神田明神奉納歌舞 English lyrics
28th Nov 2020 @KANDAMYOUJIN shrine
Enshrine god : Ôkuninushi, Sukuna-bikona
"These unlearned children"
A voice from afar
calling me
A white hand inviting me
Ancient words written
upon an antique book
O light indwell
these unlearned children
A voice from afar
calling me
A white hand inviting me
Gods who we didn't see yet
dwell hither and yon
O light indwell
all things of this world
This world above the sand melts in the winds
and screams love as it falls
O light indwell
these unlearned children
As they pray in the darkness
"Gods names"
Susano and Princess Kushinada gave a birth
to the master of eight islands god
Susano and Princess Kamu-Oichi gave births
to the rice field god and the food god
The master of eight islands god and Princess young cherry blossom gave a birth
to the master of FUHA area god
The master of FUHA area and Princess HIKAWA area gave a birth
to the queen master of FUKAFUCHI area god
The queen master of FUKAFUCHI and the big market god gave a birth
to the big water god
The big water god and the unknown god, FUTEMIMI gave a birth
to the celestial cloth god*
The celestial cloth god and Princess SASHIKUNI area gave a birth
to Ôkuninushi, the big country god
The other name of Ôkuninushi
is Ônamuchi, means has majestic name
The other name of Ônamuchi
is Ashihara-Shikoo, means has heroic face
The other name of Ashihara-Shikoo
is Yachihoko, means has so many weapon
The other name of Yachihoko
is Utsushi-Kunitama, means the master of the dead land
The god having five names is Ôkuninushi
The name of this god, "Ame-no-FUYUGINU" has different meaning.
"The song of Ôkuninushi and the white rabbit of Inaba"
Numerous gods have arrived to meet the rabbit
Its fur was red with scars
It was about to die
“Having bathed in the tide you can be exposed to the winds
Only then would you become what were you before”
The rabbit suffered too much
Its skin cracked and it cried of pain
Okuninushi then appeared
He had shouldered other gods’ belongings
The rabbit told Okuninushi about the island of Oki
how it had deceived the shark and rivaled with it
“I have feigned to count my many relatives
and crossed islands one by one
The wrath of the shark appeared on its bared fangs
and I all lost my fur”
Okuninushi saved the rabbit
Healed it and restored its fur
The rabbit retrieved its whiteness
This became the famous story of the white rabbit of Inaba
The beautiful Princess Yagami had befriended the rabbit
As a husband she chose Okuninushi
The other gods felt irritated and conspired against him
They lit fire to a boulder
They lied "that is the boar"
and threw this burning stone upon Okuninushi to kill him
Okuninushi died killed by his older brothers
His mother bewailed him and prayed to the celestial gods
The prayer worked
The red shell princesses Kisagaki and Umugi brought him back to life
Afterwards the other gods tried
to kill Okuninushi once more but he always revived
This god is so strong yet so weak
The mysterious Okuninushi now rules the country
"I am merely a woman"
~The song of the princess Suseri, the Ôkuninushi's wedded wife~
Yachihoko, my dear Ôkuninushi
Ôkuninushi, my dear love
I am strong only the outside
I am strong until I collapse
As I sleep alone the night grows Heavy darkness
I become used to loneliness My heart hardens
I am merely a woman Thou art my sole man
I am merely a woman Thou art my sole husband
Light snow is melting in my white breast
O embrace and cherish me embrace and cherish me
Please say that I am your wife
You are my only man
Thou art my sole man
you are the only one
"The song of the Ôkuninushi's making the country"
Embarking upon a tiny flower boat
A butterfly was deprived of its wings
to serve and clothe for a coming god
Never would he respond as one asked his name
Other gods have asked to attendant god
they remained ignorant
Taniguku spake
"Ask the god of scarecrows"
They asked him and he responded
"the child of Kami-musuhi, one of mighty three gods, Sukuna-bikona"
Kami-musuhi spake as follow
"Sukuna-bikona is my real son"
These gods, Okuninushi and Sukuna-bikona
make a country and strengthen its foundations