorship from leadership and demonstrates how improper use of authority may result in oppression and tyranny.

“For better or worse, one or more people can use influence so that others aid and support them.” This is an idea that captures a positive meaning of the word influence. I think that someone can use influence in both a positive or negative way. Someone could inspire another through leadership, and alternatively, they could manipulate another to do something immoral. Leadership requires many qualities, from charm, good speaking, and maybe at times bravery. It also requires good moral character, because as a leader’s influence grows, so too does his or her opportunity to do bad. There are many examples of influential leaders growing powerful, and over time, transforming into dictators. It is important to differentiate between the two. 

The differences between leadership and dictatorship are small but meaningful. Leadership is an ability to organize and lead, to demonstrate influence, direct, to implement plans, and motivate people to do things. Dictators often try to do similar things, but they have fewer or even no limitations on their power. A dictator will keep a close inner circle of loyal followers, and manipulate them. Dictators often have strong power over their followers, and the followers have little or no choice but to do what a dictator says. Leaders, in contrast, are more beholden to people and need to consider what they want. There are interesting examples in George Orwell’s Animal Farm, where characters show leadership qualities, and then transform into dictators. 

In the first chapter of Animal Farm, the animals are all gathered to listen to a speech about how they are lied to and made to work hard on behalf of human beings, who exploit them. Upon giving this speech, *there was a tremendous uproar.” A few lines later, the animals are asked to take a vote. This use of charm and including everyone in decisions is a good example of how the pigs gain influence through leadership. 

Over the course of the story, this leadership transforms into dictatorship. 

The most striking example of the pigs transformation into dictators was in Chapter Ten, on page 52, when the pigs give up the pretense of being equal to the other animals, and write the commandment on the wall: “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

Furthermore, there are more examples of dictatorship in this book. In chapter 8, during a meeting where Napoleon justifies his decision-making to the other animals, Napoleon says,

"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?" 

This quote exemplifies Napoleon's distortion of truth and manipulation of language to maintain control over the other animals, erasing their memories of past freedoms and convincing them that his dictatorship is for their own benefit.

To conclude, these quotes from "Animal Farm" highlight how dictatorship gradually replaced democratic leadership under Napoleon's reign, undermining democracy, solidarity, and group decision-making in favor of dictatorship, exploitation, and tyranny.




学校生活は社会生活の予行練習という側面があります。社会について客観的批判的に考えることができるようになる言語活動(今回のケースではクリティカル・エッセイ、critical essay)を日本の公立学校でも行って欲しいと思うのでした。
