
アムステルダム国立美術館所蔵のバッグの作り方を見つけた話 (2)

今日は、前回のnoteでお知らせした通り、1823年発行のオランダの月刊婦人誌Penélopé からpurse(小さなバッグ)の作り方の部分の英訳を紹介します。

このpurseはアムステルダム国立美術館 (以下ライクス)所蔵、1825年頃制作というpurse と類似点がとても多く、発行年と制作年を考えあわせると、ライクスのpurseを作るにあたって参照された可能性が高いと考えられるもの。











”Purse , anonymous, c. 1825 crocheting, l 9cm × w 5.4cm × h 2cm” (前回のnoteにこのあたりは書きましたが、crocheting ではないと思います)


purseの作り方が掲載されているPenélopéは こちらのリンクから。

"Penélopé, of maandwerk aan het vrouwelijk geslacht toegewijd" (1823)

Google Booksより



A Purse in the Shape of a Pineapple**

1. 型、パターンの準備

(1) 木型→ボール紙の型紙を円筒形に→格子状に線を引いた白い紙のパターンを用意する 

As this purse will have to be made on a cardboard cylinder, we will start with a description of how to make this, as we owe this to our readers who are still waiting for information on how to make cylinder-shaped or round boxes.

Just as with the square ones, one ought to have a shape or mould of smooth hard wood, which one should acquire from a wood turner and request for the mark in the center to remain.

(The height for the shape should be 1 palm (10 cm) 4 duim (4 cm), and the center line ought to be 7 duimen (7 cm.)

One should cut a piece of cardboard slightly larger than the shape, bend it around the cylinder, glue it together…. Tie a ribbon around it and leave to dry. (p. 7)

For making a purse, one takes a piece of white paper, similar height as the shape, but slightly wider allowing it to be glued together.

Draw 14 lines at equal distances from top to bottom (which works out as c. 1,5 duim (1,5 cm) apart); next draw 9 horizontal lines.

Now you have 126 intersections, being points where the lines cross or cut each other.

(2) 格子状に線をひいたパターンを円筒形のボール紙の型紙に糊付けし、線が交差したところに穴を開ける 

Next glue this paper on the cardboard cylinder, the seam of the paper being on the opposite side from the one of the cardboard, glue around at the top and bottom, for safety and decoration, a coloured paper, and leave to dry, after which one punches each point with a sharp awl. The shape is ready now.

(p. 8) [Instructions for use with children, not translated]


2. 作り方

(1) 1段目 線にあわせて横方向に糸を留め付けていく

One can now start making the purse, for which one uses two differently coloured ‘knotting thread’: put a double silk thread around the top of the roll, over the first row of holes, attaching it as follows. 

Holding the thread around the cylinder, use another thread and needle to prick through one of the holes from the inside out, prick back again through the same hole, but by covering the other thread, which is caught in between. This is repeated with the second and the next holes, until one has come full circle. 

(2) 2段目からビーズを通した糸を横方向につけていく (最終段は1段目と同じくビーズはつけません)

Next, one threads 98 steel beads onto the darkest of the two coloured threads, attach it with one end to the top thread, bend this thread down in the left hand onto the first line and hold it over the first hole with your thumb, while one slings the thread with the right hand around the cylinder (parallel to the first attached thread), and pick this through the thread that is kept under the thumb, attaching it and continue until one reaches the bottom, where the thread is fixed just as at the top. 

Before starting each round, make sure to thread 14 steel beads onto the thread, which are, when all threads are tightened, placed each in one hole: (p. 9) only on the thread of the top and the bottom there are no beads. 

(3) 縦糸と斜め糸を渡す

Next, one crisscrosses again from top to bottom, always with the beads at the left hand side; one pricks in the bottom row to attach the thread, than moves one hole on and back up again. Finally one crosses again diagonally from the right- and left hand side, thus creating fig. A (p. 10) with each bead in the center of 8 threads. 


(4) 渡した糸に装飾糸をからめていく(ribbed spider's web stitch)

Next to start sewing, a thread of ½ an el (1,5 m) is threaded in a long, thin pointed needle, and with this under thread 1 (which is the thread with the beads) one pricks and pulls the thread almost completely through, and keeping the small end under the thumb of the left hand, one pricks from the inside out into thread 1; turning the cylinder slightly, and pricks under thread 2, and under thread 3 etc. (…) pulling all tightly, and while pulling (p.10)
the thread opposite a steel bead, hold it in such a manner, that while lifting thread 1, one points the thread towards 5 etc. The thread of the attachment is added for 3 to 4 rounds, and then cut. 

3. 仕上げ 

When the spinnetje [a stitch resembling a spider] has finished, prick from the circumference to the centre, between the sides, and cut the thread. This is slightly visible, but as the purse is made inside out, it doesn’t matter. 

One has to take great care, while adjusting the tension, as well as while making the spinnetjes, to pull everything very tight, and particularly with the latter, allowing the steel bead to be covered, and lowered into the designated hole; whereby it becomes more visible on the outside. (…)

The top and bottom edge are festooned, after which one cuts the threads on the inside, takes the purse from the cylinder and turns it inside out…. (p.11)






また、今後、このpurseについてのツイッター(こちらを利用することの方が多いです)やInstagramのポストには #penelope1824purse のタグをつけます。作ってくださる方も、作成途中、完成したpurse、その他を投稿される時、よかったら使ってくださいね!

Twitter doily @nunomaniac

Instagram @crochetbullion 

では、どなたかが作り始められるのを楽しみにしています! (私は作り始められるの10月半ば以降になりますが、がんばる!)
